Thursday, May 8, 2014

The February issue of the MEDIUM magazine is out. Its owner Mrs. Miluše Bajgerová placed one of Teal

Zu dem ersten Bild in Znaim haben wir drei neue gegeben. Jetzt befinden sich alle vier Bilder, die Teal uns empohlen hat, an einer Stelle. Der Zaun der Frau Dagmar neben dem Gehsteig sieht jetzt wir eine bunte Bildergalerie aus...wie vier bunte Fenster ins Universum, durch welche positive Energie zu uns strömt... cute baby pictures Alles beste Znaim!
 Wenn Sie  auf der Transitstreckedurch Znaim in Richtung Österreich fahren, dann werden Sie automatisch vorbei fahren.                   
The editor in chief of "Women s zone", Mrs. Markéta Musilová, has offered us an opportunity to inform about the frequency paintings campaign in the 13th issue of this cute baby pictures electronic magazine. We believe that this way the project will speak to others who wish positive changes on Earth, and also contribute to make them happen. ..not only by working on their own spiritual growth:)
The Envelope represents an original way how to present cultural events cute baby pictures in larger cities. It is a model that has proven to be successful in many European cute baby pictures metropolises (London, Paris, Rome, Warsaw etc.) Each month, the design of the cover of the package is entrusted to a different fine artist. 
It is with great pleasure that we bring you information from a mountain resort Harrachov, cute baby pictures , which has turned into a large photo gallery of Teal Swan s positive paintings! 
This cute baby pictures famous area in the Giant Mountains is distinguished not only by its great skiing conditions and a perfect service, but also by this.....over a long period, they ve been working on energy harmonization of this beatiful resort and the whole town of Harrachov. As an example can be their menhirs scattered not only in the vicinity of the chair lifts and slopes, but also in the wide area. In the photo gallery devoted to the Harrachov cute baby pictures menhirs, you can see how much the resort managers care for making this place harmonic and how much energy they spend doing so.
One of the most popular magazines, The Regenerace magazine, has published cute baby pictures a half-page article about the Frequency Paintings Campaign as well as the information about Teal s workshop in Prague on 12 April. 
At last, we got to the capital of Slovakian Republic Bratislava. The billboard with the painting by Teal (Scott) Swan is located on Ružinovská Street. This street is fairly cute baby pictures frequented not only cars and buses, but also trams go through here. The painting will send its positive vibrations here for the whole February and March (vo februári cute baby pictures a marci).:) We also had another billboard reserved in a beautiful and frequented cute baby pictures place on Landererova Street for months May and June, but sadly we had to cancel the reservation. The reason was the low balance on the transparent account.
From 1 st February to 30 th April we have Teal s pictures in A3 format pasted up in 50 buses of the České Budějovice city transportation. They are pasted up right behind the driver and should be well visible. 
The February issue of the MEDIUM magazine is out. Its owner Mrs. Miluše Bajgerová placed one of Teal s frequency paintings cute baby pictures on the cover. There is also a half page article informing about the billboard campaign in the Czech and the Slovak republics inside. We thank her for her help once more!  cute baby pictures In the March issue, cute baby pictures there will be an information about the upcoming Teal s workshop in Prague in April.
Another billboard with Teal Scott s painting can watch drivers going from Brno to Znojmo by the main road. It is the second private billboard involved cute baby pictures in this campaign. Mrs. Petra offered it to us for a long-term use, we thank her for that once again. But the installation of this poster is connected with a few smaller mysteries of which you can read more in Mysterious Events on the News page.
Šéfredaktorka elektronického časopisu, paní Markéta Musilová, nám nedávno nabídla možnost informovat v jejich magazínu o kampani frekvenčních obrazů. Věříme, že projekt touto cestou osloví další z řad těch, kteří si přejí pozitivní změny na Zemi, a zároveň cute baby pictures přispívají k jejich uskutečnění. ..nejen...
Před časem nás oslovil pan Jaro Dufek z projektu "Obálka", zda by bylo možné umístit na březnové vydání Obálky Praha některý z obrazů Teal. Obálka představuje originální možnost, jak prezentovat kulturní akce v městech. Je to model, jenž se již v uplynulých letech osvědčil v řadě evropských...
S obrovskou radostí vám přinášíme informace cute baby pictures z horského střediska Harrachov,, které se proměnilo v jednu velkou galerii pozitivních obrázků Teal Swan!   Jak to vše začalo? Tento známý krkonošský areál se kromě skvělých lyžařských...
 ...a opět časopis Medium...paní cute baby pictures Miluše Bajgerová nám v březnovém vydání vytiskla článek cute baby pictures - pozván

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