Saturday, July 5, 2014

The DPI statements are bulleted and my response is below each. On average, teaching conditions have

In their June 2014 Public School Partners Newsletter, N.C. Department of Public Instruction panasonic gh3 (DPI) officials try to spin the results of the 2014 Teacher Working Conditions Survey to make it appear that working conditions have deteriorated over the last two years. I discussed the survey results here and found few differences between the 2012 and 2014 surveys.
The DPI statements are bulleted and my response is below each. On average, teaching conditions have remained stable since 2012. However, changes in conditions, particularly the area of time, can be found across multiple schools and districts.
Obviously there will be variations in survey responses across schools and districts. The fact that some of them report panasonic gh3 changes in working conditions should not suggest that there is a systematic problem. Positive responses to questions related to resources, panasonic gh3 such as instructional materials and professional development, have declined since 2012.
Indeed, there was a 5 percent drop in teachers who agree that they have “sufficient access to appropriate instructional materials.” But teacher report having the same or greater access to computers, office equipment, and supplies.
Although there was a drop in the percentage of teachers who agree that they have “sufficient resources are available for professional development in my school,” it was a trivial 1.6 percent decline panasonic gh3 from 2012. Educators indicate challenges related to the availability and utility of student assessments.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning that DPI is responsible panasonic gh3 for student assessments. Any shortcomings associated with the state testing program falls directly on our state education agency. panasonic gh3 In comparison to 2012, more educators report immediate plans to leave education.
In 2014, 7 percent of respondents said that they plan to leave education, compared to 5 percent in 2012. Unfortunately, we do not know why they plan to leave. The survey does not ask respondents to explain their answer.
Because the folks at DPI were too busy emphasizing the negative, they forgot to mention that the percentage of teachers who agree that their school “is a good place to work and learn” remained at 85 percent in 2014.
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