Monday, January 27, 2014

A Fheirstigh, I am satisfied with the outcome of the Great Dáil today. But you know, I am of the op

Three measures 'historic' north in one day English language, news, iGaeilge
It emerged that paraimilitigh loyalist groups - prostitutes drongadóirí piompaí drugs as long as I am concerned, briogaideoirí as they give of themselves - some have put their weapons useless. Historical.
In the High Court, a decision was made that determined the need for the journalist, Suzanne Breen, a part of the interviews she conducted with members of the Real IRA on its activities to the PSNI. Important birth, according to some, this is to ensure that the press is suppressed, fully, for another turn.
And, then, 'under cliche the radar', if you will, caught the BBC apologized for that person by the little station correspondents polatúla the language of the speech MEP election, Barbara Brown, and is celebrating his victory in the election beginning of the week. While she was speaking in Irish, of the sound reduced and he continued cliche to speak in English. When a community has complained about this, they received a letter of apology from the BBC refuse cliche to apologize because the letter of complaint was Irish. Seafóide story could not invent.
But today - or yesterday - caught the BBC apologize for this. Historical. I suspect that not happened ever before. However, the test now is whether a change in attitude on the future broadcaster.
I remember David Trimble, you remember it, talk to tarcaisniúil and interviewed by over use of the word historic. Have meaning cliche to what he says. At the same time, my opinion is that the BBC apologize as important or more important than the other two things I mentioned.
And before dearúd bake on, fair play to the Sinn Féin put pressure on the BBC on the issue. I wonder is they did not speak to the BBC to apologize that the broadcaster, as I gave a challenge to the party, and that is the reason why they pushed the issue effectively, the request This, or the attitude of the party towards the Irish language and Irish community demands an increasingly positive and active. But it leads to even acknowledge. The next task: giving broadcasters the BBC, are not broadcasting in Irish, Irish pronouncing names correctly, as dheinfídís with names in other languages.
choncubhair a friend who would not put too emphasis on the BBC.Tá apologize all those at junctions excuse for this final lives. I'm not the age of the "MEA CULPA" given to the period when scríobh.An be the Catholic Church's history, the southern government, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, almost all members of the British Parliament and now the BBC. in the name of God that gave choncubhair not even Tony Blair apologize for the FAMINE crime in Ireland. I am a serious amaoineamh to apologize to the Irish people is not my hair on my mhaol.Gabh cliche apologize for being so boring MEA this opinion that the more days we will hear from the UVF SORRY for all the damage made them over the years?
I agree with James. It is good and it is time, but I do not think that the word "HISTORICAL" to him. When a great number of programming language is set to put out on the BBC every day, then we may say that historical measure.
Given the least progress made by the Irish in the BBC - than on the edge - it's 'historic' sufficiently satisfied that the broadcaster to apologize. But I do not want to go overboard with the praise - although it runs the Irish I have pressed heavily suppressed by RTE broadcaster is obliged to promote and never was sorry about. Will require a significant step forward - and I suspect that this is it. But it is a step in the right direction. Now the pressure must be tightened to ensure that the movement forward.
For information, many complaints were entered, the first email was brought cliche to my attention this themselves from Paul Deeds, cliche in Bridge. Many others did and put Janet in Public complaint to the BBC heads for us when we did not get a satisfactory response from the community cliche respondents in the BBC complaints.
A Fheirstigh, I am satisfied with the outcome of the Great Dáil today. But you know, I am of the opinion that much important now eliminate cliche Comhaltas Uladh, and the contract should be developed as a national organization. The only chance was at the Union must do well to take the lead by extending the time of the Good Friday cliche Agreement and the Ulster whole community to pull together cliche the issue of language across the Province. But, instead, left the floor at his dream He Chontaethacht

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