Nn had frgat some pictures up on my on my rig construction. S I start a thread about my pbyggande "steadicam". amo This is a great rig with vst and arm I have frskt build together. It has taken a long time but soon is it frdigt. amo I keep on writing a book about it also, with all detljer. So, here we go:
Alexdstore Join Date Nov 2009 Location Sdertlje Inlgg 56 Karma 0
Very neat! impressive and gshudsgenerande for another who works with metal. I r sjlv toolmakers plus CNC techniques and gr similar jobs, look to my great joy that you control your frsmaskin with Heidenhain control systems, my clear favorite with finn esses "contour programming," See my blog: http://cncbloggen.se/ It will be exciting to see fortsttningen :-) Thank you for putting the pictures Ti!
Thank you all. Quantum, I can not sga directly from that I have hal p vldigt longer o have had many who have hjlpt me during a 3-4 rs periods. I are required to sit orknar up the money that I have Igt out. Alexdstore. I think you think it is I who have done the job, but I wish it was me ... It vrngra service facilities amo and a buddy who has hjlpte me with frsning. We work together with the drawings in CAD in order to receive amo the parts together. Not so easy but a thousand times better n to draw by hand. Have wrote a few bocker ohlla p with the latest. See lnken: http://www.homebuiltstabilizers.com/salebannerpage.html A few images on current slden:
Very impressive and what patience you have!
I have tv queries. Gimbalen in these bda project, is the X, Y axis only or do you also point Z Variable? Fljdfrga d I utifrn images appearing Z point s utgr I ifrn that it does not and wonder if d Z point simply is verfldig?
Hi Andrew. Everything good? It was a while ago. Gimbalen gonna work at all 'axis' Pan, Tilt & Roll. Bde in the current design and old design. The old rigs are not left behind. They have me thrown. The new design glla.
Fortsttning about my build. Soon, it is clear ... First image is the one that is standard with 2 batteries feature: Bde components are integrated, they may be swapped at any time. And complete slden:
Man rnstan clearly with the construction. Hr r slden the module. It can take three batteries in total but only if the requirement movie camera. Annan r only 2 batteries that apply. During amo the module can be set up on many olikor ways for fit operatrs behov.Hela during module can tune fr adjust the weight. Other configurations will be posted later. I have also stt them olikor contacts that one would need. Taken 2 contacts then it is just to connect all wires.
Tue Junior Member Join Date Sep 2003 Location Falun Inlgg 170 Karma 11
what does it cost to f SUCH utfrsta things to themselves? I keeps on with another project, and would behva few custom stuff. Wondering what prices can tnkas lie p Everything is p .. I knner to people and some r snlla that Allocating amo down the job for a certain coin or l, or simply a good deal. They might work gr No they fit. No it does not get much work, Hence. I have HLL p vldigt longer and it can feels as far trkigt to await for that have a low thing done. But that said, if money is no problem s can you fr all bits within a certain period. A week, or television. it all depends on your design. The time cost and if there is not so much to make, srskild over the dliga financial crisis d can tjnar on it amply. What keep you p with if I fr frga? R is a steadicam or NNT?
well, no steadicam. How gr man with drawings etc. Are required to be make them sjlv in smth CAD program, for to frsen should know how to make, or how does it work dr really? Would be nice if you could describe from id to frdig part, what it goes to.
There are many ways to make it p From a paper drawing, you can enter the coordinates right into the machine, which is tidsdande and easily becomes fel.P some more advanced pieces is not possible. or Draw whole sammanstllningen, all parts of a 3d cad program, where one can deposit them together and see how it rr saithe and so on. No one rnjd with the design takes into stuff for a Cam program where one lgger frsbanor p models, drfter generated a NC code via a post processor that verse tter to r tt maskinsprk which it then sends to the machine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eatEcxzLdos
what does it cost to f SUCH utfrsta things to themselves? I keeps on with another amo project, and would behva few custom stuff. Wondering what prices can tnkas lie p I can make 3-axis in frs. Even turning. Normal 500 - per hour. But imn of time and depending how much you can frbereda sjlv the price will be lower. Describe your details amo s can I narrow down pricet better.
Hi Hummel. All good. BTW, send me your e-mail, are you snll-I might have a little job for you but I need a quo
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