Friday, November 21, 2014

~~ So I was so incredibly lucky to win at Hildegunn with the super cozy blog Hespe O =) If you have

This great award I have received from Fjordheim Thank you so much for it, think it's just nice every time someone appreciates beautiful images my blog: O =) This I choose to give to anyone stopping by me on this post. Take it with you to your own blog: =)
~~ So I was so incredibly lucky to win at Hildegunn with the super cozy blog Hespe O =) If you have not visited her, you should take a trip back. This is a woman who is incredibly good at making things. She has also started a blog shop which can be found inside her site, where she sells the beautiful things she lagerO =) ~~ The package was beautifully packaged with a lovely card with beautiful warm words. Thank you so much Hilde Gunn will be so happy that tears come to your eyes. Three cute heart soaps were in the package. ~~ This beautiful cone was also included beautiful images in the package. Must just say that your package is bursting with beautiful things. That really appealed to me. ~~ This little box I got too. Have seen it in a magazine. The plan was to make one yourself, but not managed it. ~~ It was decorated beautiful images with a beautiful blondeO =) ~~ Yes believe it or not it was not empty yet. An incredibly beautiful small carafe I got too. ~~ A lovely Christmas heart with a nice ribbon I got too. Yes Hildegunn I was stunned when I packed up one fine thing for the andre.O =) Once again my dear I am touched and so happy. For a lady you are =) I'm so incredibly happy to have "met" you in the blog world. beautiful images Thank you for the lovely gift =) Hugs to Dego =) ~~ So I've got a challenge of Nostalgia och Romantik This challenge is to tell something about themselves. I make an effort! ~~ I am a person with divided patience. When something needs to be done, it should preferably have been done yesterday. Things I really want to get done, I'm incredibly good at finding time to be finished. In other areas I have enough patience nor bad (read: cook exchangers with new recipes in the kitchen). ~~ I have won a large sum of money once in my life. It was on a scratch card, when I won 25 000, it is 17 years ago. There was a lot of money for me then. I was alone with my daughter, so the money came in handy. ~~ I am no bathing nymph. I hate swimming in cold climates like Norway. In southern go that little bit better. But one can say that I suffer from a little afraid of the water. ~~ I'm not fond of cooking, but eating beautiful images good food, however I like very much. ~~ I've been on the mobile phone calendar to remember all the small and big things. Have you begun to grow old? or are you just stressed too much to think about? ~~ My first car was an old Volvo Amazon, which only troble themselves. But I wanted it for it was a cool car, I thought at the time. Today is probably the most important for me that the car goes, what brand or color does not matter to me now. ~~ I love going to the spa, wish I could have done it much more often. A crazy dream I have, I will have a big company when I'm fifty, then I just want my gift certificate to the spa with loooong user deadline so that I can go to the spa for years to come. This challenge I send on to: Liven Mali-mo Gallery Hønsehuset I ordered from Lille Maison little while ago. This package beautiful images I got picked up today. It shall see in the next post: O =) Thanks for everyone who leaves a pleasant greeting with me. I'm so happy =) I hope you can forgive me that I do not have time to pay a visit to all of you right now. Do you want one rikig good week ahead, soon weekend guys. Hugs Kerstin
Hey :)) So lucky you were, clearly you are the voice and happy :) Thanks for all the greetings from you, it warms lot! can you imagine ... pneumonia, when you've beautiful images stopped smoking ... fytti cat! :) Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hello:-) Lucky you who have had so much good:-) Lucky you who can travel to the fabric and style:-) order online but I would have liked to physically store:-) Had well acted more as however: - ) hehe:-) Now it's night here:-) Have a nice day tomorrow:-) Hugs Wednesday, November beautiful images 12, 2008
Hello !! So lovely things you got from Hespe: O) Can well understand that you cost you pack up here: O) Thanks for the challenge ...... I'll have to pull myself together because I have a few left now !! But what is it with the date of your post ??? I am now back up every day so this can not be right ...... Have a nice day Kerstin ...... talk soon: O) Thursday, November 13, 2008
So many nice things you got! You're lucky you! And so nice to read about you that would otherwise never appear on the blog. Gorgeous blog you have. Here I come back again soon! Squeeze Thursday, November beautiful images 13, 2008
So nice things you have got. Hilde Gunn is a creative and good lady :) It was entertaining to read about you, huh huh, many things I was amused by. My first car was a Mercedes - and it was the same age as me, 73 model, and had scooped when it was raining outside ... Hi Hi, fun memories. Wish you a nice day! Squeeze Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hello So m

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