Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Macroeconomic Lecture - University of Industry

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Macroeconomics Lecture - GV: Vu Van Trung
Macroeconomics Lecture vhs by GV: Vu Van Trung done. The lecture consists of 6 chapters, presented an overview of the macroeconomic and measurement of national output, theoretically determined equilibrium output, vhs fiscal policy and foreign trade, banking and monetary monetary policy, model IS - LM.
09/10/2014 ECONOMICS LESSON (Macroeconomics) GV: VU VAN CHINA Email: City. Ho Chi Minh City - 2014 REFERENCES 1. TS.Duong Tan Ye, Macroeconomics, Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Statistical Publishing House (Curriculum and Exercise) 2. TS. Nguyen Nhu Y, Abstract - Exercise - Quiz Macroeconomics, Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Statistical Publishing House. 3. Website, newspapers, magazines economic CONTENTS Chapter 1 10/09/2014 1. OVERVIEW OF MACROECONOMICS Chapter 2. PRODUCTION OF NATIONAL MEASUREMENT THEORY vhs Chapter 3. DETERMINATION OF BALANCED OUTPUT Program 4. FISCAL POLICY AND FOREIGN TRADE CHAPTER 5. CASH - BANKING AND MONETARY POLICY Chapter 6. MODEL IS - LM CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF ECONOMY I. Some basic problems of economic Study II. The macro-economic vhs issues III. Goals & macro management tools IV. Model AD - AS price 2 09/10/2014 I. SOME BASIC CONCEPTS IN KTH 1. What is economics? 2. Microeconomics - Macroeconomics 3. The basic principle of economics 1. DEFINITION OF ECONOMICS Tu economics (economics) vhs mean? Nguon radicals derived from the Greek oikos = house (house) Nomos = order, rule, management (order, law, management) Economics is the study of how social choices in the use of limited resources to produce vhs products to meet the growing needs of people. 3 09/10/2014 factors arising economic problems Scarce resources Technological change SX Changing tastes and preferences 2. KTH MICRO - MACRO KTH Microeconomics study the behavior of individual producers and consumers in each market each different type of Microeconomics Research the background of economic activity as a unified whole. Pay attention to the economic objectives of the country, referring to the big issues, aggregate variables such as inflation, unemployment, output, Imex, economic policy ... 3 4 09/10/2014 . THE PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 1. People face tradeoffs vhs 2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it 3. People make decisions by thinking at best access point marginal. vhs 4. People respond to stimuli vhs 5. Exchange makes them beneficial 3. THE PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 6. The market is the best way to organize economic activity 7. Sometimes government can improve market outcomes 8. The standard of living of a country depends on the production capacity vhs of goods and services including water. 9. Prices rise when the government too much money in the short term 10.Trong Government faced the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment 5
Macroeconomic Lecture - University of Industry
Microeconomics Lecture: Lesson vhs 1 - Vu Thanh Tu Anh
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