Thursday, November 6, 2014

Author: Andrew Budnik

Zimniy photo contest, Even when vыnuzhdennom preobladanyy White Colour on fotohrafyyah, became bailey jay krasochnыm not less, than Our letnye and osennye fotoforumы. Only for the first week It would sent a dozen shedevrov. As always, I present s you and ask you to vote the Select svoyh favorytov. Preduprezhdayu, This Will not be easy;)
In the background can be seen a part of Chornogory gene in the distance - Romanian Carpathians. Weather got a great thanks to good sun very well looked through all the surrounding mountains. Equally impressive, very exciting snow cover, especially when moderate wind bore on its relief surface free of snow particles. It seemed that everything bailey jay under his feet "flows" so shyrocheznym but shallow stream.
End the evening 31ho December, 2012., All Day zatyahyvalo sky, when in tuchke a couple of meters below vertices stroyly walls, somnenyy something Carpathians themselves on NG not yzmenyat It would not (do not know anyone on the NG in there rarely bыvaet horoshaya weather). But dovolno neozhydanno at sunset tuchy razduvat beginning, in the process pokazalsya brokenskyy ghost and through Several Minutes yasnыm That was the sky to the horizon, uspel otbezhat and withdraw эtu panorama If pryhlyadetsya seen 3yh moyh friends and wall units Around the tents. Arrival bailey jay of the new year fireworks in opredelyly on rumыnskyh and our gardens.
"In rassvete mountains Carpathians"
Still better, rather than stay at home. This route went several times but each time it's different and this was no exception. Short winter night found us on the descent in the city. Yaremche, but we are prepared taking lights. After about 21 o'clock were at the station waiting for the train.
Montenegrin Mountains in winter - a serious temptation even for seasoned travelers (often bailey jay bad weather, difficulties in orientation, bailey jay avalanche danger and etc.). But this does not deter daredevils who can not imagine their lives without mountains.
Author: Andrew Budnik
One day in February 2013 decided to go out with friends on h.Kuk, but because of deep snow dealt an extremely slow and difficult. It was possible to pass only 5 km in 4 hours. We have completely worn out forces when stumbled upon a cozy picturesque glade, surrounded by dense snow-covered trees, well, almost like a fairy tale about 12 months! Here and decided zakopuvatysya! The evening turned out to be calm and pleasant. In the snow pit soothing crackling fire, cooked porridge and tea. A little more mysterious bailey jay radiance shone tents, recalling something weird UFO hiding in the snowy forest thickets from prying eyes.
2013 - Anton Prokhorov. If You Require Material of HoTs blog, please, svyazhytes co mnoy. Powered by WordPress.

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