Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2. Sugar: more sugars such as table sugar to sugar from fruit and all kinds of chemistry. Sugar is

Call the macro (macro-nutrients) because this is the third source of nutrients absorbed by the body with the highest number and is vital to the body. In the above, he - he carb supply 4 calories / gram, - protein provides 4 calories / gram and - fat provides 9 calories / gram. Damage was horrified him fat.
Figure illustrates the amount of food calories nikon d50 vs Ratio should eat how much they are generally discussed. Some people say that to eat at least 15% fat, the new live. It was said to eat at least 20-25% fat, the new ok. The ratio for each person is different so different metabolism and increase depending on the target muscle, reduce nikon d50 fat that your diet accordingly. But one thing is sure that if you eat too little or lack of one of the harmful substances in the body. At that survival is more difficult to reduce fat hihi. So you carb, protein, and his brother who is fat? He carb?
1. Starch: nikon d50 is the type of rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, pasta .... starch component contributes the most calories in carbs. The starches when absorbed into the body and converted into sugar for energy to go help the body.
2. Sugar: more sugars such as table sugar to sugar from fruit and all kinds of chemistry. Sugar is the energy source for the body, lack of road would be tired. But too much sugar leads to obesity and other cardiovascular diseases.
3. Fiber: very precious. Location planet vegetables. Fiber-like sponge makes it more digestible and absorbed nikon d50 into the body lines slowed. Therefore, attention should eat more fiber. So when you say low carb, it means that the overall reduced carb diet (including starches and sugars and fiber, not only starch). In the carb it has several categories: complex carbs and simple carbs. Many people called bad carbs and good carbs. Complex carbohydrates are converted into sugar carb slower such as wholegrain cereals, wholemeal bread, sweet potatoes, vegetables ... complex carbohydrates helps you full longer. Simple carbs are carbs turn into sugar faster eg starches treated like white bread, dumplings, noodles, rice, assorted carbonated nikon d50 drinks such as soda ... Carb single Simple fast makes you hungrier. He Protein is?
He is the hero of muscle, skin, and is a fundamental part of life. Protein is found in beef, eggs, beef and soy cheese. Protein helps you feel full longer while providing fewer calories. So eat more protein foods, especially at breakfast is always recommended when dieting. Of course, what is the extent of it also. He fats are?
He was known as providing the most calories joy :). He fats coming from sources such as vegetable oils, animal, butter and nuts and fruit. For example, cashews, chestnuts, almonds, peanuts, avocado, durian, coconut ... Many of you have been eating a diet low in fat but without nikon d50 the fat, the body can not absorb certain vitamins such as vitamin A, K, and thus is not healthy. That the body is not healthy, it also helps you reduce fat rolls are for long :). So the new question is to eat fat to lose fat :). Fat also has many kinds: natural fat, and cholesterol 1. unnatural natural fats include saturated nikon d50 and unsaturated (single + multi). In particular, the unsaturated fats rather than saturated. - Saturated fats (saturated fat) in coconut oil, red meat and whole milk, butter again. - Monounsaturated nikon d50 (monounsaturated fat) is fat from nuts like almonds, olives and avocados. This type better - polyunsaturated (polysaturated fat): This is the best type, the type of fat found in fish, especially nikon d50 salmon is very good, sunflower seed oil. Eating fat is good for your heart. 2. unnatural fats are fats that are used for production of biscuits called transfat or hydrogenated fat in the food label. This type of fat is processed to increase the life of foods should nikon d50 generally bad for the body. In America, people were forbidden foods with ingredients that transfat. So you noticed the label read offline. 3. Cholesterol is a fat in the blood. The amount of cholesterol in the body is produced primarily from our liver that out. In food, the cholesterol in egg yolks, liver and kidneys. Cholesterol is essential for life, but of course there is also a good kind of bad kind. This is because I do not delve a little nikon d50 high and not fully understand but which should limit foods with high cholesterol. And what else? There are many arguments to say that there are bad fats with good fats, good carbs can have bad carb. How to say it depends on diet and body condition of each person. That was quick to speak to distinguish the types of carbohydrates and fats.
For example: you want to lose weight, you should eat foods fool satiety but fewer calories as carbohydrates absorbed into the body more slowly to keep no longer such as whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes. Fat is good as the fat from nuts and fruit, nikon d50 salmon are fat

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