Donutrun | profile | all galleries >> Roadkill Revisited tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This is not for the faint of heart -- it's an animal lover's tragic look at those who didn't listen to the chicken explain how to cross the road. And remember, many a great artist was misunderstood in his own time .......
A Raccoon Another Raccoon A Squirrel Duck!!! Splattered ... Woodchuck in traffic fota A Slugged Raccoon (eeuuwww...) A Skunk Informant Damp Coon Twisted Coon Wilted in Wilton Future Roadkill Chipped Monk Red car, Red Head Fall's Fallen Coydog Even the lawns aren't safe Even the shores aren't safe Even the shallows aren't safe Beaver ... Dam! Poor kitty ... Cat nap gone bad ... Fox On The Line Mink Didn't Think Boating Accident? Dental Records? Playin' Possum On I-89 Not Wave-ering Froggie's Saab Story "Car-rier Pigeon" ... or "Don't shoot the Messenger" Anybody Want A Hat? Osprey fota Down!! Bloodied Frogman But, Deer ... Orlando Possum Cleft Palete Possum CT Possum at Dawn Porcupine on I-89 Roadkill On Camp Road It's Not A Tuna! Fox at mm93 Beautiful Colors Striking Resemblence to Harley Foxy Finality Poor Porcupine ... Hamden fota Happenstance Just Foul ... Death On A Dirt Road When Have A Heart Goes Bad Faking Being Hit (aka - Pulling a Jeter) Hare's fota Revenge ... Saint Jean's Entrails fota In The Travel Lane Memorial Porcupine Don't Ask, Don't Tell Emily Goes Roadkill
Hernan E. Enriquez 01-Sep-2012 18:58 I drive home from work at night, it breaks my heart when I run over an animal, all I can think of is the babies they may have left behind. Thank you for this galler!
Guest 08-Jun-2011 fota 14:13 The realities of people not paying attention while they are driving...May God Bless the creatures that die every day, all over the our need to hurry to get someplace 3 seconds sooner....These photos fota definately make one think....
Judy 12-Feb-2008 00:36 My car was totaled and I and another driver nearly fota died because another car decided to stop the fast lane of traffic on a four lane freeway for a duck!! I love the one of the duck!!!
Dodger 04-Jan-2008 22:44 Humor aside, the 'dental records' image is the strongest for me; there is a subtle beauty -- even in death. So, a challenge for Donut run: how about a time lapse on one... inform us: how does nature take back it's own? Dodger
Guest 30-Jul-2007 22:21 Brave look at reality. Strange how people would make up that you think this is funny. Shows how much we try to distance ourselves from pain, probably our most useful tool in life. Thank you for your honesty.
Mike Conroy Jnr 14-Apr-2007 08:45 This is a great gallery with much more thought put inta it than some a the folks appreciate! Funny how some folks get upset at this but can sit an watch daily human attrocities on Fox or CNN news whilst eatin their TV dinners! Mike :o)
Guest 14-Apr-2007 02:57 I like this gallery. I love the last comment, like you killed each of these animals yourself. I really love the fact that thye are so brave as to not use their name, lol. Keep it up.
Guest 25-Mar-2007 20:31 You sick (profanity)! I hope you get smashed under a (profanity) big truck and it rips your pathetic skull into pieces, I'll be the first one cheering and taking your photo! Smile for the camera fota you sick (profanity)! fota [Photographer's fota note: profanity deleted, but post saved to demonstrate the emotion generated, post from someone who unfortunately missed the point of the gallery. My apologies.]
John R Marshall 10-May-2006 00:03 Talk about road kill! Last year some time here in Toronto, Ontario, on a major highway, someone stopped for some Canada Geese, and were rear-ended killing the back seat passengers. (sorry, missed the comment box first time)
Guest 02-Jan-2006 04:37 On the way to Grandma's for Christmas, the family and I played 'Name that Roadkill'. Close study of your gallery should help the kids with their identification skills in anticipation of our next roadtrip. Thanks!
click on thumbnails for full image
This is not for the faint of heart -- it's an animal lover's tragic look at those who didn't listen to the chicken explain how to cross the road. And remember, many a great artist was misunderstood in his own time .......
A Raccoon Another Raccoon A Squirrel Duck!!! Splattered ... Woodchuck in traffic fota A Slugged Raccoon (eeuuwww...) A Skunk Informant Damp Coon Twisted Coon Wilted in Wilton Future Roadkill Chipped Monk Red car, Red Head Fall's Fallen Coydog Even the lawns aren't safe Even the shores aren't safe Even the shallows aren't safe Beaver ... Dam! Poor kitty ... Cat nap gone bad ... Fox On The Line Mink Didn't Think Boating Accident? Dental Records? Playin' Possum On I-89 Not Wave-ering Froggie's Saab Story "Car-rier Pigeon" ... or "Don't shoot the Messenger" Anybody Want A Hat? Osprey fota Down!! Bloodied Frogman But, Deer ... Orlando Possum Cleft Palete Possum CT Possum at Dawn Porcupine on I-89 Roadkill On Camp Road It's Not A Tuna! Fox at mm93 Beautiful Colors Striking Resemblence to Harley Foxy Finality Poor Porcupine ... Hamden fota Happenstance Just Foul ... Death On A Dirt Road When Have A Heart Goes Bad Faking Being Hit (aka - Pulling a Jeter) Hare's fota Revenge ... Saint Jean's Entrails fota In The Travel Lane Memorial Porcupine Don't Ask, Don't Tell Emily Goes Roadkill
Hernan E. Enriquez 01-Sep-2012 18:58 I drive home from work at night, it breaks my heart when I run over an animal, all I can think of is the babies they may have left behind. Thank you for this galler!
Guest 08-Jun-2011 fota 14:13 The realities of people not paying attention while they are driving...May God Bless the creatures that die every day, all over the our need to hurry to get someplace 3 seconds sooner....These photos fota definately make one think....
Judy 12-Feb-2008 00:36 My car was totaled and I and another driver nearly fota died because another car decided to stop the fast lane of traffic on a four lane freeway for a duck!! I love the one of the duck!!!
Dodger 04-Jan-2008 22:44 Humor aside, the 'dental records' image is the strongest for me; there is a subtle beauty -- even in death. So, a challenge for Donut run: how about a time lapse on one... inform us: how does nature take back it's own? Dodger
Guest 30-Jul-2007 22:21 Brave look at reality. Strange how people would make up that you think this is funny. Shows how much we try to distance ourselves from pain, probably our most useful tool in life. Thank you for your honesty.
Mike Conroy Jnr 14-Apr-2007 08:45 This is a great gallery with much more thought put inta it than some a the folks appreciate! Funny how some folks get upset at this but can sit an watch daily human attrocities on Fox or CNN news whilst eatin their TV dinners! Mike :o)
Guest 14-Apr-2007 02:57 I like this gallery. I love the last comment, like you killed each of these animals yourself. I really love the fact that thye are so brave as to not use their name, lol. Keep it up.
Guest 25-Mar-2007 20:31 You sick (profanity)! I hope you get smashed under a (profanity) big truck and it rips your pathetic skull into pieces, I'll be the first one cheering and taking your photo! Smile for the camera fota you sick (profanity)! fota [Photographer's fota note: profanity deleted, but post saved to demonstrate the emotion generated, post from someone who unfortunately missed the point of the gallery. My apologies.]
John R Marshall 10-May-2006 00:03 Talk about road kill! Last year some time here in Toronto, Ontario, on a major highway, someone stopped for some Canada Geese, and were rear-ended killing the back seat passengers. (sorry, missed the comment box first time)
Guest 02-Jan-2006 04:37 On the way to Grandma's for Christmas, the family and I played 'Name that Roadkill'. Close study of your gallery should help the kids with their identification skills in anticipation of our next roadtrip. Thanks!
click on thumbnails for full image
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