Thursday, May 22, 2014

For different reasons mentioned before, a system-names appear in the etymological XXèm century - a

Basically, they traced slide share the first recorded Creole seconds XVIIIèm half century. They are made of European origin settlers, who cares for expressing local facts about a world rejyonalis. If oral Creole language is one of two (2) symbolically linked investment idantè slaves, written language brings about a social layer and Francophone kreyolofòn; slide share He appealed to the Creole language that corresponds to a write mode popular culture than in mussels.
Facing French, the official language and power instruments, Creole busy, naturally, cracks (or space) ideologies slide share pre-romantic trying to find, particularly in research foklorik slide share it, in essence jèmatik (specifically non-pejoratif) this term that English origin. Today, given the responsibility Creole, the language essentially oral status, functions associated with the practice of writing - not very slow. This event was even harder at the beginning XVIIIèm century. In the absence bakgrawoun literary, is mainly an imitation French writer who marked the first attempt. People would go easier this exercise by others that La Fontaine. So Fab is the most immediate form of written accounts, as is present in the oral Antilles - practically since their origin. Next, write Creole, without however not demarye with French tradition, will be back as a diversification * (literary) the following: poetry, drama, novels, essays. If their efforts, which often have many merits - missing a penalty public wealth, slide share explained slide share how a person who missed it. Rate this he has several factors behind it, one that has more importance regarding the grafi. Genesis step-wise to write Creole
First person who seeks noted Creole is, by definition, those literate. Literate in French, naturally, began to write Creole French fashion. This step-wise, they qualify his etymological *, because it is taken as the basis etimon * words, namely forms of language from (inherited birth). If system Creole etymology would seem to render slide share it easy reading, on the other, it complicated scriptures without any doubt. Effectively, the French linguistic system, as it is very different from the French, it is impossible to adapt includes orthographic norms for Creole. In other words, slide share a writing system based on etymology French Creole word Creole, is a problematic issue: only listen because irregularities slide share on his approximation, but also those who are more serious, the lack of respect for autonomy Creole language. Nothing against the French language in this autonomy slide share normal concerns. Exclusive question posed to mention how, in an etymological way, words that have a Creole or African Caribbean origin. Between slide share the pain, so my pick wrong!
For different reasons mentioned before, a system-names appear in the etymological XXèm century - a system of non-etymological, founded, this time, not on the basis of French words written slide share representations, but on the same Creole slide share word pronunciation. Is about a phonetic writing system (noted by a letter and a sound always the same in). Phonetic system of merit to preserve the autonomy of the Creole. Instead, it only brings a disturbance in reading habits kreyolofòn (which Francophones also folded, which get even more of a reading immensely richer in French), but also made a grant to the relevant acoustic * (sound slide share language in), but not what you see written (graphic characters). However, reading is an adventure that essentially okilè * and all interference with the sound aspect of language to inhibit the exercise. Experts talk about sibvokalizasyon, phenomenon that depends on a reading of Pathology * and consistent reading everything for movement lung action.
System etymological and phonetic system, each has their flaws; must choose what "my slide share worst", ie the phonetic. Yes, but the requirements slide share for landscaped pursuant criteria associated with facilitation of reading. There are possibilities that exist for moving phonetic system without jeopardize the autonomy grafi Creole by the report by French, where you able to retrieve certain variations flip practice reading Creole acoustic sphere since the visual sphere. Among (your home) opponent Creole, the language in the peacekeepers outside school, alevwa slide share (let alone) of

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