Friday, December 12, 2014

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<Div id = "item-content-Recommendation-1" class = "item-Recommendation-content"> <div> <input type = "hidden" value = "$ {} recommendationId" id = "item_rec_id - $ {products. canon 1dx length} "name =" item_rec_id "/> <input type =" hidden "value =" {p in products for p_index {if}> 0}, {/ if}} $ {p.itemid {/ for} "id = "item_rec_list - products.length $ {}" name = "item_rec_list" /> </ div> {} for p in products <div class = "item-Recommendation == 0} {if p_index Recommendation-first-item {/ if p_index {if}} == products.length Recommendation-item-last {/ if} Recommendation-item-bigimage "> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class =" item-Recommendation-img-container "> <div class =" item-Recommendation-img-inner-container "> canon 1dx {var tmp_link="&bk_medium=selfpromo&bk_source=gravity_vatera&bk_campaign=gravity&bk_content=item_page&bk_term="} '? / Item / view / index.php cod p.itemid = $ {$ {} {} $ tmp_link p.title | removeaccent | escape} "<a href = onmouseup =" GRRec_item_page.itemClickCallback (); myTracker.listingClick ( event, $ {} p.itemid, 12, GRRec_item_page._recPos [$ {p_index}], 1, '$ {recommendationId | js}'); "> <img src =" $ {p.ImageUrl2 | protocolFix} "alt = "" /> </a> </ div> </ div> </ td> <td class = 'text-bigimage-cell "> <a href =" / item / view / index.php? cod = $ p.itemid $ {} {} $ {tmp_link p.title | removeaccent | escape} "onmouseup =" GRRec_item_page.itemClickCallback (); myTracker.listingClick canon 1dx (event, $ {} p.itemid, 12, GRRec_item_page._recPos [$ { p_index}], 1, '$ {recommendationId | js}'); canon 1dx "{if p.title.length> 31} title =" $ {p.title | html} "{/ canon 1dx if}> $ {p.title | wordwrap: 14 '', true} </a> <br /> <strong> {$ p.Price | number: canon 1dx 0, '', '' } </ strong> canon 1dx </ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table> </ div> {/ for} <div class = "clear"> </ div> </ div>
12/08/2014. 11:03:16

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