Monday, February 17, 2014

I think it is easier to achieve ambitious dream, I know this sounds like nonsense. Since no one can

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Original Address: Google co-founder dsr Larry Page (Larry Page) graduation speech at the University of Michigan (2009) Author: Chang magistrate
[转载]谷歌联合创始人拉里•佩奇(Larry  Page)在密歇根大学毕业 The following is the speech:
A long time ago, in September 1962, this campus has a company called Steven consumer cooperatives. The cooperative has a kitchen, student volunteers every decade or so to clean the kitchen top. Leah named Gloria had had a bit of female students, climbed a tall ladder, efforts to clean dirty ceiling, on the floor stood a man named Carl boarders, he looked at the girl admiration, which They are the first meeting. They are my parents. I think you would think I was the kitchen, "chemistry experiment" is a direct result of, right here, the University of Michigan. My mother with us today, we should go find them at the meet, and a plaque embedded in the ceiling, engraved "Thanks Dad, Mom!"
My grandfather Chevrolet plant in Flint, Michigan job, he is a worker dsr on the assembly line. He drove with his two children to come here and tell them: This is your future dsr to the university. dsr His two children are graduating from the University dsr of Michigan, which is the "American Dream." His daughter, dsr Beverly, and today we are together. My grandmother often carrying a big hammer, when workers staged dsr a sit-in order to protect themselves. When I was little, I would use that big hammer to hit the stumps on the ground or something. Now people no longer need a big guy carrying a bulky protecting themselves, which is good. But today, in case a situation, anyway, I took it to a.
When I was 23 years old, I would have done such a dream. I suddenly woke up, I think: If I could download the entire dsr Internet, just save the link ...... dsr I grabbed dsr a pen and began to write, and sometimes it is very important to wake up from a dream. I spent a midnight time depicting the details and make sure it all as. Shortly after, I told my mentor, Terry Winter Nograd (Terry Winograd), takes two weeks to download the entire network, then he nodded dsr his head, in fact, he is fully aware takes longer, dsr but he very wise, and did not tell me. Optimism of youth is often underestimated! Surprisingly, I do not intend to create a search engine. This concept did not even enter my mind. But then, I suddenly thought dsr of a better way to sort pages to form a real search engine dsr Google when I go to school at the University of Michigan, the teacher teaches how my dream come true. I know it sounds funny, but I got the inspiration from a training program called Leadership in growth. The project's slogan is "impossible to ignore." This project dsr inspired me to pursue a crazy idea: I want to build a personal rapid transit system in lieu of the bus on campus. dsr This is the way to solve this in the future of our transportation problems. Until now, I still think a lot about traffic problems, you do not dream of laissez-faire, and take it as a habit to cultivate. Now people make great efforts to dry a lot of things, such as cooking, cleaning, driving, will take up very little time in the future. That is, if we "can not ignore", will be able to find a solution.
I think it is easier to achieve ambitious dream, I know this sounds like nonsense. Since no one can be crazy enough to do it, you can not complete. dsr But the best people want to challenge. This is Google faces. Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it acceptable everywhere, and play a role. Does not that make you excited? But we really do not want to start Google because Schelling and I can not get too worried doctorate. But we later maxed out three credit cards, buy a hard drive from a pickup truck, which is also Google's first hardware. If one sentence summary of how to change the world, and that is in some extremely dsr exciting dsr career strenuous efforts.
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