In Nemirovsky TSRB the regular meeting of literary and artistic club "Well," to which were invited several talented families. royalty free images It is a pity that heard and saw the property was only those who came that day to the reading room, because the level of skill of the artists that submitted their portfolio was relatively high.
Among these teachers poet and satirist Mikhail Drabovich and his daughter Olga Sichkar engaged in crafts and photography, poet and historian-researcher Sergey bend and his wife Olga, who creates amazing pictures with natural materials. These two families are under one roof Nemirovsky College of Engineering and Architecture, but each has a unique talent.
Michael royalty free images P. writes humoresques, included in the book "I laugh or cry, and one must live." royalty free images The educational material that students learn is difficult, it takes them a humorous miniatures. It is in this way young people remember it easily, so there is no training royalty free images no trouble. Subject humoresques Michael Drabovich diverse and reflects all aspects of human life, helps to survive in this difficult world.
His daughter Olga, who has his own family royalty free images and is now on maternity leave to care for their daughter Kira, with the household chores is time to take pictures and embroider. The highlight of the collection - embroidered metrics and pads for needles, handbags and jewelry boxes, and a number of other lovely little things without which life would be drab and mundane. Photos are who visited not in one place, show unambiguous: Olga Sichkar royalty free images - brilliant artist who paints ... camera lens.
In mud baths with special thrill watching unique family tandem Zahniyiv. Sergiy, like his grandfather Gregory, draws. Even human hair. He wrote poems on the Internet has created its own website "Spornыe facts", which became the leader in the number of visits, that is, he is one of naychytabelnishyh sites. Two diplomas with honors Vinnitsa Polytechnic gave Sergei Anatolyevych piece of bread and respect in baths, because everyone knows him as a computer genius.
His Olga - a keeper in the full sense of the word. All the holidays - Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, birthdays, wedding day they turn to the real action, where every detail is thought out, from gifts to each other and friends, made his own, completing themed tableware and rare dishes. By the way, this year Olya baked cake recipe for Princess Mary Scherbatova transmitted by inheritance from her grandmother husband. royalty free images At home hostess created comfort that emanates from her paintings made from sand, stones, rakushok, royalty free images glass, eggshell, and sometimes even with that we made haste to throw out the trash. Products of their hands it give away to friends and family, and more - to the students, which also teaches the beautiful, teaches never lose opportunities to share with neighbors that will comfort and warm.
Another talented family visited session on "well" - a nine-bratslavchanka Kate pellet, which already has its own poetry collection entitled "Seed". Books rozdaruvala family and friends, and even brought in their children's home of the Holy Ascension Monastery Banchensky that in Bukovina. And gave the kids their toys, thus feeling the joy that can be felt only when you hurt someone else divides. royalty free images
About this girl knows not only presented in, but the whole Ukraine. She wrote patriotic poems, filled with pain for his native land, where now there is a war. Visited the Square, where the ruins of the barricades, imbued with human breed, read his portfolio of Heavenly Hundred killed Ukraine and the power that deceived his people.
Creative endeavors daughter Oksana support parents and Vsevolod, who Triplet babies, and Katyusha - the oldest among them. They created all the conditions for intellectual and creative development daughters and son enjoying the first results of parenting, what, in fact, serve as an example for those parents who have young children.
The final chord of literary and artistic meeting were verses another teacher Nemirovsky College Marina Dovbnya, who heads the creative Club "Chrysostom". To improve his skills, he laid his Vichy to the Internet and to each dosluhovuyetsya tips to express in their comments from readers. royalty free images All Marynyn poems with colorful melodies, as well as asking for notes, and more - deserve poetry collection that at the time.
Opening session of the "Wells" Svetlana Vadymivna Slyusarchuk, who heads this literary and artistic associations stressed that all talented family - happy because every day is filled with such people anxiety, empathy, enthusiasm, desire to live, create and give thanks royalty free images for talent God. This, believe me, not everyone obeys.
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