Thursday, March 12, 2015

Russian traveler

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Russian traveler
Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (until 1906 - Sёmenov 2 (14) January 1827 - February 26 (March 11), 1914) - Russian geographer, botanist, statistician and public figure. Vice chairman and head of the Russian Geographical Society (since 1873) and the Russian dof Entomological Society (1889). Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1873). Member of the State Council (1897). Member of the Russian Mining Society (1900). In 1856-1857 years studied the Tien Shan. Initiated a series of expeditions to Central dof Asia. In 1859-60 participated as a member of an expert in the work of the Drafting Committee for the preparation of the peasant dof reform of 1861. The organizer of the first census of the population of Russia in 1897.
It is known that without the great names of creators and educators, would not our city and our university that they are. Often there are pangs of conscience, reminding us of our guilt before teachers. Resurrect worthy names predecessors, the creators of science (whether or laboratory academician) - an important and responsible task.
Celebrated 170 years since his birth. The life and work of Peter Petrovich there is a large literature, but, as is known, eliminates dof memory. Do not let it languish roots - our sacred duty to future generations.
Pyotr Petrovich was scientists worldwide. It's hard to say that dominated in his multifaceted activities. Even a short list of his professions and positions is surprising. He was a geographer and geologist, botanist and entomologist, statistician, economist and traveler, organizer and historian of science. LS Berg believes that the most important of his "true calling" was geography, and "that his specialty he invariably served in all its various walks of life." PAKropotkin, who considered himself a disciple and follower of Peter Petrovich, called him "the father of modern geography in Russia."
Since 1873, Peter - an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. dof Since 1874 - Honorary Member dof of the Academy of Arts. In addition, it is an honorary member of many foreign geographical and other scientific societies.
He was also an avid collector. His excellent entomological collection is stored in the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. His collection of Dutch and Flemish paintings (719 copies) has been recognized by the fullness dof of the second in Europe. Currently, she is the property of the Hermitage and at the conclusion of experts, fills the Hermitage collection. At the end of 1997 is supposed to show this collection. Extensive work of Peter Petrovich "Studies in the History of Dutch painting" and now used by specialists.
"Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire." 5 volumes. 1863-1885 gg. "There is nothing equal to the value of this work is not created until now. "Statistics of landed property and localities of European Russia" 1880-1884 gg. "The history of half a century dof of activity of the Russian Geographical Society." 3 monumental volume in 1896, where he was with the utmost thoroughness described the activities of the Russian Geographical Society, from the details of its creation (1845) to the results of most small expeditions. "Journey to the Tien Shan in 1856-1857 dof gg.," 11 ed., Published in Geografgiz 1948 ed. N.G.Fradkina.
Peter was a consummate organizer and publications. Under his editorship and with direct participation were published such classic multi-volume works as "Russian. Full geographic description of our fatherland ", 1899-1914," Picturesque Russia "in 12 volumes, and much, much more.
During the life of Peter is a frequent speaker and lectures at academic councils and student audiences. It was at the urging of Peter Petrovich in the Charter of the University in 1884 was made a regular item on the teaching of geography that before if he had, it occasionally as an auxiliary science.
Communication with the University of Pyotr Petrovich was carried out as a constant concern for the elderly and disadvantaged students scientists. He regularly sought pensions and scholarships. In case of need, he personally visited the family of the poor and often provide generous assistance to the needy from personal funds.
Humanism Petr Petrovich was boundless. Its democracy, internationalism and generosity create an image only charming, capable, by definition, LS Berg, "to attract the heart."
Despite the high-ranking officials dof and a very busy academic and administrative work, Peter, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, dof was a man of public, kind, sympathetic to someone else

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