Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A car without ABS experienced driver feels the road condition, the adhesion, stop more quickly beca

Milva Car electronic systems (ABS, EBA, EBD, EBL, ESP, ESC, DSC, EDL, ACC, AFL, CBC, DDS, TCS, ASR, DSR)
This system d3200 allows the driver d3200 suddenly pressing the brake pedal all the way down takes the opportunity to change the direction of movement of the steering wheel. However, this system does not reduce the stopping d3200 distance, it often extends quite long distances, and completely takes away from the driver's ability to control the braking d3200 process.
A car without ABS experienced driver feels the road condition, the adhesion, stop more quickly because it has the ability to control the brake, push the pedal to the maximum slip limit, release the pedal a bit to return adhesion and stop. The car with ABS, braking takes place similarly to the first slip when the ABS is activated, and continue all the driver's braking process is not under control because releasing the brake pedal brakes disappear completely.
For whatever reason, d3200 car manufacturers still do not give drivers the possibility, d3200 in certain cases, turn off the ABS system, it can be done as mentioned in the above video, removing the fuse, which switches off the ABS and in many cases the speedometer, because the system-related.
Cases where the ABS would be well off: sand, gravel quarry on the road, even in the snow, when the road surface is loose. ABS braking without wheels sink deeper and the car stops, braking with ABS machine long slowing to a stop in most cases, especially during traffic jams, an important d3200 stop every centimeter, driving almost always worthless, simply because there is no where to turn, stop here without ABS
EBD (electronic brake force distribution) d3200 or EBL (Electronic d3200 brakeforce limitation) - depending on vehicle weight, reduces or brakes d3200 provide additional braking force, working in conjunction with ABS. Purpose of the system to prevent the rear wheels from locking, in which case the machine can turn around (to overtake the front end), this occurs when the rear disc brakes in the "too good" car unloaded, the rear wheels poor adhesion to the road, you need to suppress their share of the braking force when car loaded d3200 - increase granted to the rear wheels braking force.
ESP (electronic stability d3200 program) or (ESC) Electronic Stability Control or DSC (Dynamic Stability d3200 Control) or EDL (Electronic Differential Lock) - is the stability control system, prislopinanti engine power, controls the brakes each wheel individually, giving d3200 the machine an excellent management control suddenly appears obstacles along the way.
ACC (Active / Adaptive Cruise Control) - a system d3200 that allows you to maintain a set distance to the vehicle ahead. The sensors record the vehicle in front speeds and distances, and automatically d3200 maintains a safe distance and speed, if necessary, will be accelerated or slowed the car.
AFL (Adaptive Forward Lighting) - car headlights management system, which depends on the speed, angle, change the lighting settings, gives better visibility at night under all weather conditions.
TCS (Traction Control System) or ASR (Anti Slip Regulation) - traction, enabling easier immobile in wet or icy pavement. Running gradually suppressing adhesion-free wheel (wheels), and if necessary, reducing engine d3200 power.
1709 4 comments Automobilin%C4%97s+elektronin%C4%97s+sistemos+%28ABS%2C+EBA%2C+EBD%2C+EBL%2C+ESP%2C+ESC%2C+DSC%2C+EDL%2C+ACC%2C+AFL%2C+CBC%2C+DDS%2C+TCS%2C+ASR%2C+DSR%29 2011-03-05 + 20% 3A20% 3A55 MRCC http% 3A% 2F% 2F% 3Fp% 3D1709%
What kind of oil you choose d3200 for your car? # More user-friendly Windows 38 (Windows sound settings "master d3200 volume") Youtube videos and WordPress Plugins "oEmbed Provider # more user-friendly Windows 17 (Windows XP is turned d3200 off effects) Internet and computer system KTU students
1709 4 Comments so far Automobilin%C4%97s+elektronin%C4%97s+sistemos+%28ABS%2C+EBA%2C+EBD%2C+EBL%2C+ESP%2C+ESC%2C+DSC%2C+EDL%2C+ACC%2C+AFL%2C+CBC%2C+DDS%2C+TCS%2C+ASR%2C+DSR%29 2011-03-05 d3200 + 20% 3A20% 3A55 MRCC http% 3A% 2F% 2F% 3Fp% 3D1709%
Personally I did not like ABS'as. More than three years ago I drove without auto ABS'o and misery not seen. During winter stop there where and when appropriate. It was possible d3200 to play with the brake pedal, you want to slip, not when you want. Now, I ride with ABS'u and I hate him! Pressing harder and circle time we stopped just begins to "beat" the foot and the feeling that the car does not stop at all.
For ABS-off, at least with the Mazda MX-3 (It should be the other Mazda models), you should try to go pull the handbrake

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Mother Nature can be a fool ... The lake Sørvágsvatn (or lake Leitisvatn) Faroe Islands gz seems to be perched above the ocean right? This, however, gz you see a large optical illusion: In fact, the lake is only 27 meters high above sea level. The crag in front of the lake - combined with the perfect camera gz angle - Our fool and believe gz that is hundreds higher than the sea Lake Sørvágsvatn and the rest of the Faroe Islands sandwiched between Iceland and Norway.
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The locals - initially tried to extinguish the fire themselves - complain that the Fire rushed to the spot with delay and blame the municipality as there had cleared the area of dry grass and various waste.
Citizens who spoke at say they saw two young masked bailey jay facial characteristics to go running a few minutes before the fire broke out at the point. Arson spoke the Mayor of Halandri, Simos Roussos while investigations are still ongoing.
When dense smoke began covers the area around the theater, the people immediately mobilized to extinguish the fire, grabbing the hoses located in the theater because their houses are within walking distance.
Helen lives with her father bailey jay and seems to have overcome the three years before the death of her mother.
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Savvas Poumpouras: Television is aphrodisiac for women
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Developments in the murder case of four-year Annie by her father are many.
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Saturday, May 30, 2015

H Elora Hardy gave up everything not to become extreme digital prigkipisa but to build a bamboo pal

H Elora Hardy gave up everything not to become extreme digital prigkipisa but to build a bamboo palace in Bali. The Hardy epitychmeni left a career in fashion in New York.
The team spent five years in Bali building what we will see in the gallery. They aim to show that this is a construction material quite undervalued, which does not burden the environment.
Bamboo is a plant that grows faster than any other in the world, is very durable and the only problem that has been in construction is that affected by parasites. Something that can be prevented.
Theoretical tutorial

Friday, May 29, 2015

ND exorcises the elections and (pers) sees a

Ten cars - a story. The luxury vehicles fred durst used by the former royal family in Tatoi and rotting for years, identified as "monuments" of the Central Council of Modern Monuments.
This Rolls Royce , MG and Fiat, who had been released in a limited number of vehicles. Especially the Rolls Royce are vehicles in which the former royal family used to move in official events.
The cars of the former royal family kept in the building of dairy farms. Eight of these are petrol passenger cars, while the other two are electric tricycles possibly used for transporting members fred durst of the royal family over short distances within the boundaries of the estate.
At the recent meeting of the Central fred durst Council of Modern Monuments majority opinion in favor of the designation of cars monuments, as it objects connected with major events of modern Greek history, special technical and aesthetic value and which correspond to the same time frame as the others preached recent monuments of Tatoi.
"With great pleasure and satisfaction to learn that the KSNM Culture Ministry proceeded to the characterization as monuments of the ten cars that are at the dairy farm of the former royal estate of Tatoi.
The decision of the qualification obtained at a critical time for the status of a historical cab and cabs remain fred durst stationary in dairy farm for more than twenty years. Informative mention that these cars last opened in 1994 as part of their maintenance. Since then there have been major damage inside the Cowsheds both moisture and from mice.
Our satisfaction is all too much since the topic of cars and non characterization as monuments had come to publicity before about a year when the Association of Friends of the estate of Tatoi highlighted the issue and informed the services of the Ministry of Culture. Related publications are the most reputable newspapers at that time. The Culture fred durst Ministry then mobilized directly for the characterization and today we have the positive outcome of this effort.
We would like to point out once again to all the competent services of the Ministry of Culture that immediately you have to move all relevant procedures for characterization as monuments and other historical cars (among which the truck Mercedes) located at the former Royal Tatoi estate in very poor condition, and to all the royal carriages. The Association of Friends of the Tatoi estate stands by all services of the Ministry of Culture to help with any means maintenance of cars and wagons and their safe storage under optimal conditions. "
10th Command: Episode 13 Season fourth .. Fire "[Photo & Video]
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ND exorcises the elections and (pers) sees a "universal" Source: ND exorcises the elections and (p
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Helen lives with her father and seems to have overcome the three years before the death of her mother.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Envelope luminous landscape with globe came to Parliament luminous landscape for Leonidas GRIGORAKI

Furor caused by the "arrest" known journalist in Piraeus. luminous landscape This reporter large TV station, who "arrested" a short while ago, the ... Hagia Sophia. The "capture" of Sarantakou George became known by him, and gets there before luminous landscape the armored police officers spend handcuffs n only uploaded the photo on his personal page at facebook.
Indeed, according to gurgling "sources" from the environment of the journalist, he faced with humor his arrest, and tried to tempt the police officers luminous landscape who were armed to the teeth, suggesting them to make them a spaghetti sit to eat like people! luminous landscape Expressing sympathy to the reporter from Piraeus, F Clusters of preparing, according to reports, to build team "FREEDOM NOW IN GEORGE Sarantakou"! @ Obviously the text is fantastic and has been arrested George Sarantakou ... More about the film "arrest" here
PASCHALIS TERZIS- awry (THE SONG OF THE DAY 28.05.2015) - In I believed from the beginning held you close to me, `Show your secret way to enter in my dreams. But I did not understand the mad your lies so just do it ...
The fracas Katsafados - Avramidis for "Channel 1": green--You ... - Come fascist eh ...!
ADDITIONAL luminous landscape LIQUIDITY 40 BILLION EUROS can draw ELA FROM THE GREEK BANKS ... - Additional liquidity in excess of 40 billion. luminous landscape Euro is able to draw the Greek banks through the Emergency Liquidity Facility ... It follows from the ...
Boutari: The Memorandum should have been invented in 1981 (chik) luminous landscape - Yes (chik) you're luminous landscape right (chik) had invented luminous landscape earlier, to get rich and you earlier, you hear there want decent wages and the plebs .... For "Hao ...
SOS emits Aegean - Extensive reportage foreign networks for irregular migrants in Kos [video] - Thousands of refugees continue luminous landscape to arrive in the Aegean by Turkey and the situation is more explosive.
Exichniastike steal plates from a factory area of Imathia - * ** arrested red-handed individuals ** 3 ** * * They removed a total of 50 sheets of various sizes which will be resold to metal recycling yards * ...
Brussels Group: Limited progress - Limited Community sources characterize the progress of negotiations for reaching an agreement on Greece, especially stressing that the ECB ...
Tragic death of 70 year-old found - not fit the human mind ... - Tragic death found a 70 year-old in Ano Poli in Thessaloniki, when it fell from the first floor of her house while cleaning luminous landscape the balcony. The old woman ...
Envelope luminous landscape with globe came to Parliament luminous landscape for Leonidas GRIGORAKI luminous landscape - alarm sounded in the House when he arrived with an envelope recipient Leonidas GRIGORAKI contained ... a sphere. The file found on the machines X Ray ...
Antonaros: Karamanlis and he expects to complete luminous landscape the deal - Evangelos Antonaros spoke at Alpha's radio on the agreement you have to support it the main opposition party as well as for party ...
Korkidis: My Thomsen said "In the Balkans belong, 300 euro salary is good" - Mr. Korkidis, luminous landscape the deposit of which continues, spoke of tragic mistakes made, but for some who rushed to put the country in the Memoranda Mr. ..
Pappas: luminous landscape Quickly complete the deal - * The view that the agreement should luminous landscape be completed quickly expressed by the State Minister Nikos Pappas, in his interview on TV of ThePressProje ...
16 people who have difficulty waking up in the morning and the result is this! - When you sleep late and have to wake up very early the next day is very busy. The morning awakening is a Wake eh! ___ The First Free ...
Clarifications EOPYY numeric examinations limits the system ePrescription - During the electronic prescription, the system informs the doctor about whether exams prescribing within the ...
Madeline luminous landscape Stuart, the first model with Down syndrome breaks stereotypes in fashion. - The Madeline Stuart or otherwise Maddy, is a model participate in different than you're used to. The 18 year old girl from Brisbane, Australia suffers from syndrome ...
Tragic: The image of the church caused a stir ... [photo] - Have you the impression that you have now seen it all? Do not rush to answer ... You used the classic candle counter of the church? This church was not changing ...
Blatter: "I can not control them all" - For the corruption scandal that has erupted luminous landscape spoke to FIFA Sepp Blatter, who said he can not control all the officials of the Federation ...
He knows? See what is really happening around

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This excerpt from the Episcopal prayer of the Lord is a perfect pastoral text. Enough to read it ca

Three times a year the Church celebrates Fathers memories; now the sixth Sunday after Easter, one Sunday in July and one Sunday in October. This shows how the Church honors the holy Fathers, as called attributes Church Fathers, so-called Martyrs Church. The Fathers' Church canon g15 are clerics of all grades, canon g15 Bishops, Elders, Deacons, and even ordinary monks; not only wise and, as we say today, educated and intellectuals, but spiritual experience people and holiness. Today anyone who may be saying and write five words, dealing with the arts and letters, easily charizome the title of the spiritual man. But spirituality is experience holiness, and that it 's one of the traits of the Church Fathers. The Fathers of the Church are people with orthodox beliefs, life in holiness and spiritual experience.
But when we say that the Church is the Church Fathers, we mean that our faith is orthodox doctrine canon g15 and tradition of the Apostles, that reaches our Warranty and prestige through the interpretation of the holy Fathers.
In the Creed we confess that the one holy catholic and apostolic Church; it is that the Church of Christ, according to the doctrine and tradition of the Apostles. This apostolic tradition of the Church to hold through the Holy Fathers. The Fathers are the bridges of which passes and perpetuate in the Church the apostolic tradition. So when we say the Church apostolic, is the same like to say; the Patristic Fathers canon g15 in the Church guarantee the apostolicity of the faith and for orthodoxy. canon g15 Orthodoxy will tell patristic tradition. Is viewed in this way, which made the decisions of the Ecumenical canon g15 Councils. The decision of the Fourth Ecumenical Synod begins thus; "Next Holy Fathers ...". So the decision of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod; "Epakolouthountes theigoro the teaching of our holy Fathers and the tradition of the Catholic Church ...". They will say that the fathers, teaching them that it is the river that always flows in the same bed of ecclesiastical tradition.
In the Gospel, which is read at Mass, Jesus Christ pray to the heavenly Father for his disciples and for the Church. canon g15 Students of it 'they were given by the Father; he taught them, and keep them not lost them only "the son of perdition," the one who alone chose and wanted canon g15 to lose. It is time, and the teacher will now leave, while students will stay, lifting the burden of a price and a liability. The price is that God called them; the responsibility that they stayed in the world, should shepherd the Church. And first of all stay united and keep united the faithful. The Church above all is one, and there can be neither holy nor universal nor apostolic, although not one. But the unity of the Church is not stored with the unity of the pastors of the Church, and this again is not than by fear and power and fear of God. Therefore pray the Great High Priest; "Keeping them in Your name, ear dedokas me, fiber osin that as we"; those who gave me keeping it in your name, to be one as we are.
This excerpt from the Episcopal prayer of the Lord is a perfect pastoral text. Enough to read it carefully, to see in it what is the Church, what are the pastors of the Church and what is their work. So I was chosen to read the memory of the holy Fathers, who are pastors and teachers of the Church, successors of the Apostles. The Church is not a human organization; it is the kingdom of Christ, which "is not of this world"; it has no worldly origin and not supported by conditions of this world, the Church. The Church is the Apostles, the Martyrs, Prophets, Hierarchs, the Saints and Righteous, canon g15 all God's people, who make up the body of Christ. Enas- one separately, as individuals and members of the body, and all along the body, head Jesus Christ! First quality and feature of this body to exist and live, it is unity, the Church is one. Heresies and schisms is the great enemy within the Church, who ravaged and destroyed its unity. That was and is always the first and foremost task of the Fathers and Pastors of the Church, that they kept that and keep united the

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

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"Pictures": eleventh picaboo solo exhibition Claus Papasaika
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The Gr. Professor of Art History, Chrysanthos Christou says about his work Papasaika: "A sculpture of traditional trends and personal searches, we have the works of Claus Papasaika. Starting point is the human form, morphoplastic vocabulary realistic, but with great projection. In his works the artist picaboo who stands out for the quality of the contours and character of forms, manages to give us even the internal psychological dimensions of his subjects. It is enough to see his works, to understand it and gifted picaboo and a true sculptor. " picaboo
Vassilis Papasaikas believes picaboo that the title of the report just describes the philosophical spectrum that dictates and drives every effort to achieve eikasmou. In ancient times the name "image" refers to sculptural work. His painting project name is "writing". It considers that the eikasmou signified through the world, means the creator itself and this, in this, interested, interested and will interest the Greek thought and thereof visual art. He says it means, not symbolic! Because the world in which he lives and acts a visual artist is a sequence of concentric picaboo circles in producing persons and situations, of which the soul of the artist in his onti receives vibration directing every effort.
Vassilis Papasaikas born in 1956 in the village of New Trichonida Aitoloakarnania, parents farmers, George and Theophano Papasaika. He studied design at the preparatory workshop Vrasidas Vlachopoulos and sculpture in the first workshop of the School of Fine Arts. He has made eleven solo exhibitions and has participated in many group exhibitions. Monumental works and personal are in many public places and private collections.
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Unabated thefts at Agrinio region May 26, 2015 8:51 AM
Website Development: Apostolos D. Kousaridas | Powered picaboo by Friktoria

Monday, May 25, 2015

Olympos Beer

China Zhangjiajie is through pictures. As you begin to move on the internet a few months, when completed the most frightening, glass bridge in the world! And if you want to get an idea of what will face those who decide to cross the glass path that hovers canon sx40 over a deep gorge 300 meters ... you have to see the pictures below. The latest tourist attraction of China is expected to break all records and be the biggest and highest glass bridge in the world! It located in Zhangjiajie National Park and is expected to open its doors to intrepid visitors next July. It has a length of 430 meters and width of almost 6 meters and "crosses" from air the magnificent natural landscape canon sx40 of Hunan Province. It can bear the weight of 800 tourists at a time. Indeed, without even having been completed already being made suggestions for carrying fashions shows along the impressive glass bridge, which offers unobstructed views of the national park. And for those who seek ... even greater amounts of adrenaline in their bodies, they can try to ... "drop" from the highest bungee canon sx40 jumping world!
Olympos Beer


Strange colored vortices or spirals and not only conquer the skies last and indeed in just seven days. Two of them in just one day, in different places. What happens in the heavens lately? They opened the Stargate of the heavens, or something else happens? Those who took the photographs were shocked with what they saw trying to understand if there is error in the camera. All claim that everything is working properly and that there was neither debris nor a drop of water or sweat, or some kind of reflection that could create what the cameras ccd recorded their machines. Szczecin Poland, 05.20.2015 Groningen in Holland 20/5/2015 Florida 15/5/2015. In Tennessee, on 5/11/2015 We all attribute them to some natural phenomenon? It's something artificially by people, some secret construction or beam? Is UFO; Is Stargate? If so, come or leave some? As you saw, four of these strange phenomena were recorded and observed, how many more can happen every day that did not happen to be recorded or observed? They opened, indeed Stargate sky? When we give this title to a previous post, we did not expect that would follow two more similar events in the next few days ... Come on, however, observed! ! ! About Stargate, theoretical physicist John Weeler had told both can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, and disappear so suddenly and unexpectedly. SOURCE
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Camera functions are completely automatic, just point and shoot. The settings include a 8x optical

The American camera reviews company Lytro placed in pre-sales this week, a camera model that dispenses the focus adjustment. The camera camera reviews sensor captures all the rays of light in a scene, enabling the focal adjustment of an image after it has been produced. According to the manufacturer, the model can record 11 million light rays, including the direction of each of them and process the data in a picture of high definition.
Camera functions are completely automatic, just point and shoot. The settings include a 8x optical zoom the lens with f / 2. The storage is internal and has two configurations: 8GB (350 shots) and 16 GB (750 pictures). The camera comes with an image editing software, initially only compatible with Mac OS X. The Windows version comes out in 2012, when it made the official launch. The camera can be acquired through the company's official website.
Apple has changed the focus of its users in a new international advertising campaign that uses photographs taken "by camera reviews pe ...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The camera was launched stampa earlier this year by a new headquarters in Silicon Valley. Long and

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The Lytro cameras, which allow you to take a photo and edit anywhere after it is taken, are gaining two new much requested features: filters like Instagram and the ability to adjust the focus of an entire image, not just a section.
The camera was launched stampa earlier this year by a new headquarters in Silicon Valley. Long and rectangular, with a small touchscreen screen at one end and small buttons, the camera uses the Light Field technology to capture your interactive stampa images.
The first is the new Perspective Shift. By now, you could only focus on a small section of an image at a time, which seemed to deny the benefit of the camera stampa that could focus on everything in the frame. The Perspective Shift finally allows you to focus on the whole picture, but that's not the most interesting part. When you drag and drop in a photo, there is also a 3D effect, allowing you to move the image in changed angles. Owners of a Lytro camera will be happy to know that the effect can be applied in old pictures as well. The desktop app will also gain new filter options. If there's one thing the photography industry has learned in the last two years it is that people love to add quick filter your photos to make them look better. The first nine Lytro filters are a mixture of typical retro, and some genuinely unique effects stampa that take advantage of the interactive features of the photos. The company also released a handful of accessories, cases and a tripod. There are new colors for the cameras, but in addition, the hardware is exactly the same camera which began shipping earlier this year. Prices also remained the same: $ 399 for the 8GB camera and $ 499 for the 16GB version (not in Brazil). Source: Translated and adapted from CNN.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Related news: An octopus was trained to take pictures of visitors to a aquarium (camera) recording

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Lytro in a camera whatsoever. Out of the commonplace us by his unique way, which seems inspired by a lipstick case. Comprises a ptico 8x zoom, a constant opening F2 diaphragm 11 million and captures stockard channing light rays. One of the novelties presented by this unique digital camera that, thanks to its lumnico field of technology and its optical micro-lens captures all the light eno necessary focus on anything, no matter whether photographing near, far or both.
His body of anodized aluminum has only two boats, one to make the picture stockard channing and another on and off acmera. To manage the zoom there is a small surface tctil that by moving the finger for her to indicate the level of desired magnification.
The major novelty of this camera is in a microlens that comprises thousands of minute lenses that capture the light rays before they reach the sensor. Thus capturing the direction in which light rays traveling enes the sum thereof, stockard channing as does a traditional lens. Later rebuilds said information stockard channing to form the captured image. The Lytro cameras come with a specific stockard channing software to import and process images. As a way to co-opt the fanatics and fools macfags, advertise that for now this s software for Mac, although the Windows version is being developed.
To view and / or edit the picture is included in the image information of the light field so it is possible stockard channing to focus on the desired part of the picture. Indeed after making a photograph can touch the tctil screen display to select the area that you intend to focus ... repeat, after having captured the image, since the technology of this type of cameras captures stockard channing all the light for the prvio exists the concept of focus. Whatever h at the objective, stockard channing regardless of their distance from the same, are "focused", although for the moment is not available the option to make an image with infinite depth of field.
Another curiosity of this type of uptake of lumnico field of photography that, by definition, three-dimensional image. For the time is not available, stockard channing but also are working on perfecting the algorithm that allows to convert stockard channing any photograph stockard channing made with a Lytro camera in 3D. Additionally the effect would be quite different from the usual 3D because for every viewer's perspective would be different. The light field technology stockard channing was developed by the founder of Lytro, Dr. Ren Ng, Stanford University, on the miniaturization stockard channing of said technology in a simple photographic camera body so that had one applies the practice in everyday life. At that moment s was possible in the laboratory of conditions and by a special stockard channing grid with a hundred cameras located along one another in an array that now managed to squeeze in thanks Lytro technology the microlenses. The camera is manufactured in three colors eh two models. The blue color and graphite tm 8 GB of storage capacity and costs $ 399, red model has 16 GB and costs $ 499, yet comearoa s commercial distribution beginning in the year that comes.
Related news: An octopus was trained to take pictures of visitors to a aquarium (camera) recording a GoPro camera as it falls into the void Since 3,000 meters (camera) camera in loop fascinating retroalimentao (camera) stockard channing This is what happens when you attach a GoPro camera on the wheel of a car (camera) A drone with a GoPro camera records the extreme surfing Banzai Pipeline (camera) Fot graph has a trick for everyone smiled at acmera (photo) Seven simple trick photography (photo) These photographers have used more than 850 images to tell who are grvidos (photo) The explosive ciclognese Petra recorded and photographed from a helicopter (photo) photographer takes the same picture 13 years ago to see his aging (photo) Microsoft reveals Windows 8 officially after 1.24 billion hours of testing (innovation) When the uniqueness in reach (innovation) swivel City to arrive stockard channing early to all parts (innovation) A austraca company presents an innovative aircraft (innovation) stockard channing
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Of course, the effect is far from what happens in science fiction movies: instead teds of giving te

The Garretts and Altairs the future will be forced to sneak more subtly teds relying on the Lytro. The camera can control the depth of field after the picture is taken will win through a software update scheduled for later this year, the ability to record images whose perspective can be changed.
Of course, the effect is far from what happens in science fiction movies: instead teds of giving teds a turn of 90 and spying behind a wall, the Lytro be limited to logging, beyond the original framework, a slightly different angle. The result is a picture with parallax as in conventional stereoscopic 3D. Appropriately, the camera also will be compatible with 3D TVs.
As always, the Lytro avoided going into technical details on how the 3D effect is played, but we can speculate based on what is known about the camera. While conventional photography plays a converging set of photons in the form of light rays, Lytro scattered rays passing through the main lens with an array of tiny lenses that are positioned just before the sensor. According to the angle of each ray, the machine can infer how the picture would be if the lens focal length change. Whereas the stereoscopic effect is produced with two independent teds lenses, one would imagine that the Lytro combine information from two sets of microlenses to generate 3D images, which would explain why the pictures in three dimensions lose the ability to change the depth of field.
// 05/19/15 teds - Apple renews line of Macbooks and introduces a 5K iMac "economic" // 05.18.15 - Fuji launches X-T10, teds younger sister of X-T1 // 05/14/15 - Dell launches new corporate tablet model Venue Pro 11 // 05.12.15 - The first drone with wheel world Ubuntu Apps // 08/05/15 - Retro VGS is a cartridge console for current games
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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Of course, there are numerous reservations as to this process. The first is that the resolution is

The Lytro is nothing new. Still, I could not help but write something about him when he finally held it in my hands. Looking back, this is a light field camera that captures a different type of information than is recorded by conventional cameras. This distinction allows the image to be changed in many ways even after the picture is already recorded in memory. The photographer can change the focal point, self shot or more recently even the perspective image.
More specifically, while the optical system of the ordinary cameras converges self shot the light rays to a focal point, self shot Lytro has a group of microlenses in front of the sensor that these same dispersed rays. Consequently, the camera captures not only the intensity of light reflected self shot by objects in the scene, as well as calculates the trajectory of the radiation. The result is that it can deduce how a particular image would be if it had been focused differently. In practice, this means that the photographer can shoot images self shot without worrying about focus, which can be changed later.
Of course, there are numerous reservations as to this process. The first is that the resolution is degraded. Because of Manira as the pictures are rendered, there is no direct relationship between the resolution of the sensor and the final image. In any case, the images are converted to JPEG end with only MP 1.2.
Another issue is that the Lytro sensor is very small. With about 6.5 x 4.5 mm, it is not much larger than a smartphone sensor. In practice, this means that the shallow depth of field effect can be achieved only when the camera is very close to the depicted object. Even in this situation, the Lytro hardly produces the same legal blur a wide aperture DSLR. In other words, the most fun part of Lytro, ie refocus photos, is somewhat limited. self shot Perhaps for this reason, manufacturers have decided self shot to install a lens of relatively long focal length (equivalent to 43mm - 341mm in 35mm format) that magnifies objects and creates an appearance of depth shallower field.
Finally, the Lytro is still attached to the conventional laws of physics. Therefore, exposure, white balance, sensitivity and other crucial factors of photography apply to it the same way as for any camera. At this point, moreover, the Lytro really is not exceptional. For those who are used to the 4: 3 format, compose in 1: 1 (1080 x 1080 pixels) is also a bit strange.
Despite these issues, I must admit that the camera is so much fun to use. Its unusual shape and its magical pictures give a feeling similar to that 19th century people must have felt regarding trinkets as the Zoetrope. The Lytro is undoubtedly self shot very charming. I do not have so much fun with a camera since we tested the Instax Mini Fujifilm. Here is a picture that I did Cho'Gath of the Terror of the Void with it (click the image to change the focus).
// 05/19/15 - Apple renews line of Macbooks and introduces a 5K iMac "economic" // 05.18.15 - Fuji launches X-T10, younger sister of X-T1 // 05/14/15 - Dell launches new corporate tablet model Venue Pro 11 // 05.12.15 - The first drone with wheel world Ubuntu Apps // 08/05/15 - Retro VGS is a cartridge console for current games
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The design is not the only novelty of the model. The Lytro Illum has a sensor that can capture up t

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In 2011, the Lytro stole the spotlight by presenting a camera capable of allowing focus changes after the picture is taken. Two and a half years later, the company strikes again in presenting the Lytro Illum, a successor model, but betting on a more traditional physical design in place of the unusual kaleidoscopic format.
The design is not the only novelty of the model. The Lytro Illum has a sensor that can capture up to 40 million light rays (or 40 megarays) in a single shot (against 11 million in the previous model) lens with 8x optical zoom (focal length of 30-250 mm) , constant aperture of f / 2.0 and maximum shutter speed of 1/4000 seconds.
Rounding out the new specifications a touchscreen LCD display adjustable from 4 inches. Internally, there is a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 801, USB 3.0 port and SD card slot. As the camera also has Wi-Fi, the Lytro incorporated into the device software functions for image sharing on social fuji x10 networks.
The features have been improved, but the essence which differs from the other Lytro cameras remains the same: with a Light Field name technology, the Lytro Illum sensor can record the behavior of light beams during their passage fuji x10 through the lens mechanisms in Instead of simply recording pixels.
In practice, fuji x10 it is as if the camera was able to make several records of a scene simultaneously, but with different fuji x10 distances. Special software is responsible for enabling the change of focus based on this information, including creating a 3D effect. With a feature called Filed Light Animations, you can even create videos that show changes fuji x10 of perspective and focus on an image.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

know more intelligent runs Windows Mirror, indicates paths and helps parking apparatus includes han

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The Lytro announced that it will start selling its first kit for the construction of custom cameras. The initiative's goal is to popularize the technology of "light field" (free translation of "light-field"), lighting capture mechanism that allows you to focus images after they have been photographed. The kit is intended for developers, but its price is considerably high.
The company will charge butterfly $ 20 thousand per year (about US $ 51,000 in direct conversion) to deliver its technology in the hands of those who want to capture photos with the same futuristic aspect provided the first Lytro and especially the second generation Illum. The kit includes lens, sensor processing platform, software algorithms butterfly and image and an API Python with warranty update every 12 months.
The audience, at least for now, are companies and government agencies such as NASA, which could take pictures of the space at very high resolution and have infinite possibilities of focus. The US Department of Defense can also use the technology to monitor radiation in strategies to combat Middle East enemies - after all, the sensors Lytro can be set to capture light in the invisible range of the spectrum.
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Monday, May 18, 2015

The camera will hit the market in July at a price of US $ 1,599.00 (much more expensive than US $ 3

Do you remember the launch of Lytro? This happened two years ago, but the promise was interesting. The camera (in box format) bet on something new and unusual: the possibility of changing the focus area on the image even after the picture has been made. The camera uses a new technology that captures vistek more light rays (around 11 million) recording on your sensor information on all image planes. So that it is also Luminoso Field Camera call. All plans are captured, you can choose, after capture, which determine the focus of the image. The first Lytro was a great novelty, but the design was very ugly. Now things have changed with the release of Lytro Illum.
The first change we notice the new equipment is the design. It ceased to be a camera in box format to become something we would find in a science fiction movie. Although it can cause estrangement in the beginning, the camera was pretty (much better than the previous model). The second change was on the sensor. While the original Lytro had a 11 megarays sensor (11 million capture light rays) to Illum Lytro is equipped with a sensor 40 megarays (40 million capture light rays). This makes the possibility of plan of choice where it will get the much greater focus. The game of choice the focal point on the image can be made on the LCD of the camera or the computer application supplied with it. Converting Megarays to something vistek more known in the world of photography, the final output of the sensor will offer a 5-megapixel image with maximum resolution.
The Illum is equipped with a lens with a focal length equivalent to 30-250 mm and with constant aperture of f / 2. The grand opening is critical to capture the different rays of light will do the trick in the final processing. The camera has manual capture mode, and aperture priority and speed. The graphical interface vistek has been improved and now runs on Android. It has also been improved image overlay technology in 4-inch LCD display that helps to reproduce the three-dimensional effect in photo viewing.
The camera will hit the market in July at a price of US $ 1,599.00 (much more expensive than US $ 399.00 the first Lytro) but you can pre-purchase for US $ 1,499.00. If you already have one of the first Lytro then you can still earn a discount of $ 200.00 in the new camera.
Gilson Lorenti Photography
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Technology is a very funny thing. Often arise products we are able to bet it will turn fever and fa

Technology is a very funny thing. Often arise products we are able to bet it will turn fever and fall in love the public for the concept of simplicity and innovation they represent. I thought so when he saw the camera Lytro, commercially launched last year. After all, Steve Jobs liked both Ren Ng Malaysian project that came to meet with this, while still ran Apple. Apparently, the intention was to include Ng technology in the iPhone. c est la vie
The Lytro is a digital, which unlike conventional, allows the focus adjustment after making the picture. The magic happens through the capture of light rays processed in its intricate set of lenses. It features a touch screen 1.5 "and is manufactured in three color options and two storage (*) in its flash memory can not be expanded. What I find strange is its handle. In parallelepiped shape, even permits use with a single hand in two controls, zoom and capture uncertainty printing passes. Even with all the innovation that is definitely, its sales were not significant. Surprise some to see their cost of US $ 399.00 for the model with 8GB * and US $ 499.00 for the 16GB *. It is an expensive equipment. Probably because of these issues, the company since last April has a new CEO, Jason Rosenthal. Egress AOL and HP, arrived announcing lower values and new developments for the coming year. Without however specifying which ... has really to chase. As the Lytro does not generate quality images for printing c est la vie and yes sharing on social networks (your audience) believe that their features would be most interesting aggregated in a cell. Just like Nokia, traditional manufacturer of smartphones with good cameras has been working in partnership with Pelican Imaging. A California startup that has developed a technology similar to the Lytro, but with thinner sensors that can be applied in mobile phones, for example. I asked a camera these last year a friend who traveled to the US and to my luck was unavailable. I wanted c est la vie to test it, write more property and then sell it. Apparently, it would have been with a white elephant on their hands. It is a niche product. Clicking on the images below, you can adjust the focus as desired and understand the workings c est la vie of this interesting gadget. With information,, and
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

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The Lytro camera, which allows you to set the focus after you take the picture finally presented its new Illum camera with a sensor 4 times higher than the original Lytro camera launched two years ago. Lytro's technology works by capturing information about the angle at which each light hits the sensor, so you can change the focus and even the prospect of the images.
The new design is more like a real camera, even one of the most futuristic I've ever seen, but what really vhs movie impresses in Illum is your 40 Megarays sensor, ie it has a capacity to capture 40 million rays of light, a significant difference to the original 11 Megarays Lytro. In practice, this means that you can further expand the field where you can choose the focal point or the perspective image.
The camera has 30-250mm lens with constant f / 2, and you follow as will be the end result on the LCD screen of 4 ". The Lytro interface has also been greatly improved, and now runs on Android.
As you might imagine, the price is also very different from the first Lytro, are US $ 1599 to US $ 399 from the original, which is worth at least $ 200 discount vhs movie if you want to buy a new one. Learn more about Illum in Lytro.
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

The artist Dran shows our indifference

Since photography was invented, there was only a great revolution: digital cameras. And even if they do not have completely changed the logic of it. Opens a lens, the light penetrates and is recorded - at the beginning of a movie, then a digital sensor. The Lytro camera, launched recently, is the exception: it takes completely different way of photos, lol cam almost magical, using a technology called Light Field. You will be hearing a lot of that in the future.
Neither seems a camera Unlike the Lytro camera to any other is that it does not register the light coming in, but the full light field of the scene. It does not capture lol cam megapixels, but megarays. As it stores all the light rays that bounce at all points lol cam of the same scene, the great revolution that brings is the total absence of the need to focus. lol cam It captures the image with all possible sources simultaneously, which is why you can click anywhere on the picture below and see what happens.
The camera has just been launched and so far only sold in the US for 400 or $ 500 (8GB or 16GB). Anyway, I do not recommend to buy now. The image quality is low, the small screen of the camera seems to be horrible, lol cam it's strange format (though stylish) ... The great thing here is to look at a revolutionary new technology appearing. A technology that has everything to start being adopted by all the major camera manufacturers in the near future. At worst, the very Lytro will launch a new and improved model soon.
If you are thinking that there pictures with manual focus allow a better expression of the eye of the photographer, or something like that, I agree 100%. They will not die thanks to Light Field technology. With that in mind, what do you think of this development? I loved it.
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The hardware just part of the process, of course. photography quotes As a common CMOS sensor (also

Review: Lytro LFC | INFO Cau Taborda
With unique features to the lens and your sensor, the Lytro camera a much more inventive than practice. Unlike a conventional compact digital camera that focuses on providing a wider image capture and quality, Lytro stands apso click.
With a simple interface for exaggeration, the user does little more than give the framework in the small LCD of 1.46 inches and press the trigger button. The magic happens in the Lytro software that manages images on your PC. D to change photography quotes the picture of the focus area and slightly move the frame. Everything works as if, in practice, several different photos photography quotes were recorded. The difference that a single image, leaving the risk of different positions, different values of illumination or adversity, like a cloud that comes without photography quotes warning and changes the conditions of the scene .
In entando, there are countless exceptions to relaoa this process. The first-resolution than the degraded. Because of the way the images are rendered in a direct relationship exists between the sensor and the resolution of the final image. The images that are converted to JPEG end up with only 1.2 MP.
The hardware just part of the process, of course. photography quotes As a common CMOS sensor (also Bayer filter RGGB with a normal photography quotes 12 bit per color channel), the exposure values it processes are basically the same as in any camera . The magic happens in the way the software interprets this data.
To be converted into JPEG, the image must be interpolated in a manner that treat each pixel area covered by a microlens as a single larger pixel. However, this process photography quotes produces common aesthetic images. The actual files of Lytro, which contains all the information of exposure of exposioe light angle uses the extensive LFP. Interestingly, the Lytro deliberately hide these files (Shutter them in Windows a very complicated process, and on Linux, basically impossible) and only shows the final result in the software or website. A practical problem that noh obvious way to make a backup of the mobile camera. The user does not can store the files on a thumb drive, for example, for the simple fact that they Noso easily accessible.
One of the most interesting elements of the LFP they come in pair (or trio, if you will take the trouble to process the photo to change the perspective): one contains the raw information and the another hidden a bunch of JPEGs pills, in a way, represent the image with different depth of field. A very clever guy even wrote a Python script to match these images and generate a final picture with all possveis points in focus.
Either way, the experience of Lytro always ends up being mediated by software or by the company itself site. In them, the user can determine the focal point of the image or slightly change the perspective. The image appears in a relatively small square, and can only be magnified within this limit. The idea of Lytro that you go up the photos to the online storage company and use a link embeded to display it on Facebook and other sites. Personally, the small square of Lytro reminds me of the trinkets playing photography quotes with optical and imagtica at the end of the nineteenth century, as the Zoetrope or fenacistocpio.
The interface itself from the very simple PC program, photography quotes partly because noh much to do with the photos. In addition to process the images to change the perspective, it is possible to apply some simple filters (blur, spia, etc.) and view some information of what could we call the EXIF Lytro.
Although the operation of the camera is a bit difficult to understand, use it could not be easier. She has only one button to turn on and another to control the shutter. The remaining are mediated by a touch interface controls the display and covering part of the body of the camera. To zoom, e.g., the photographer must pass his finger on a track on top of the camera.
There are two modes of operation: Everyday and Creative. Everyday in the way the potential depth of field decided by the camera itself, which seeks to deduce what are the important photography quotes elements of the scene (in the same way that an ordinary camera in automatic guess that points scene deserve exposure). When the user to touch the screen during the Everyday mode, exposioso values locked. In Creative mode, in turn, the user determines the most important image plane by touching the screen. During testing, my best results were produced in Creative mode, precisely why this extra control allows the Lytro focus on very next few objects. photography quotes Vale also notice that it comes into play as quickly as a smartphone.
After all this, I believe it was clear

Friday, May 15, 2015

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Whereas the pre-sale price of Illum is $ 1,500 (more expensive fuji rumors than a D7100), it

The Lytro was not a huge commercial success, but their atypical features such as the ability to refocus and change the perspective of photos after they are recorded, found popularity as applications developed by Google and Nokia (although the form of implementation is completely different). Now the company is ready to try again, this time with a dedicated machine for more experienced photographers.
The new Illum holds the ability of its predecessor to measure the light field of a scene, but their insides are much more powerful. It has a resolution of 40 "megaray", which means (if the company is using the same definition of "megaray" the original Lytro) that the sensor has somewhere around 40 million light-sensitive structures, as opposed to 11 million of the first Lytro. The final image, however, will necessarily be smaller than a picture MP 40 because this type of camera fuji rumors there is an array of microlenses in the focal plane to decompose the light from the scene and each lens covers fuji rumors a group of pixels.
Similarly, Illum the sensor 1 uses a "four times greater than that of its predecessor and considerably larger than the average compact cameras. An interesting point is that, despite the increase of the sensor, the main objective fuji rumors maintained fuji rumors impressive specifications as in the first embodiment: it provides an 8x zoom (equivalent to 30-250 mm in 35 mm format) fuji rumors and a constant f / 2.
This effort to maintain a good lens makes sense when we look at the rest of the specifications. The Illum has a top speed of 1/4000 second fuji rumors shutter, just like a DSLR entry. It also provides a much deeper control over exposure, as ways Program, Shutter Priority and Manual, as well as a so called ISO Priority. Supposedly, the image processing is also faster. Clearly the Lytro is not trying to appeal to the general public but to the enthusiastic amateur.
It is difficult to say what are the chances of this approach to be successful. The idea behind the plenóptica photography is extremely ingenious from a scientific point of view. I recommend reading of Ren Ng articles, Lytro founder on his research at Stanford here and here. However, the practical fuji rumors benefits of this technology for the average person are very limited. If the software Lytro start offering more control over RAW images, it can become much more interesting.
Whereas the pre-sale price of Illum is $ 1,500 (more expensive fuji rumors than a D7100), it's hard to recommend it in its current state to anyone unless you work only with digital publications or simply want to support the research on this different type of image capture. When you get to the market fuji rumors on 15 July, the new camera will be even more expensive. It will sell for $ 1,600. Watch the trailer below Illum.
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