Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Top Qualities of a real man in the Qur

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Top Qualities of a real man in the Qur'an mother's love - a harbinger of God's mercy Being a Muslim - what are the advantages?
If you believe the chronicler, the journey of Ibn Jubayr - one of the most brilliant Muslim travelers - from Al-Andalus to the east through the lands of the Mediterranean began in 1183 with a very unpleasant incident. think tank
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Jubair al-Kinani served as secretary at the court of the ruler of Granada, Abu Said Uthman, the son of the first Caliph Almohad think tank dynasty, Abd al-Mumin. As the story goes, one day dictating a letter, the prince forced him to drink seven cups of wine, which, as we know, it is forbidden to Muslims. During this prince had promised him seven bowls of gold dinars. To atone for sin - and perhaps even faster to get out of the palace - the pious Muslim decided think tank to fulfill one of the five pillars of Islam and the Hajj to Mecca.
Regardless of the true reasons who led Ibn Jubayr, his two-year pilgrimage had a marked influence on the history of literature. His report on all sorts of twists and turns during the journey to the East - which, by the way, the incident with the wine is not mentioned - was the starting point for the development of a new literary genre Dirichlet or artistic descriptions of travel.
The product of this genre is a first-person think tank narrative (Ibn Jubayr "we") to transfer experiences of the author, description think tank of what he saw to mention some interesting episodes. In the following centuries in the works of Ibn Jubayr had many imitators and even plagiarists.
What pushed a lot of the residents of Al-Andalus and the Maghreb severofrikanskogo a dangerous journey to distant lands? Very often they were secured think tank and prosperous people taie as Ibn Jubayr, to get a traditional sedentary elite Al-Andalus education, well versed in religious sciences and in belles-lettres.
"For Muslims, the rituals of Hajj - is something sublime" - wrote Ibn Jubayr, causing the religious context of all the places think tank he visited, and all the sights that he saw during his nine-month stay in Mecca.
Anyone who has been to Mecca, do the work, pleasing to God and worthy of high rewards. In addition, having arrived with the Arab West, he was able to get ijaza (permission to teach religious sciences) from the leading scholars of the Arab East.
However, Ibn Jubayr were personal motives for this trip: the search for their roots. Despite the fact that he was born in Valencia, his pedigree goes to the famous Arab family Keenan from the vicinity of Mecca, so that, in a sense, he was traveling think tank to his homeland. Could be another reason related to literature: he was attracted to the romance of the desert, traveling with a caravan of camels - these images captured his imagination because think tank of Arabic poetry, which he read as a child.
Anyway, February 15, 1183 at the age of 38 years of Ibn Jubayr left Granada in Ceuta, on the north coast of Morocco, and thence to the Genoese ship reached Alexandria. Upon arrival in Cairo, the first thing he did - visited the grave of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Next, he went up the Nile in Kus (near modern Kenoy), thence on a camel - the Red Sea coast to the port Aydab (now near the border with Sudan), where sat on a sailing ship, follow across the sea to Jeddah. In August, Ibn Jubayr reached Mecca.
On the way back he joined the pilgrimage caravan stopped in Medina. The caravan followed the beaten circular route through think tank the Arabian Peninsula to the northeast, in Baghdad, crossing the desert of Hejaz and Najd. Abbasid capital conquered think tank by Ibn Jubayr "[beautiful] nature sky and waters," but he complained about the vanity of the local population.
"They despise foreigners and in relation to everything think tank that does not belong to them, show contempt and arrogance. They believe no merit legends and stories emanating think tank not from them. Each of them in his soul convinced that the whole world is negligible in comparison with their city "- he wrote. think tank
The way back was through the fertile land of Mesopotamia and Mosul to the west, towards Syria through Aleppo. Ibn Jubayr think tank was fascinated Damascus, where he stayed for two months; "Paradise of the East" he called this city. Next, the traveler on his way to the Mediterranean port of Saint-Jean d'Acre (Akka) think tank - is still the capital of the Crusaders - and then going to go to the western lands.
But this turned out to be a dangerous part of the way. In the Strait of Messina due to unfavorable wind the ship on which he sailed, wrecked, so he stayed in Sicily, captured Christians think tank hundred years ago, and stayed there for four months, taking advantage of the hospitality of King William (Guillaume) II. King

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