Tuesday, November 18, 2014

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It's not "bad" to be a nerd! In fact, it can be really fun to get into the skin of a little genius even for a few hours and taste of their innocent pleasures. Here are some fun style "Heels": You can wear funny costumes. You can outfit the strangest combinations of clothing. Girls will wear dark shirts up top, knitted vests and skirts fashioned knee. Boys Musa, must address plaid pants and shirts with Einstein. As for the haircut: Musa strange bangs and pigtails for some girls. Glasses, freckles and braces are other elements of look that you will turn into a real nerd. The games are extremely fun and will keep the socket. avchd Contests chess, board games, "you avchd know and win", but will be fixed computer games geek taste or those who want to get into their skin. Superhero for a few hours. Nerds like comics and superheroes. You can choose to represent or even disguise yourself in a favorite character. Star Wars, Star Trek, Big Bang Theory, Wargames, Lord of the rings, Dune or Robocop movies are just a few examples of how many you can inspire decor and to launch and be in style "Heels". You can play non-stop. At the party arranges and an area or game room where you have multiple computers or consoles. avchd Each will choose a favorite avchd style of play shooter, trivia, strategy, vehicles, role-playing etc. Why do not you kick off a competition and because it knows that nerds are very competitive with each other. You know highly intelligent people. Indeed, it's not okay to be a nerd if you're smart and vice versa. But I decided that being a nerd can be quite funny and cool at the same time. Invite your party, even a few nerds and you will be amazed avchd to see the many useful knowledge will remain at the end of the party.
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