Friday, June 20, 2014

? About the Creator

? About the Creator
It is Allah who has given you the land as a permanent abode and the sky as a roof and has given you shape - and that shape harmonious has given you - and you fed of excellent things. Such is Allah, your Lord. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (mankind, jinn [1] and all that exists). (40: 64) ( ) ---- There has created from a single soul (Adam); that gave his wife (Eve). Cattle gave you eight pairs (of the sheep, two, male and female goats, two, male and female cattle, two, male and female, of the camels, two, male and female). He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three veils of darkness [later]. Such is Allah, your Lord! [Belongs] to him the sovereignty. There no god but Him allinfuori How can you get away [from Him]? (39: 6) ( ) ----- Allah your Lord, Who in six days created the heavens and the earth and then is established on the Throne (in just the way that befits His Excellency). He covers the day with the night, and they follow v1 each other relentlessly. The sun and the moon and stars are subservient to His command. I do not belong to Him the creation elordine? Praise [belongs] to Allah Lord of the Worlds! v1 (7: 54) ( ) ----- These Allah, your true Lord. Besides the truth what c if not the mistake? How much are you astray! (10: 32)
2? He whom Allah Allah, than Whom there allinfuori other god (none has the right to be worshiped but He), the King, the Holy One, Peace, the Faithful, the Guardian, lOnnipotente, the one that forces to His will, He who conscious of his greatness. Glory be to Allah, well l as they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the One who in the beginning of all things, the One who in the form of all things. To Him [belong] the most beautiful names. Everything in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him He lOnnipotente, the Wise. (59: 23-24) ( * ) ---- In truth! I am Allah: there god allinfuori Me (none has the right to be worshiped except Me). Worship Me and perform coloration to remind you of Me (20: 14) ( ) - - Allah! There no god but Him (none has the right to be worshiped but He), the Living, lAssoluto. (The eternal, the One Who sustains and protects all creation). I do not ever take no drowsiness sleep. To Him belongs tuttoquello that in the heavens and on Earth. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them (His creatures) and what behind them, and of His knowledge, they learn only what He wants. Your Kursy [1] pi encompasses v1 the heavens and the earth and their preservation does not tire Him. He lAltissimo, the Immense. (2: 255) (This verse is called Ayat al Kursy, the verse of Kursy). (

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