Saturday, May 16, 2015

The artist Dran shows our indifference

Since photography was invented, there was only a great revolution: digital cameras. And even if they do not have completely changed the logic of it. Opens a lens, the light penetrates and is recorded - at the beginning of a movie, then a digital sensor. The Lytro camera, launched recently, is the exception: it takes completely different way of photos, lol cam almost magical, using a technology called Light Field. You will be hearing a lot of that in the future.
Neither seems a camera Unlike the Lytro camera to any other is that it does not register the light coming in, but the full light field of the scene. It does not capture lol cam megapixels, but megarays. As it stores all the light rays that bounce at all points lol cam of the same scene, the great revolution that brings is the total absence of the need to focus. lol cam It captures the image with all possible sources simultaneously, which is why you can click anywhere on the picture below and see what happens.
The camera has just been launched and so far only sold in the US for 400 or $ 500 (8GB or 16GB). Anyway, I do not recommend to buy now. The image quality is low, the small screen of the camera seems to be horrible, lol cam it's strange format (though stylish) ... The great thing here is to look at a revolutionary new technology appearing. A technology that has everything to start being adopted by all the major camera manufacturers in the near future. At worst, the very Lytro will launch a new and improved model soon.
If you are thinking that there pictures with manual focus allow a better expression of the eye of the photographer, or something like that, I agree 100%. They will not die thanks to Light Field technology. With that in mind, what do you think of this development? I loved it.
The artist Dran shows our indifference
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