Monday, March 31, 2014

Kontakti mājas Ievērojamie NEGAISI ar vārdu. Negaiss ar virpulīti. Masīvs nakts negaiss Rīgā 7.08.20

Diena atnāk daļeji mākoņaina, daudzviet jau līst,  no rīta negaisi vēl nav manāmi, g12 visās ziņās skan brīdinājumi par postošiem g12 negaisiem, kas sākšoties tuvakās stundās, pagaidām ne radaros ne debešu skatos par to nekas vēl neliecina....Diena ir silta, mitra un nedaudz spiediga, +21 grāds.
Ap 12:30 ap Rīgu parādas pirmie gubumākoni kas uzreiz sāk strauji un sprādzienveidigi attistities un augt tik strauji, ka to pat vareja novērot ar aci, gandriz kā time-lapse video... Pusstundas laikā tie jau pārveršās varenos gubu/lietus mākoņos un atskan pirmie pērkona dārdi un redzami lietusgāžu plīvuri un negaisa laktas, kas izplešas un saplūst kopā. Un nu jau pēc stundas diezgan fotogenisks negaiss ar sienas g12 mākoni un pērkona g12 dārdiem dodās Rīgas Austrumu un centra pusē nesot tur stipru tropisku gāzienu. Novērots arī viens ļoti tuvs grandiozs zibens spēriens mazāk kā 1 sek.distances. Virzoties aiz Rīgas ZR, virzienā negaiss turpina strauji augt un attistities pāraugot visai nopietnā negaisā virs Līča un R, ZR piekrastes...
26.marts 2014.Anticiklons pastiprinās. +8...+10.
Kontakti mājas Ievērojamie NEGAISI ar vārdu. Negaiss ar virpulīti. Masīvs nakts negaiss Rīgā 7.08.2012. Svelmei g12 seko negaiss ar vētru,Rīga, g12 29.07.2012 Varenie negaisa mākoņi Rigā, 21.07.2012 Jūlijs 2012, interesanti ķērieni Negaiss Samsona dienā, 10.07.2012 SHIELF CLOUD Rīgā, 9.07.2012 Izoletie un daudzšūnu negaisi g12 Rīgā, 6.07.2012 Masīvi negaisi Rīgā, 21-22. maijā 2012 Negaiss pie jūras, jūnijs g12 2010. Negaiss ar triecienvētru, Rigā, 2010. jūlijs g12 Negaiss Ikšķilē, jūnijs 2010 Negaiss 2010.g. jūlijā Ciklons KATARZYNA Negaisi pie Jūras 2011. gads,jūlijs Dāžādi noķerti negaisā mākoņi 2011
►  2014 (9) ►  marts (6) ►  g12 februāris (2) ►  janvāris (1) ▼  2013 (63) ►  decembris (6) ►  novembris (3) ►  oktobris (2) ►  septembris (10) ►  augusts (9) ►  jūlijs (8) ►  jūnijs (7) ▼  g12 maijs (14) 31.maijs/1.jūnijs: Negaiss FREDIS Rīgā. 28. maijs. Rīga. Mākoņu kauja... 21.maijs. Negaiss GARVILKSNIS Rīgā, lietusgāze. 21. maijs Negaiss RAITIS Rīgā. 20.maijs. Negaisi iet garām Rīgai 2 19. maijs. g12 Negaisi paiet garām Rīgai 18. maijs. NEGAISS SKYFORGER. Negaiss Rīgā ar vētr... 17. maijs. Joprojām negaisa gaidās. 16.05.2013. Gatavošanās jauniem negaisiem... g12 13. maijs Negaisi Austrumu pusē. Negaiss ZIGIS. 13. maijs.Negaiss RŪDIS Rīgā/ 12.maijs. Negaiss AUSTRIS. NEGAISU SEZONAS 2013/ pārliecinoša atklāšana. Nega... Gaidam vasarīgus negaisus 8-10 maijā! ►  aprīlis (2) ►  marts (1) ►  g12 janvāris (1) ►  2012 (61) ►  decembris (3) ►  novembris (2) ►  oktobris (8) ►  septembris (11) ►  augusts (8) ►  jūlijs (14) ►  jūnijs (6) ►  maijs (5) ►  g12 aprīlis (2) ►  marts (2)
aculiecinieku foto. (1) aktīvs ciklons (14) appludušas ielas (1) atkala (2) augstie gubumakoni (5) aukstā g12 fronte (2) brīdinājums (1) CB (43) CB laktas (4) ciklona aizmugurē (1) ciklona pazīmes (6) ciklons (29) Citu autoru g12 foto (9) Cumulus Pileus (5) daudzšūnu negaisi (7) Daugavgrīva (1) Decembra temperatūras (1) decembru arhīvs (1) ESTOFEX 2. kategorija (1) februāris (1) frontālais negaiss (4) GSF prognoze (2) gubumakoni (14) Gļuks. (1) ilgstošs lietus (5) ilgstošs sniegs (1) intensiva snigšana (2) interesanta prognoze (1) interesanti mākoni (18) Izolētie negaisi (8) jūrmala (5) karstums (1) Konvekcija (49) krusa (12) krusas mākoni (15) krusas g12 mākoņi (5) kupenas g12 (1) Labākie negaisi2013 (1) lake effect (14) lapuvētra (1) ledus (1) Lielgraudu krusa (5) Lielgraudu Круса (2) lietus (2) lietusgaze (13) lietusgāze (14) lokāli negaisi. (5) lokāli plūdi (1) (1) līča efekts (12) mammatus clouds (2) marts (1) Masīvs negaiss (20) Masīvs sniegs (4) mākonu novērojums (37) nakts (1) nakts negaiss (7) Negaisa gaidās (15) negaisa lakta (19) negaisa mākoņi (31) negaiss (24) negaiss GARVILKSNIS (1) negaiss AUSTRIS (1) negaiss FREDIS (1) negaiss GARJĀNIS (1) Negaiss nāk (7) negaiss RAITIS (1) Negaiss Rigā (9) Negaiss g12 RUDIS (1) negaiss Rīgā (14) Negaiss SKYFORGER (1) negaiss VARIS (1) Negaiss Нак (7) negaissZIGIS (1) negaisu gaidot (12) Negaisu g12 satelītbildes (15) negaisu vērošana (9) negaisu ķeršana (33) Neveiksmīgs vērojums (12) novērojumi. tabulas (3) novērojums (1) orkāns (4) pavasaris (1) perkoni (1) peļķes (2) Pirmais negaiss (1) pirmais sniegs (2) plūdi (2) postijumi (3) prognoze. (2) prognozes atmiņai... (1) putenis (3) pērkoni (6) pērkoni.līča efekts (4) radara bildes (1) radars (7) Riga (15) rudens vētra (2) Rīga (18) sanesumi (1) sasalstošs lietus (3) satelītbildes (24) Shielf cloud (6) Shielf облако (1) sienas mākonis (20) silta ziema (1) skaisti mākoņi (21) skaisti negaisi (8) skaists negaiss (8) sniega graudi (3) sniega nogulumi (1) sniegavētra (1) sniegputenis (8) spēciga krusa (1) spēcigs negaiss (3)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

27. janvārī 18:30 kim? lekciju telpā

Diskusija “Fotogēnisks uzvedums” jau rīt Foto portāls
27. janvārī 18:30 kim? lekciju telpā “Fotogēnisks uzvedums” diskusija par fotogrāfiju un foto institūcijām Latvijā ar jaunā fotogrāfijas portāla “FK” redaktoru Arni Balču, žurnāla “Foto photo printing Kvartāls” redaktori Alisi Tīfentāli un Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzeja pārstāvjiem.
Lai iepazīstinātu photo printing ar FK , sarunu ievadā Arnis Balčus stāstīs par jauno interneta žurnālu, tā īstermiņa un ilgtermiņa mērķiem un plānotajām aktivitātem. Uzdodot klātesošajiem jautājumu: Vai FK kā institūcija var uzlabot foto vidi Latvijā? , portāla redaktors aicinās piedalīties diskusijā un dalīties ar idejām un saviem priekšstatiem par fotogrāfijas portālu un foto vidi Latvijā kopumā.
Vakara photo printing gaitā vēl tiks skarti temati: žurnāls Foto Kvartāls un tā devums Latvijas photo printing fotogrāfiskajai domai; kim? / FK galerijas darbība un nākotne; Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzejs un citas foto institūcijas photo printing Latvijā. photo printing Diskusijā piedalīsies un uz auditorijas jautājumiem atbildēs arī mākslas zinātniece, žurnāla Foto Kvartāls redaktore (2006 – 2010) Alise Tīfentāle, Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzeja speciāliste, photo printing mākslas zinātniece Anda Boluža un kim? laikmetīgās mākslas centra vadītāja Zane Onckule.
Jaunākie raksti Sony Alpha A6000 FotoAkadēmijas Jaunumu lapa Februāris/ Marts Nikon D4S digitālā spoguļkamera Sony prezentācija Fotoakademijā Praktiskie fotografēšanas pamati AIVARA LIEPIŅA FOTOGRĀFIJU IZSTĀDE ES IERAUDZĪJU… photo printing Notiks izcilā latviešu fotogrāfa J.Rieksta photo printing kapa plāksnes iesvētīšanas ceremonija Canon prezentēs līdz šim iespaidīgāko izstrādājumu klāstu izstādē IBC 2012 Augusta sākumā Viesītē photo printing norisināsies plenērs “Pa photo printing Buclera pēdām” Muzeju nakts 2012
Jaunākie photo printing komentāri photo printing Kāzu fotogrāfs rāda labākās fotogrāfijas darbu izstāde Muzeju naktī Foto portāls on Kāzu foto kursi ar praktiskajām photo printing nodarbībām Kāzu fotogrāfs rāda labākās fotogrāfijas darbu izstāde Muzeju naktī Foto portāls photo printing on Muzeju nakts 2012 Canon PowerShot G1 X Latvijā Foto portāls on Canon PowerShot G12 apskats Nikon D800, 36,6 Mpix kamera Foto portāls on Nikon D800 pirms Ziemassvētkiem? anya on “Dienas” balva fotogrāfijā 2011
Arhīvi marts 2014 februāris 2014 marts 2013 augusts 2012 jūlijs 2012 jūnijs 2012 maijs 2012 aprīlis 2012 marts 2012 februāris 2012 janvāris photo printing 2012 decembris 2011 novembris 2011 oktobris 2011 septembris 2011 augusts 2011 jūlijs 2011 jūnijs 2011 maijs 2011 aprīlis 2011 marts 2011 februāris 2011 janvāris 2011 decembris photo printing 2010 novembris 2010 oktobris 2010 septembris 2010 augusts 2010 jūlijs 2010 jūnijs 2010 maijs 2010 aprīlis 2010 marts 2010 februāris 2010 janvāris 2010 decembris 2009 novembris 2009 oktobris 2009 septembris 2009 augusts 2009 jūlijs 2009 jūnijs 2009 maijs 2009 aprīlis 2009 marts 2009 novembris 2008 oktobris 2008 septembris 2008 augusts 2008 jūlijs 2008 jūnijs 2008 aprīlis 2008 marts 2008 janvāris 2008 augusts 2007 aprīlis 2007 februāris 2006 janvāris photo printing 2006 novembris 2005 oktobris 2005 septembris 2005 augusts 2005 jūlijs 2005 jūnijs 2005
Foto studija StudioGlamour Meklē modeles Produktu foto uz balta fona Предметная photo printing каталожная фотосъемка Fotogrāfiju slaidšovs Pasākumu foto Juvelieru izstrādājumu fotogrāfija Skanējam filmiņas un krāsu diapozitīvās filmas Izbraukuma photo printing fotosesija Restorāns Burkāns Izbraukuma fotosesija Maketi presei

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Ne-fotogenisks negaiss 23.7.10./Zante, vakarā | Meteo diena
Vārds canon 5d (nepieciešams)
Pēdējie komentāri weathermanx on Neliels jūlija negaisiņš… sametis665 on Atkal tropu negaisi – 6.… PURVA VECIS on Atkal tropu negaisi – canon 5d 6.… PURVA VECIS on Atkal tropu negaisi canon 5d – 6.… sarkanakmens on Nokrišņu brāzmas aiz CATRIN ci… sarkanakmens on Piesnieg arī koku zari- 5.12.1… Maija/Jaunpiebalga/ on Miglainais Veļu laiks –… meteodiena on Jörn ciklona cb mākoņi –… Māris (10km R no Sal… on Jörn ciklona cb mākoņi canon 5d –… Raitis_Sametis/Zante on Patiesi negaisains vakars… Dainis-Ludzas novads… on Negaiss rītā – Zante… Saulcerite/Rix/ on Masīvs sniegs, ciklons Skārlet… Arhīvi Marts 2014 Februāris 2014 Janvāris 2014 Decembris 2013 Novembris 2013 Augusts 2013 Jūlijs 2013 Jūnijs 2013 Maijs 2013 Aprīlis 2013 Marts 2013 Februāris 2013 Janvāris 2013 Decembris 2012 Novembris canon 5d 2012 Oktobris canon 5d 2012 Septembris 2012 Augusts 2012 Jūlijs 2012 Jūnijs 2012 Maijs 2012 Aprīlis 2012 Marts 2012 Februāris 2012 Janvāris 2012 Decembris 2011 Novembris 2011 Oktobris 2011 Septembris 2011 Augusts 2011 Jūlijs 2011 Jūnijs 2011 Maijs 2011 Aprīlis 2011 Marts 2011 Februāris 2011 Janvāris 2011 Decembris 2010 Novembris 2010 Oktobris 2010 Septembris 2010 Augusts 2010 Jūlijs 2010 Jūnijs canon 5d 2010 Maijs 2010 Aprīlis 2010 Marts 2010 Februāris 2010 Janvāris 2010
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Friday, March 28, 2014

DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי wireimage החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: wireimage - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Steve Aoki Ft Linkin Park - A Light That Never Comes (T.M.Z Remix)
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious wireimage StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks wireimage LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by djt.m.z on 12/25/13 at 05:24:00 pm . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg wireimage «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella wireimage «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup wireimage «matthew wireimage koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» wireimage tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (128) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7830) - Tomorrowland 201… (3349) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3336) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2989) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2562) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2043) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2041) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1876) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1809) אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Re… (1667)
March 2014 (128) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September wireimage 2013 (101) August wireimage 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Remix) Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception wireimage (Don D Mash Up) Taio Cruz - There She Goes (Dj Hakan Keles 2013 Remix) Avicii - Wake Me Up (Hardwell REMIX) [Tomorrowland 2013] פאר טסי - החיים לימדוני (Tomer Segev Remix) Yinon Yahel Feat Alon Sharr - Reach Out (Asi Givati Remix) משה פרץ - ארוץ עד אלייך קיסריה Remix Intro Dj.Itzik.B אייל גולן - את (עמית בלייז ושרון גל רמיקס) Afrojack & Chris Brown - As Your Friend (Archery Remix) ליאור נרקיס - אז יאללה (Ron Hadad Remix)
afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg borgeous bumaye «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» «dean cohen» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» firebeatz hardwell «icona pop» «ido shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay wireimage hardway» «jennifer lopez» ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» «lana del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» «live it up» «major lazer» makj «marcus schossow» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» wireimage «meital wireimage de razon» wireimage mix «mor avrahami» «new world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official wireimage remix» «omer adam» «original mix» pitbull psy quintino r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» wireimage «steve aoki» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w «wake me up» wolfpack «yinon yahel» «yves v» zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» wireimage «אז יאללה» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «דודי חקקיאן» «האוטו שלי היופי שלך» «ליאור נרקיס» «מאור אדרי» «מול wireimage כל העולם» «מזרחית wireimage להורדה» «עומר אדם» «רגב הוד» wireimage רמ

Thursday, March 27, 2014

אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Remix) Taio Cruz - There She Goes (Dj Hakan Keles 2013 Remix) Avici

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music - Best Music Project pixta Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי pixta החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Amos feat. Sarah Jane Neild - If It Happens (Steve Morley Remix) [ASOT 649]
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article pixta This entry was posted pixta by el_padrino on 01/24/14 at 04:47:00 pm . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» pixta mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» «אייל גולן» «דודו pixta אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית» pixta
March 2014 (128) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7822) pixta - Tomorrowland 201… (3336) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה pixta (3336) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2968) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2557) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2040) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2035) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1875) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1808) אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Re… (1662)
March 2014 (128) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Remix) Taio Cruz - There She Goes (Dj Hakan Keles 2013 Remix) Avicii - Wake Me Up (Hardwell REMIX) [Tomorrowland 2013] Shogun - Erhuu (As Played By Armin van Buuren on ASOT 650) Yinon Yahel Feat Alon Sharr - Reach Out (Asi Givati Remix) משה פרץ - ארוץ עד אלייך קיסריה Remix Intro Dj.Itzik.B פאר טסי - החיים לימדוני (Tomer Segev Remix) pixta אייל גולן - את (עמית בלייז ושרון גל רמיקס) Afrojack & Chris Brown - As Your Friend (Archery Remix) ליאור נרקיס - אז יאללה (Ron Hadad Remix)
2013 afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg braindead «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» «dean cohen» deorro «dimitri pixta vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» pixta «extended mix» firebeatz «hard rock sofa» hardwell «icona pop» «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» «lana del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» «live it up» «major lazer» makj «marcus pixta schossow» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up pixta mashup «matthew koma» «meital de razon» mix «mor pixta avrahami» nervo «new world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» «omer adam» «original mix» pitbull psy quintino r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» «steve aoki» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w «wake pixta me up» wolfpack «yinon yahel» «yves v» zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» «אז יאללה» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «דודי חקקיאן» «האוטו שלי היופי שלך» «ליאור נרקיס» «מאור אדרי» pixta «מול כל העולם» «מזרחית להורדה» «עומר אדם» «רגב הוד» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית» <

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Four. Employment agreements that will allow physicians to make a living doing work in the public se

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ACRI and PHR filed this morning (17/07/2013) German Commission position paper outlines a detailed thisiswhyimbroke plan adaptable to strengthen the public health system in a way that allows patients to enjoy the benefits of private services free of charge. Public committee headed by the Minister of Health, Yael German, considering the various alternatives to strengthen the public health system.
Position paper, written by Adut, head of the right to health ACRI and Prof. Danny Filk, a member of Physicians for Human Rights, explores the trend of drying, the privatization and commercialization creeping public health system, a trend that HMOs and public thisiswhyimbroke hospitals thisiswhyimbroke play a central role. The result: the public thisiswhyimbroke loses confidence in the public health system, tax dollars and public resources flowing Llachisihn private companies, the expenditure on health - both for households in the middle class and national expenditure - rises so does the gap between the quality and availability of health services received by those who can pay and disadvantaged .
Four. Employment agreements that will allow physicians to make a living doing work in the public sector alone, even without the "Additional thisiswhyimbroke Income". Document is a Canadian model employing doctors Agreement "Today - Full" (Paul - Timer), which makes working in a hospital commitment to invest all working thisiswhyimbroke hours. At the same time, it is proposed to allow patients to choose a doctor (surgeon or expert advisor) As part of the public and free of charge, so will reward doctors wanted, while maintaining full transparency.
Anat Litvin, director of PHR residents: "We are concerned Calls to support private care in public hospitals and are afraid that it is done to the interests of profit rather than the welfare of patients. German Committee has a real opportunity to overhaul the health care system in Israel and its return path laid out when enacted national health insurance law which underpins the notion that the resource embedded in the health system in Israel should be divided equally between everyone. "
Adut, head of the right to health, the Association for Civil Rights: "every thisiswhyimbroke dollar that comes out in private thisiswhyimbroke is much more extravagant weight in the public system. Worse, private money in the public system causes it to behave just like a private insurance company. Came time to return the public system - funds and hospitals - to the general public and ensure that any person receiving medical care only purpose is to human health and gain others. "
Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, a member of Physicians for Human Rights and Chairman of the Health Policy Research thisiswhyimbroke Center Negev: "The rate of increase in private expenditure on health in Israel is among the highest in the world. This process rodent thisiswhyimbroke principles of the National Health Insurance Law, particularly the principle of equality. The ongoing erosion of public system creates intolerable gaps in health between rich and poor, between center and periphery and between different groups in the population. This position paper proposes a solution to stop the privatization process and the mixing thisiswhyimbroke between the private thisiswhyimbroke and the public system will eventually harm the health of the population. Many in academia and civil society participated thisiswhyimbroke in the formulation of the solution and we believe that this is a feasible solution that would restore confidence in the public health system. "
For the last three weeks of life, tens of thousands without water. The residents appealed ... More ...
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afrojack d100 alive alvaro

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד d100 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Steve Aoki We Are Legend (Warkids Edit)
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious d100 StumbleUpon d100 Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 01/03/14 at 01:00:00 pm . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx d100 bootleg «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» d100 «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» d100 «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (125) February 2014 (134) January d100 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7816) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3335) - Tomorrowland 201… (3301) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2936) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2551) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2035) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2025) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1875) d100 Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1807) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… d100 (1658) d100
March 2014 (125) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August d100 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore d100 & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) מאור אדרי Vs. Dimitri Vegas Feat. Moguai d100 Feat. Like Mike - קרחנה (Eliron Asulin Mash Up) R3hab Vs. Jewelz & Scott Sparks d100 ft. Rihanna - What Now (Roben & Mike Mash-Up Edit') Calvin Harris & Tiesto & Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Sweet Nothing vs. Boneless (Hermetico Mashup). Major Lazer & Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Watch Out For This [Bumaye] (Bebo Serra Trap Mix) Dimitri d100 Vegas & Like Mike - Ocarina (Acoustic Version) ft. Avicii d100 - Wake Me Up (JuniNoise Edit) Steve Aoki, Rune RK & RAS - Bring You To Life (Transcend) (Original Mix) DMLV & Sander van Doorn - Project T (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike @ Tomorrowland 2013) Sebjak & David Tort vs Adrian Lux, Marcus Schossow, & Bassjackers Wild Rave Child (Patrick Pizzorni SAVAGE Edit) Fatboy Slim Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Ummet Ozcan Tomorrowland Remix)
afrojack d100 alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg braindead «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» «dean cohen» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» firebeatz hardwell «icona pop» «ido shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» jewelz ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» «lana del rey» «like mike» d100 «linkin park» macklemore «major lazer» makj «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew d100 koma» «meital de razon» mix «mor avrahami» «new d100 world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» «omer adam» «original mix» pitbull psy quintino r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» «steve aoki» «the d100 perez brothers» d100 tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w &

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 2014 (121) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) Octobe

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! trash the dress Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > מאש אפים > Steve Aoki & R3hab Vs Showtek - We Like To Flight (Afik T Mashap)
Share this post! Twitter trash the dress Digg Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by afik10000 on 01/09/14 at 02:20:00 pm . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like trash the dress mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna trash the dress showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אורגינל trash the dress רמיקס» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס trash the dress מזרחית»
March 2014 (121) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August trash the dress 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7816) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3331) - Tomorrowland 201… (3274) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2916) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2543) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2034) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2020) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1872) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1807) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… (1657)
March 2014 (121) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) R3hab Vs. Jewelz & Scott Sparks ft. Rihanna - What Now (Roben & Mike Mash-Up Edit') Calvin Harris & Tiesto & Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Sweet Nothing trash the dress vs. Boneless (Hermetico Mashup). Showtek ft. We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson - Booyah (Cash Cash Remix) Steve Aoki, Rune RK & RAS - Bring You To Life (Transcend) (Original trash the dress Mix) Miley & robin d.o.d - Wrecking Bananas (Afik T Mashap) (Showtek & Noisecontrollers VS. Zedd - Get Clarity (DJ I-zik mashup Dan Black ft. Kelis - Hearts (Kaskade & R3hab Remix) Mark Sixma Vs. R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution Requiem trash the dress Sparks (Roy Shemesh Mashup) My Crazy Girlfriend Crazy Stupid trash the dress Love (R3hab Remix)
afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» trash the dress «club mix» «david guetta» «dean trash the dress cohen» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» firebeatz «hard rock sofa» hardwell «icona pop» «ido shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» jewelz ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» «lana del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» macklemore «major lazer» makj «marcus schossow» «martin trash the dress garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «meital de razon» «miki mor» mix «new world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» «original mix» pitbull psy r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» starkillers «steve aoki» «tam!r trash the dress sh!lo» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w «wake me up» wolfpack «yinon yahel» zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» «אז יאללה» «אייל גולן» «דודו א

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music tough - Best Music Project Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד tough 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Steve Aoki & Coone Cant Stop The Swag (Original Mix)
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 01/29/14 at 12:33:00 am . Follow tough any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin tough van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin tough harris» «david tough guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash tough up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» mix «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור tough נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (108) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7811) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3324) - Tomorrowland 201… (3250) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2869) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2537) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2033) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2010) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1852) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1807) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… (1654)
March 2014 (108) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DVBBS & Borgeous - TSUNAMI (Original Mix) Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore tough & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) New World Sound - Coindrop (Original Mix) La Fuente - Matador (Original Mix) Jewelz & Scott Sparks - Cargo (Original Mix) Rick Mitchells - Jinxed (Original tough Mix) Calvin Harris & Tiesto & Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Sweet Nothing vs. Boneless tough (Hermetico Mashup). Hardwell & Dyro feat. Bright Lights - Never Say Goodbye (Original Mix) Quintino & Blasterjaxx - Puzzle tough (Original Mix) TST & twoloud Drop It Like This (Original Mix)
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

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פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music leica x2 - Best Music Project Vol 3 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Steve Aoki & Autoerotique vs. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feedback (Original Mix)
Share this post! Twitter leica x2 Digg Facebook leica x2 Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 02/07/14 at 06:00:00 pm . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg leica x2 «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» leica x2 «mash leica x2 - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית» leica x2
March 2014 (105) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7805) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3313) - Tomorrowland 201… (3231) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2833) leica x2 איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2536) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2032) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2007) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1824) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1807) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… (1651)
March 2014 (105) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DVBBS & Borgeous - TSUNAMI leica x2 (Original Mix) Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) New World Sound - Coindrop (Original Mix) מאור אדרי Vs. Dimitri Vegas Feat. Moguai Feat. Like Mike - קרחנה (Eliron Asulin Mash Up) La Fuente - Matador (Original Mix) Jewelz & Scott Sparks - Cargo (Original Mix) Rick Mitchells leica x2 - Jinxed (Original Mix) Hardwell & Dyro feat. Bright Lights - Never Say Goodbye (Original Mix) Calvin Harris & Tiesto & Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Sweet Nothing vs. Boneless (Hermetico Mashup). Major Lazer & Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Watch Out For This [Bumaye] (Bebo Serra Trap Mix)
2013 afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell leica x2 «bar leica x2 elgrabli» bassjackers leica x2 «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg borgeous bumaye «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» «hard rock sofa» hardwell «icona pop» «ido leica x2 shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» jewelz ke$ha krewella «laidback leica x2 luke» «lana leica x2 del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» «live it up» macklemore «major lazer» makj «marcus schossow» «martin garrix» «mash - up» leica x2 «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «meital de razon» «miki mor» mix «new world sound» «nicky leica x2 romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» leica x2 «original mix» pitbull psy r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» «steve aoki» «tam!r sh!lo» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w «wake me up» wizard wolfpack leica x2 «yinon yahel» zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» leica x2 «אז יאללה» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «דודי חקקיאן» «האוטו שלי היופי שלך&ra

Friday, March 21, 2014

DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 1 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Icona Pop, Steve Aoki, R3hab Flight Samurai All Night (VINAI Edit)
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook digital camera reviews Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 02/09/14 at 09:22:00 am . Follow digital camera reviews any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto digital camera reviews vinai w&w zedd «אייל גולן» digital camera reviews «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» «עומר אדם» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (98) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7796) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3313) - Tomorrowland 201… (3215) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2807) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2534) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2030) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (2000) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1810) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1806) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… (1651)
March 2014 (98) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December digital camera reviews 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More... digital camera reviews
Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) R3hab Vs. Jewelz & Scott Sparks ft. Rihanna - What Now (Roben & Mike Mash-Up Edit') Calvin Harris & Tiesto & Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Sweet Nothing vs. Boneless (Hermetico Mashup). Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Ocarina (Acoustic Version) ft. Avicii - Wake Me Up (JuniNoise Edit) Steve Aoki, Rune RK & RAS - Bring You To Life (Transcend) (Original Mix) Sebjak & David Tort vs Adrian Lux, Marcus Schossow, & Bassjackers Wild Rave Child (Patrick Pizzorni SAVAGE Edit) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop (VINAI Dubstep Bootleg) Red Hot Chili Peppers vs Borgore digital camera reviews - By The Wild Out Way (VINAI digital camera reviews Edit) Hardwell & MAKJ vs Mauro Picotto - Countdown Komodo (VINAI Edit) Micha Moor & Vinai Vs. Sia - Titanium Core (Miki Mor Mash - Up)
2013 afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg bumaye «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» firebeatz «hard rock sofa» hardwell «icona pop» «ido shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» jewelz ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» digital camera reviews «lana del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» «major lazer» makj «marcus schossow» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «meital de razon» «miki mor» «miley cyrus» mix nervo «new world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» «original mix» pitbull psy r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» starkillers «steve aoki» «tam!r sh!lo» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud «ummet digital camera reviews ozcan» vinai w&w «wake me up» wizard wolfpack «yinon yahel

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Section Home Featured Shows Super-Price Tickets on sale overseas performances impressions week's events all events Subscribers concerts of classical music and pop music rock blues jazz and world music, Israeli music theater performances Israeli theater opera and ballet performances Folk Dance Musical Theatre Children Circus Comedy Entertainment Attractions Cinema Clubs lectures Stand up shows Help My Account
Section All Sections concerts of classical music and pop music rock blues jazz and world music, Israeli music theater performances Israeli theater opera and ballet performances Folk Dance Musical Theatre Children Circus Comedy Entertainment Attractions Cinema Clubs lectures Stand up shows
Place all the cities of the North Sharon Center Jerusalem South North Beit Shean Haifa Karmiel degrees Nahariya foton Nazareth Illit Kibbutz Gan Shmuel Kibbutz volcano group in Kibbutz Yifat live in a universe of Kibbutz Ein Ein woods Kiryat Motzkin Judge Sharon Kiryat Shmona Or Akiva South Sharon - Yarkon Junction Hood Hasharon Herzliya Kfar Yona room Shmaryahu Kfar Saba Netanya Ramat Hasharon, Ra'anana Tel Mond center of Or Yehuda Ariel Bat - Yam Givat Shapira Givattayim Gardens hope Holon Yehud Lod Petah Tikva Rishon Lezion Ramle, Ramat Gan Tel Aviv - Jerusalem, Abu Gosh Jerusalem Beit Jamal Monastery Grouping wasp South Horizons Arad Ashdod Ashkelon Be'er - Sheva Masada National Park Garden - Yavne Latrun Latrun intelligence Eshkol Regional Council Ness Ziona Kibbutz Givat Brenner Kibbutz Dorot Kiryat Gat Kiryat - Malachi blocks from to Clear Search
Duration: two and a half dream of all lovers of guitar music is about to come true. Guitar legend Steve Vai will come to Israel under international round his master classes at the end of June. And it was discovered by Frank Zappa was known in his playing Huirtoazit and design models unique guitars and effects for leading foton companies such as "Ibanez". The musical foton encounter one-time foton non demonstrate, explain and share his audience experiences a long career and vast experience and original guitar. Master Class of Steve Vai allows one-time experience foton of the world and creates a huge player. All About Steve (Cmat..) 1974 - Steve Vai aged 17 - Strongly influenced by Jimi Hendrix, Alice Cooper Weld Zeppelin began taking music lessons on the electric guitar from Joe Satriani and also sent to Frank Zappa's own recording of the album Zappa Plays . Zappa greatly impressed by the capabilities of the young virtuoso set an appointment with him and her, and it hired immediately to work as a guitarist in his performances. 1982 - At the age of 22 and it recorded first solo album (Flex-Able). 1983 - Wai appeared with ensembles. 1985 - Wye connected to David Lee Roth and records, along with bassist Billy Sheehan and drummer Greg Bisont, albums Eat'em and Smile and Skyscraper. foton 1986 - Participated in the recording of the album and it's British New Wave automotive Public Image Limited. 1989 - recorded an album with British band "Whitesnake". That began to appear and it has a 7-string guitar built for him by the company "Ibanez" it back and it along with guitarist John Petrucci playing these unique guitars, the jazz world has contemporary music. 1990 - began performing with his band, the album Passion And Warfare's come out. 1992 - member and non concert "Guitar foton Legends" held in Seville, Spain, together with artists like Joe Satriani, Brian May (Queen), foton Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme), Gary Tz'arron (former Van Halen), and Rick and Iikmn (Yes). 1996 - began appearing on G3 with Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Ingowei Malmsteen, foton John Petrucci and others. Tradition in which he continues to this day in 2004 - Europe recorded a two-hour concert of his works, a special project called Sound Theories Metropolitan Orchestra of the Netherlands in 2006 - Won Grammy Best Performance of the instrumental "Lotus Feet". 2007 - launch of the double album Sound Theories. 2008 - Award Winning bony best performance instrumental track "Lotus Fee The Attitude Song" Over the years, foton he composed and performed the soundtrack movies such as "Bogus Journey Bill Todd" (1991), "Wayne's World" (1992 - movie cameo role) "Krosrod" (1986) and others.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate asylum seekers and refugees 45 years of occupati

Home Association The vision big picture of people: President, Board of Management, staff achievements Society big picture Transparency: Official Reports and Financial Information Activity Reports Annual Association Network Terms collective agreement Jobs / s Association Site Map Know / the rights of our activities publications electronic newsletter Knesset courts news articles papers Photos Site Map Mixed Human Rights Education Association contributed Join us Receive Updates Volunteer renovation fellowship Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Downloaded browser plugin Contact Us
Commission German, or her full name, "The Public Commission to strengthen the health system", will receive over the next few months crucial decision will determine what will be the face of the Israeli health care system in the future: Will it be the health system commercialized and privatized public trust which is shrinking and does not invest sufficient resources for community medicine and preventive medicine, or will it be a public system strong and equal, where medical personnel properly rewarded big picture for their work and in which disadvantaged social groups can exercise their right to health worth?
We are happy to invite you / estate, medicine men and women of any person interested, to convene an alternative to the privatization of the health system. The conference will include panel discussion with activists and experts and senior health system: Dr. Yitzhak Berlowitz, Wolfson Hospital Director big picture Dr. Oscar Ambon, hospital director Dr. Ronen Baruch Ziv, a family physician and a member of Physicians for Human Rights big picture Prof. Danny Filk, Physician and Head of the Department of Politics and Government big picture at Ben - Gurion Dr. Carmel Shalev, jurist - ethical person, adjunct professor at Haifa University senior representative of Clalit
Conference will also offer the Physicians for Human Rights and the ACLU, which is submitted to the German, and presents a model for change in the health system will lead to strengthening recovery, and separation from private medicine. The model has not yet been tested in Israel, but works great in Canada and allows medical system more equitable and transparent, providing just compensation medical teams.
March 9, 2014
HCJ 1892/14 Association for Civil Rights in Israel v. Minister of Public Security ... More ...
Freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate asylum seekers and refugees 45 years of occupation rights big picture in East Jerusalem Arab minority rights legislation unrecognized villages anti - democratic big picture privatization hospitalization and nursing big picture care to the right to health right to adequate housing workshop - an educational space for democracy and human rights
Association: Vision | Achievements | Transparency - Official Reports and Financial Information | Terms of Association | Association Network | Contact Us civil rights: all | Citizenship and Residency | rights in criminal big picture proceedings | freedom of speech | Freedom of information | Right to Privacy | migrant workers | refugees and asylum seekers | More social rights: all | Right to Health | Right to Housing | Right to Water | right to work | labor rights of the Arab minority rights: all | Housing, Planning and Lands | fair representation | family life and Law of Citizenship "| Unrecognized big picture Villages | Equal Education | Arab women the right to equality: all | Individuals big picture with Disabilities | Women | LGBT | Racism and Discrimination | Human Rights in the Occupied Territories: All | right to life and limb | Freedom of Movement | Separation Fence | adequate housing | freedom of speech and protest | IHL rights East Jerusalem residents: All | Education | Residency | conduct of the police and security | freedom of movement big picture and set | Design and Construction | Email | More Other topics: Privatization | Democracy | International big picture Conventions | All threads

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Successful DJ Steve Bajuk (Steve Aoki) returns to Israel after less than a year and will be in Hall

Successful DJ Steve Bajuk (Steve Aoki) returns to Israel after less than a year and will be in Hall 1 of the Tel Aviv Exhibition Grounds on 7 February 2014. Cheap tickets are now sold in limited quantities assuming presale. Where to buy and how much it cost you? Next article. Less than a year after it appeared Israel DJ Steve Bajuk (Steve Aoki) is considered one of the greatest DJs in the world, returns Bajuk Israel again another great concert will be held in Hall 1 at the Exhibition Grounds in February 2014. purchase cheap tickets clip art free to a performance by Steve Bajuk Exhibition Grounds fast and secure purchase click here. Steve Bajuk considered one Djs most provocative and familiar to most right energies he brings with him to shows and parties in which he participates. Bajuk has already become a candidate at the music awards - Grammy and collaborate with leading top DJs such as Tiesto, Van Walden Cindy Sampson , Afro Jack and more. Moreover, during his musical career, clip art free managed Bajuk make and execute Extended Mixes sections of the Jackson Five, Kenya West, de The Killers and more. performance by Bajuk Israel last year, sold out quickly and at this time the tickets are expected to be snatched . upcoming concert, are likely to occur along with Bajuk also echoes - Jays Deorro and TBA. Tickets Steve Bajuk Exhibition Grounds - February 2014 Steve Bajuk party in Israel, will take place in Hall 1 at the Exhibition Grounds in Tel Aviv on February 7. Concert ticket price is 240 NIS but buyers presale tickets will be held until 31 December, and price discount will be 220 NIS. tickets can be purchased through the following website. meantime until, watched a performance by Steve Bajuk Music Festival "ultra" held in Miami six months ago: Want to get all the articles and site updates regularly network cards? click here our facebook page or our Google + page or click here for other possibilities.
Welcome to Ticket Network Here you will find recommendations and reviews on shows, plays, concerts and all entertainment and cultural events in Israel. You will also receive information and recommendations about buying tickets online clip art free discounts and promotions on the network.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Remix) Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! fuji rumors Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 1 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Empire of the Sun - Celebrate (Steve Aoki Remix) fuji rumors
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 02/21/14 at 09:32:00 am . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin fuji rumors harris» «david guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash fuji rumors - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» fuji rumors pitbull r3hab «radio edit» fuji rumors rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto vinai w&w zedd «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» fuji rumors «ליאור fuji rumors נרקיס» «עומר אדם» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (86) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7767) האולטראס fuji rumors - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3308) fuji rumors - Tomorrowland 201… (3160) fuji rumors DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2737) fuji rumors איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2521) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2021) fuji rumors DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (1982) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1804) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1789) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין fuji rumors - דבר א… (1643)
March 2014 (86) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
אייל גולן - כל החלומות (DJ Nisso Remix) Major Lazer feat. Amber vsCedric Gervais & Borgore & Steve Aoki - Get Free Deception (Don D Mash Up) Taio Cruz - There She Goes (Dj Hakan Keles 2013 Remix) Avicii - Wake Me Up (Hardwell REMIX) [Tomorrowland 2013] Yinon Yahel Feat Alon Sharr - Reach Out (Asi Givati Remix) משה פרץ - ארוץ עד אלייך קיסריה Remix Intro Dj.Itzik.B אייל גולן - את (עמית בלייז ושרון גל רמיקס) Afrojack & Chris Brown - As Your Friend (Archery Remix) ליאור נרקיס - אז יאללה (Ron Hadad Remix) Will.I.Am & Britney Spears - Scream & Shout (Dj Dvir Halevi Remix)
2013 afrojack alive alvaro «armin van buuren» asot avicii axwell «bar elgrabli» bassjackers «ben bass» blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» «club mix» «david guetta» deorro «dimitri vegas» dvbbs dyro earthquake edit «ellie goulding» «empire of the sun» «extended mix» hardwell «icona pop» «ido shoam» inna «itay kalderon» «jay hardway» «jennifer lopez» jewelz ke$ha krewella «laidback luke» «lana del rey» «like mike» «linkin park» «live it up» macklemore «major lazer» makj «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «meital de razon» «miki mor» «miley cyrus» mix «new world sound» «nicky romero» «offer nissim» «official remix» «omer adam» «original fuji rumors mix» pitbull psy quintino r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna «roben & mike» «sander van doorn» showtek «sick individuals» starkillers «steve aoki» «tam!r sh!lo» «the perez brothers» tiesto tiësto twoloud fuji rumors «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w «wake me up» wizard wolfpack fuji rumors «yinon yahel» zedd «אורגינל רמיקס» «אז יאללה» «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «דודי חקקיאן» «האוטו שלי היופי שלך» «ליאור נרקיס» «מול כל העולם» «מזרחית להורדה» «עומר אדם» «רגב הוד» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»

DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8

פרויקט חדש באונלי מיוזיק!!! Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 1 Only-Music - Best Music Project Vol 2 מיטב להיטי החורף 2013-2014: - Extremely Hot Winter 2014 חבילת מאש אפים מהטומרואלנד rossmann foto 2013: - Tomorrowland 2013 Mashup Pack - All in One > אלקטרו - האוס - טראנס > Nicola Fasano & Steve Forest Party Hat (Original Mix)
Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious rossmann foto StumbleUpon Google Bookmarks LinkedIn Yahoo Bookmarks Technorati Favorites Print article This entry was posted by Dj-Don on 02/21/14 at 08:34:00 am . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .
afrojack «armin van buuren» avicii blasterjaxx bootleg «calvin harris» «david rossmann foto guetta» «dimitri vegas» edit «extended mix» hardwell krewella «like mike» «major lazer» «martin garrix» «mash - up» «mash up» mash-up mashup «matthew koma» «nicky romero» «original mix» pitbull rossmann foto r3hab «radio edit» rage remix rihanna showtek «steve aoki» tiesto «ummet ozcan» vinai w&w zedd «אייל גולן» «דודו אהרון» «ליאור נרקיס» רמיקס «רמיקס מזרחית»
March 2014 (84) February 2014 (134) January 2014 (101) December 2013 (74) November 2013 (80) October 2013 (68) September 2013 (101) August 2013 (92) July 2013 (135) June 2013 (157) May 2013 (122) April 2013 (76) More...
DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2013 Vol 8… (7765) האולטראס - הכל טוב האלבום להורדה (3305) rossmann foto - Tomorrowland 201… (3149) DJ Elon Matana - Hits of 2014 Vol 9… (2722) איזי & עידו בי וצוקי - מוסיקה ז… (2519) (Rihanna Diamonds (Gidi Assayag &… (2017) DJ Yaniv Ram - SET101 להורדה (1980) Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Troub… (1803) עומר אדם - סיפור חיי להורדה (1786) עידו בי וצוקי & פרנקלין - דבר א… (1642)
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DVBBS & Borgeous - TSUNAMI (Original Mix) La Fuente - Matador (Original Mix) Jewelz & Scott Sparks - Cargo (Original Mix) Hardwell & Dyro feat. Bright Lights - Never Say Goodbye (Original Mix) Rick Mitchells - Jinxed (Original rossmann foto Mix) Quintino & Blasterjaxx - Puzzle (Original Mix) Adi Perez - Diner (Original Mix) Steve Aoki, Rune RK & RAS - Bring You To Life (Transcend) (Original Mix) Steve Forest feat Disko Boyz & Zedd feat Ellie Goulding - Fall Into The Woh ( SimonParyenta rossmann foto Bootleg ) TST & twoloud Drop It Like This (Original Mix)
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Monday, March 17, 2014

From Dr. J to cheesecakes, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty oi fotos Bell until that

From Dr. J to cheesecakes, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty oi fotos Bell until that movie with Tom Hanks, for music lovers Philadelphia will always be the place where the scale has become disco, where the nose, Gamble and MFSB composed rhythms square orchestration is rich and sweet, and defined the sound of Disco in the 70s.
Fast forward 20 years, mid-90s, and Philadelphia oi fotos again becomes the center of a vibrant and important oi fotos music. Again keywords are Grove, soul and dance music. On one side of the Philly oi fotos soul scene sent into the world of roots music, Jill Scott, Bilal, and he burnt Duple and King Britt. On the other hand, was Josh Wink, one of the great techno and house at all times, together with King Britt Ovum label established in 1994, which became one of the most stable labels volatile and dynamic world of electronic music.
So what is the sound of Philadelphia in 2014? Ovum, celebrating 20 years this year, provide oi fotos one possible oi fotos answer to this question - sound that blurs the boundaries oi fotos between House, Techno, from America to Europe, from small clubs and sweaty halls of hedonism Ibiza, between the past and the future of electronic music. Secret stability of Ovum is super sound - temporarily, oi fotos not a follower of fads and leering at a parade playback of Bitfort. The label's roster is further evidence that - big names like DJ Scenic, where Williams, Alkskyd, DJ Pierre, Sebastian stranger, Loco Dice, alongside oi fotos less familiar names. American producers, along with representatives from around the world - France, Germany, Estonia, Italy, and of course - even Israel (Roy Reisman, Shlomi Aber and Itamar Sagi). Ovum is now one of the most important and respected labels in the world, and seems here to stay - at least another 20 years.
Josh Wink, known to the Israeli public as long as the end of the last century, when he was a regular guest artist at the club 17 in Jerusalem, is a pioneer of the American rave culture, which received the status of a hero, the ultimate result of acid Trac, Higher oi fotos State of Consciousness, as well as other trekking Do not Laugh and'm Ready. oi fotos
Today, several months after the release of the island. According to his new, Balls, oi fotos ten minutes of mayhem oi fotos Aussie techno monster, that fires wide across the planet and is supported by DJs like Richie Bottini on Sven and box, and taiga, Josh Wink appears regularly in all major international scene, Spice Ibiza, to huge festivals like Tomorrowland, oi fotos and underground strongholds of Germany as Hberghein, Panorama Bar and Robert Johnson, Trouw Amsterdam and others.
Steve Bug While usually associated with his label Poker Flat, but its interface points with Ovum, Harilisim can be found in both his label and long mileage collaboration between him and Josh Wink position, usually big events like the WMC in Miami or the ADE.
Here's what we wrote before the party earlier, less than six months ago, "sets of complex looking bug analog Beisleinim dim oils and melodies that create a dish together unexpected effects on the user. Among the side effects listed on the cover: insomnia, oi fotos hallucinations and involuntary jumps in the air. Most of the symptoms should disappear 12 hours after use, but combined with analog mixer and sound system in the world, we prefer not to take responsibility. "
McHugh made his breakthrough through m_nus of Richie Botin. Harilisim his label are Minimal Techno with a twist, sometimes Sintim totally out of control, sometimes vocal passages inserted humor and Sleazy net production. But when McHugh DJing, standing in front of an audience - comes out something much more dirty and less ... minimal. An example of this sound can be heard excellent singletrack he took in 2013 at Ovum. "Mammograms" sounds like a tribute to techno of Neintiz oi fotos when it becomes necessary distance in 2013. Break breakbeat loops of the pant Acid House and below the pace never stops pushing forward.
All who ever came out to dance Neintiz lost himself to the sounds oi fotos of this track. And anyone who makes music today need to learn how to combine oi fotos an intuitive understanding oi fotos of electronic dance music that losing a pound less effective, with a little humor.
Great set of Vink Family Picnic Festival in Montpellier, August this year
Steve Bug collaborating with Miss Kitin
The very end of 2013 this single was Octopus Hbrtzlonai label. Digital techno bomb did not let up for a moment.
Collection and Dig'aist conducted and played ambivalent. The sound of the (Under) _ Ground, The (U) _ Ground and (Beck) _ Ground connecting area between the house with disco and techno Simpoli of analog machines. DJ ambivalence at its peak.
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