Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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In August last year, posted on a camera 72 with a special concept, the Lytro. Being a product with very specific market, giving just lucky to have not received the order he had done one of these, when it was launched in 2012. Ex ately one year after that post and as promised by its CEO, the company brought news . And very interesting! The new model called Lytro Illum, is totally different from the previous generation. Besides the name obviously preserves the functionality of the focus adjustment made after an image. 72 However, brings 72 more .... Mouse over the image to view a video (in English) about the product The Illum Camera (next door), still hold a different format, but more akin to a conventional photographic compared the first generation of cobblestone. The small Lytro that remains in production (now being sold for $ 189 in the version with 8GB), I had basically an application for sharing on social networks because of its low resolution. The Illum comes with features that show a more professional applicability. Its technology is based on a sensor that captures multiple light rays, hence the ability to change focus after the image. 72 In the case of the first generation model were 11 million or 11 megarays. The new camera range has gained more going for 40 megarays. Complement the package; U m monitor 4 "touchscreen 72 and adjustable in four positions; optical zoom and 8x graphics interface controlled by a customized version of Android The sale on Amazon for $ 1600 With information lytro.com and dpreview.com...
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2015 (34) May (2) April (2) March (9) February (7) January (14) 2014 (65) December (16) Kairos T-band ... intelligent Union two worlds ... Lytro Camera Illum ... The second generation of a prod ... Theremin ... A magical instrument Movpak ... Solution to overcome short distances. Social payment ... Wizards of fiction ... (updated *) Mouse trackball ... Bracelet Cicret. Gadget out of the Kensington Contour Backpack fiction ... Cargo ... Another great p ... For a wireless repeater, Midway is the ... ARGUS x SHIELD ... PC & Parts. Supporting the fiction ... iLuv iMM727 dock ... Problems with the iOS. (Updates ... Solar Jacket Tommy Hilfiger ... Live Gamer Portable from AverMedia ... waterproof backpack ... November 72 (3) October (3) September (3) August (8) July (5 ) June (6) May (3) April (4) March (5) February (3) January (6) 2013 (79) December (7) November (5) October (1 ) September (2) August (5) July (4) June (1) May (11) April (4) March (8) February (13) January (18) 2012 (23 ) December 72 (5) November (8) October 72 (3) June (1) May (1) April (1) January 72 (4) 2011 (46) December (4) November 72 (18 ) October (3) June (5) May (4) April (4) March (8)
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