For a long time they decide to write this article. Like you, the readers of this site, I also consider animal lover. Although each of us perceive the term "animal lover" otherwise, I dare say that I am among the orthodox ygopro leaders of this term. My love for living creatures came into a situation where not distinguish between Suckling Pig or dog, a cat or a calf or between a chicken and a parrot. All living creatures are closer to me than the majority population. Yes, you guessed it, I'm a vegetarian. I'm not a militant vegetarian, I can share a table in a restaurant with friends "Meat eaters" ygopro and also know that in the eyes of vegans'll most likely portrayed as a hypocrite. Vegans are these things even further and have my respect, he's (hopefully not) I can not. But I'm not here to discuss the question of vege diet, only as an introduction, I consider it necessary to emphasize my ethical reasons why I consider myself an animal lover.
The real reason of this article is to my certain degree of sensitivity and empathy, which does not permit ygopro me to go just hurting, whether conscious or unconscious, animal owners due to ignorance. On social networks, ygopro which are largely ygopro move, I noticed more and more widespread ygopro abuses, and to take photos of pets with flash. I have nothing against exceptional cases parrot photos with your family, when a parrot distance from the camera / flash and is often exposed to such a shooting. This is an exception, while almost become the rule photos when flash is being battered parrot owners literally ygopro ten centimeters. Why is shooting with flash bad
Leaving for a moment the animal kingdom and devote our attention to the human species. Each of us probably ever intentionally or accidentally seen how it affects us camera flash when we do not expect it. Surely we can agree that this is at least unpleasant, often stressful. The shorter ygopro the time you do not see at all, then you see the so-called. Flashing lights. The vision we returned after a few minutes. Still, we are talking ygopro about (as opposed ygopro to animals) not as sensitive to the human eye. For a moment, turn and come back to me. One of my friends is also a model. I do not mean the girl who once in a lifetime appeal to a local photographer and his portraits pseudouměleckými overwhelm Facebook. I have fun example. Finalistce Miss on or about girls fotících for a truly prestigious brand usually outside the Czech Republic. Why mention it? Over the pitfalls of their profession often considered outside the "living in a hotel" and vision problems, respectively. problems such as inflammation of the eyes, etc.. due to gaze into the camera's flash.
Back to parrots and other pets. Problem parrots is that as well as other animals have eyes much more sensitive than the human. Another problem is their curiosity and almost continuous eye contact. Parrot does not know what's the interesting thing that keeps him interested and moreover, that "in the" see (glass lens flare). And what makes his owner? Waits parrot best Sharpen eyesight and "reward" ygopro him full power flash crowds in the eye. Animals are like humans and it can withstand some better, others worse. In most cases, nothing happens. Although Parrot can talk, but you probably will not tell you blockhead. He will not tell you or it was not pleasant for him. Parrot for some time absorbed flash, wondering what had happened, looking around and trying to sharpen, that stretches pupils. For the owner of a clear message: "... still not enough! Clicks it again! "That parrot is still" ygopro living "is the owner clear evidence that torture does not take place, no one, nothing happens and go with a photo on Facebook.
Let me be the last to return to him. I know good from bad pictures as reliable as the photographer know from "chattering". And the second is 99% of the owners of parrots. No, I do not despise them. The problem I see rather in their awareness. That can not fix the car does not mean that I can not ride with him. What about the car but I need to know is that it needs to operate some liquid that management must have proof that the path must respect the rules, and so on. And the same applies to photography. Photo taken with a mobile phone or camera flash for 15,000 crowns will constantly bad picture, if that does not "know what he's doing." As you know, we were doing a "do ygopro not know what you're doing?" If you on the above mentioned machine, there is only one button having it trigger operation and taking pictures of the "Auto" or "Auto program", you do not know what you're doing. ygopro In this case, you pay for one fundamental precept: "Photo shoot with flash will invariably bad." It does not matter if it is for your son or biannual if it says parrot, it does not matter if you received the photo (from the same affected individuals) to a million Facebook ygopro "Likes", deal with it, that picture is bad. Yes, it's cruel but it simply is. If you still do not believe me, go through these features photos that clearly define the category "clicker amateur maltreating pets":
Absolute first loss of color - likely
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