Wednesday, June 25, 2014

16:43 Moving food products - the most frequent subject of violation of customs regulations

In Uzhgorod still life and glorify officials
Continuing specific still life in your cave privatized saved their frequent change and immutability man is saved only permanent change 6d its essence. The latest in Ukrainian FIG coming, and with still-life - easier. This was confirmed by the exhibition "Still Life 2013", which has recently blossomed locally man-made colors (although some painted and left foot) in the art gallery "Uzhgorod" on Liberty Avenue. Before like shadows of twilight gathered figures stood at full height irresistible leader of the regional branch of art - modern envoy Transcarpathian 6d school of painting - Boris Kuzma, head of the section of painting 6d Alexander 6d Gromov and, of course, our "Minister of Culture" Yuri Gleba. 6d Their views palahkotlyvi prorizuvaly darkness of human ignorance on the evening of Liberty Avenue. "Every artist is also surrounded by objects" - tragic times like actor Aeschylus said slender and proud Mr. Kuzma. So, perhaps, unfortunate and artists had to draw them. This fully understand all there - the main authors of the paintings hanged for leading artists inhuman poverty caused that hapless painters failed at least some cocktails and people did not understand and did not come together for this landmark exhibition. Fools! What else do you say about these people? When he leaves a deep sleep, no devil knows. Alexander Thunder said that guidelines for all artists, not just the Transcarpathian is Dutch still lifes. "It works the 16th century and today fresh as if written yesterday." - Congratulations to the authors and potential sponsors - with concealed beneath 6d sickly smile pessimism B.Kuzma said. Because, really, who are patrons when they are here simply for-just not invited, did not explain popular creative Transcarpathians proximity to the Dutch, and even a distinct advantage over countryman outdated masters of fine theater. From exhibitions to do kinda show, but not tragic meeting in guild Komsomol organization tractor brigade. Therefore, the organizers deserve as the desired DISC girls, in obese pumpkin. This was hinted posted on for eternity "Still life with melons" L.Pryymych. Dissatisfaction 6d with the usual canons V.Habda demonstrated its "counter-openwork." T.Usyk worked unique, though called his work "Untitled" to especially not "shine" among those who believe mediocrities. So in the heat, the cold shpurlyalo the works M.Mytryk due to weather their engagement - "Summer", "Winter Still Life." Sounded unique O.Hromovyy "Still Life with Green pear", "flowers on a yellow background." I.Didyk zraduvav 'Roses and apples "as the Rila his time" roses and grapes ... "The main thing now - to dream about changing psychology mercantile homes, mortuaries, for whom are appointed by the still life. Each of the paintings hung long in them becomes negative 6d energy. This will tell you every homegrown psychic with pendulum in hand .. Still life so you need to buy a lot and keep changing them for review in the national world, engaged in unrestrained pursuit of money. In other homes, morgues will finish its inhabitants, make them not people, and blanks for corpses. Time to recover and to be a leader not real estate, and motion - Life: God, our one and only. Time to awaken in the hearts of love really 6d creative with flowers, not ritual images of tradesmen in still life painters pessimistic. This - the main conclusion that arises after the exhibition "Still Life 2013". This of world-historical significance that Krynychna refreshed our people, through the efforts Yu.Hleby, B.Kuzmy and O.Hromovoho. Thank them for it forever! Basil Zubach 6d
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16:43 Moving food products - the most frequent subject of violation of customs regulations

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