Home News Culture category HAITI HAITI INTERNATIONAL REFLEXIONS perso ROSE racquet Archives 2 Nuestra AMERICA VIDEOS nikon d800 EXTREME DROITE HAITI HAITI-RD relations Pages 6 April 1930, speeches d'Etzer Vilaire nikon d800 downgrade memory heroes des de l'Independence, of Charlemagne Péralte Links ... oil, or Iridium et en rife in Haiti, according to his ex-President nikon d800 of the Dominican Raffinerie of oil, M.Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita nikon d800 (en français avec ma translating) Vue de l'intérieur de l'Elite nikon d800 des affaires nikon d800 en Haïti (avec translating en français matte) S'abonner Contact
"It nikon d800 bleng, blengbleng, put your hand above level level, flip katakatakakata deny deny deny sapakontan under his sack pakontreux zanbapyem, nikon d800 if you want to Blow my mind i DO care, i DO NOT give shit, now I'm good president, we are good Millionaire, child money, my wife has money, we will within, nikon d800 we will live in the sun, firearms we own, our business walking nikon d800 out melem and kokorat, making mouths drool i do donate 't care.' Look, look, my dear pafesa names, Aristide, Preval does not do anything for us then we vlem cared pounou. seux-rieux not. "
sad spectacle of the deliquescence du Prestige de la functions nikon d800 Parlementaire.Ti mulat entice gridap buy silence small black snout petas past mouda ass for potato skins, while big deal and contracts are made with aliens against people for their child's pay interest before them.
LOLO will execute business process and staff who mele'l nikon d800 ayiti.Prezidans and Primacy will Yaya great deal of money and corruption bokye snout, due small guy from black as Buddhas pan want to play among small mulatto past, flying, drug dealers, mafia dynasty vomiting chen.Si parliament not being charged with tisousou, sendenden, they should do much to think Lamothe his dishonest actions.
Most Haitian pimp is white and mulatto, nikon d800 where they insulted a fellow guy, but since a mulatto and a white front, they entered their bellies yo.se this Lamothe doing parliamentarians understand little greedy to take some money, Main car Lamothe, Lamothe paid kidionk so he does not want to bother li.bann little greedy, they will even shame Levaillant etc..
mr's fait un siting clear DONNEZ Lui UNE answers devotional CLAIRE: remettez Vos questions nikon d800 manifestants aux il les theirs donnera responses to prompts; you il's chosen d'aller focussed this Residenz of retirement and so IL y sera bien REÇU after this DÉCONVENUE EN HAITI ; RETURNS personae N'EST FONCTIONNAIRE PLUS DE L'état PUISQU'IL N'EN fait QU'A THIS breast Rendez lui the task easy FIRED HIM
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