Tuesday, March 31, 2015

chose to buy a small inexpensive plug to fb is that I want ... just do not get to implement it .. a

Have a page page on Facebook for a blog, but can not figure out how to "hide" a post / under side of the wall or as a separate page there. In other words, people must like the page that this post / underside to appear. All regular posts on the wall are the available to all who visit, although they have not liked the page. Have seen this before, that one must like the page to bring up some information.
Have a page page on Facebook for a blog, but can not figure out how to "hide" a post / under side of the wall or as a separate page there. In other words, people must like the page that this post / underside to appear. All regular posts on the wall are the available to all who visit, although they have not liked the page. Have seen this before, that one must like the page to bring up some information.
Click to expand ... I think you need a way to display posts only until they've liked since, istock photo huh? You can get an app like Static HTML. So, they have enjoyed since see posts and the others will see a second page (see https://www.facebook.com/settings#!/redbull, for example).
That I'm looking for, that one coming in on a subpage which stands must equal the page to see the contents, one can however see info on the "wall" .. where do you find this app and how you implement the easiest?
Think you can use fine Static HTML to this. The visitor clicks istock photo "like" and then becomes forwarded to a new page that only "more equal" can see. Is not that what you want? Sitting on your mobile now, but is 90% sure it is the one I use on one of my pages.
chose to buy a small inexpensive plug to fb is that I want ... just do not get to implement it .. anyone have a simple recipe on how to implement a plugin? or does it vary from plug to plug?
chose to buy a small inexpensive plug to fb is that I want ... just do not get to implement it .. anyone have a simple recipe on how to implement a plugin? or does it vary from plug to plug?
Never heard of plugins on facebook. It's called well applications? Is there a script that you have purchased, istock photo or is it just use / license to use an already active istock photo application? It does not follow istock photo instructions with this plugin?
picxx, 10 Dec 2011
Bear wrote:
Username or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now Yes, my password is:
Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored by mineoppskrifter.no

Nets should minolta have 3, - per transaction Paypal will have 3.4% + 2.80 NOK per transaction onli

Nets should minolta have 3, - per transaction Paypal will have 3.4% + 2.80 NOK per transaction online store my (like everyone else) automatically generates a "receipt" minolta with ongoing order number to be recorded. WordPress - WooCommerce PDF Invoice | Code Canyon Say that I get an order of 200, - (Paypal) where they will have 3.4% + 2.80 NOK per transaction shall I sit and figure out how much they will have on every sales and post this? Eg 1: Getting minolta sales of 200, - (Paypal) 2: Downloading "receipt". 3: Computes how much I and paypal will have. 4: Will post this. 5: Puts voucher where it should be. Network or the same, I do Nets .. So come crazy goal: Do I do this for every sale I get, or can I just use the monthly report to paypal and nets and make this 2 vouchers minolta each month where I attach all "receipts "as attachments? ________________________________ CONTA INVOICE: When the customer selects invoice payment is generated there is also a "receipt" (which I really had not penetrated) What I need to do then: 1: Creating invoice 2: Will post this as accounts receivable 3: Using invoice vouchers on " trade receivable "But what this poor receipt then? I throw it so it becomes minolta the holes in the number series ... Should I also just add this as an attachment, then? Thank you in advance for your reply
1. Reports from paypal / nets can be used for accounting of costs / fees. These do not affect income minolta but are recognized as an expense. 2. All orders minolta paid in cash may as income items monthly with report of all orders behind. All orders transmitted to invoice would summed and recorded on a regular inntekstkonto + one balancing (both inntekstkontoer, ex 3000 and 3900) in the process. Post either as invoices against your account (3900) you have brought over so that this account zeroed out monthly samtdig as receivable be added to each of the customers. In this way, you made it clear that everything is included in both series.
All orders transmitted to invoice would summed and recorded on a regular minolta inntekstkonto + one balancing (both inntekstkontoer, ex 3000 and 3900) in the process. Post either as invoices against your account (3900) you have brought over so that this account zeroed out monthly samtdig as receivable be added to each of the customers. In this way, you made it clear that everything is included in both series.
Click to expand ... That I did not understand completely ... Could you explained it this way? Appendix 1 (receipt): Debit: Credit: Appendix 2: (Invoice) Debit: Credit: Appendix 3: (customer pays) Debit: Credit:
Appendix 1 (sum of all receipts in a month, two transferred to invoice): Debit: 1920-1918 NOK 500 (or a holding account for card payments) Debit: 3900-1 NOK 500 (invoice sales) Credit: 3000-20 000 kr ( total sales this month) minolta Appendix 2: (Invoice 1) Debit: minolta customer minolta number - 500 kr (CatchAll 1500) Credit: 3090-500 Appendix 3: (Invoice 2) Debit: customer number - 1 000 (CatchAll minolta 1500) Credit: 3090 - 1 000 Appendix 4: (Kunden1 pay) Debit: 1920-500 Credit: kundenr1 - NOK 500 Appendix 5: (Kunden2 pay) Debit: 1920-1 000 kr Credit: kudnenr2 - 1 000
Thank you for good answers! But it is not allowed to put this homeless receipt as an attachment to the invoice? Then you see the least that receipt is not thrown, minolta and thus it would not holes in the number series ...?
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Monday, March 30, 2015

When the competition is up to https://www.facebook.com/pages/Faktanettno/399376100093274?sk=app_190

I am considering running a facebook competition with a Mobile Phone as premium Faktanett.no | Facebook and will naturally do this "legal" way, while I wish that people must like the page to participate. Have some tips on how best and easiest done in practice? Have googled a lot, but find mostly stuff that was relevant before timeline appeared ...
JoachimO Member
# 5
Click to expand ... Check out Static HTML. There you can see one page to those who like side and one who does not like it. Also think you can get an HTML tag out of WooForms that you paste into the page that only fans can see.
Dag Frogner Super Member
When the competition is up to https://www.facebook.com/pages/Faktanettno/399376100093274?sk=app_190322544333196 If any man will participate and not least help me get it to begin to spread would have been nice!
JoachimO, June 14, 2012
Wufoo plays very well with MailChimp (aff.link)! Build email your base while you have competition. The money is in the list!
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Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored stock photo by mineoppskrifter.no

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Change Keychain info? Last Post Exclamation even assigned ip Last Post Network Time capsule d5200 ?

Whether you are a freelancer or not, the new software package from Envato network a good deal. Here you get a lot of great Mac applications with a total value of over $ 300 for just $ 49. Some of the goodies d5200 include d5200 1Password, TextExpander and Radium.
The latest addition is "The Freelance Mac App Bundle" which actually contain a good deal of good software. We find among other program 1Password d5200 as any Mac user should have installed on your Mac. Bad passwords and the same password on all sites is something that really gets easier with this program.
The price of the package is approximately NOK 270, - and for this price you should get software that is worth more than NOK 1600, -. The following software is packed 1Password Billings TextExpander Little Snapper d5200 WriteRoom Radium Arq Alarms
130 Norwegian radio channels. Get the most popular d5200 Norwegian, Swedish and Danish radio channels into a separate playlist in iTunes. Updated d5200 May 13
Change Keychain info? Last Post Exclamation even assigned ip Last Post Network Time capsule d5200 ?? Help Recent Posts How to get unlimited ... Last Post safari will not load all ... Recent Posts Apple TV: NRK App Recent d5200 Posts Bad time to buy ... Last Post AppleTV kaput? Last Post Java Runtime Enviroment -... Last Post MacSpend - unsolicited advertising and ... Recent Posts
Tracking Time (Productivity) Fantastical 2 - Calendar and Reminders (Productivity) App for Dropbox d5200 + (Utilities) Sid Meier's Starships (Games) Command & Conquer Generals Deluxe Edition (Games) GAget - A simple widget for Google Analyics (Productivity) Disk Cleaner - Free Your Hard Drive Space, Clean Cache, Tune Your Mac (Utilities) d5200 Breaking News ~ Today in your view (News)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Forum software video camera by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke M

We have launched new website to Mobilverkstedet.no and will now begin to look at the challenges we face. The largest of these is that customers do not know which repairs required, they only know what mistakes they experience on their phone. To solve it, I think to add up a guide of one kind or another. Thus a tool where customers can choose what they perceive as wrong on the basis of a list and choose which phone they have, and then get up the repairs they need to book. I am considering something video camera like: WordPress - Shop Assistant WooCommerce | Code Canyon But I've tried this before and it is not very well coded in frontend. Anybody have a better idea? We run WP and Woocommerce.
On bytteskjerm.no I have used a contact form, which is updated with new fields based on what one chooses. Now is not this connected up against some trade, but it makes it easy to find out what it will cost and it should be very nice to let it end with a button where one comes to an order form.
Thank you.
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Forum software video camera by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored by mineoppskrifter.no

Friday, March 27, 2015

Travellingman Net Grunder panasonic

Hi, I need a plugin that creates a popup with "like us on facebook." User PDD Facebook Page Promote Lightbox and it works ok, but what I miss is that it does not appear to those who already like the page on facebook. Any tips?
Travellingman Net Grunder panasonic
Dag Frogner, October 31, 2014
If it is cookie based, you need enough unlikes and equally again until it works?
Last edited: 31 October 2014
Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored by mineoppskrifter.no

Jeffrey Way is ein enterprising gentleman. He is the writer for Nettuts + and administrator smartph

Trick on ein Friday wick 9 | the unborn chikken
Whether you like it not, it is only two dagar to Monday, but to celebrate that enough ei hard work wick is over there in its place that kernel trick something from me on ein Friday as this. The only thing me deficiencies en is EiT hint of our ... There are certain sad in the modern World ...
Often it is said that "Design is all that matters," but should me tru this page Unhappy Hipsters looks quite looked sad in the modern world with all design as omfamnar us. Fine image but sad people with other words. Uanskvett is worth EiT visit! Jeffrey Way
Jeffrey Way is ein enterprising gentleman. He is the writer for Nettuts + and administrator smartphoto on Themeforest and Code Canyon. In addition to this he has also its eigen blog where he poured out with much different treats smartphoto occasionally. Wheel - a genial Invention
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Thursday, March 26, 2015

You can use these HTML tags and attributes:

As newly acquired editor for both Sydskogen.no and Nærnytt I want to share some words and thoughts foto with you regarding the future of web and paper ink spring. As you probably have noticed that this edition foto looks a little different than previous editions. foto I hope that the next version that comes is a small piece in the right direction foto what design and content relates; hopefully we get to Christmas edition color
The ambition is that everything in Nærnytt also be found on sydskogen. no. and vice versa. In that sense will sydskogen.no bear signs of being more perishable than paper publication, since it only comes out 4-5 times a year. For the future it will sydskogen.no be preferred channel for surveys and the like, where feedback from all Velets members. In the long term it is also desirable to achieve an online rental of the village hall, but we are not there quite yet. I recommend everyone to take a look at the new our websites and the like to give me feedback foto on what you think! Is there anything you miss, something you like / not like? Investor Relations Messages and input to sydskogen.no and / or Nærnytt can be submitted via web form on our website, or you can send an email to admin@sydskogen.no.
You can use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> < code> <del datetime = ""> foto <em> <i> <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong>

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hello, I have worked with a small hobby project for some months now. Service is a public notebook w

Hello, I have worked with a small hobby project for some months now. Service is a public notebook where you can both see others and share your own study notes. It has not been posted so many subjects yet, only a few of the ones I have studied. Nice if you have some time to spare and can test and provide feedback to the road to better grades | Studiehjelp.net. Example of a profile page Thanks for your help!
As a student, I must say that I like the concept. Visited something similar earlier wedding venues - a foreign website - but I do not remember what it's called. The website had a few problems, I envision that you will also meet. The problems on the website were: - Some posts may soon become very short and incomplete (as some of the current notes are). If a pupil / student wants to make note fuller and more comprehensive one must upload a new note. This allows you quickly find incredibly many articles on exactly the same. What about doing page to a type Wikipedia website, where users can make changes to the existing notes? - Otherwise you might create different wedding venues categories based on the school (or betting only at the university level?) And study? The list of subjects quickly becomes very long and disorganized if you get visitors from different areas of study.
Thank you for your feedback! Wiki solution can certainly be an opportunity here. The idea of the service is that you can store all their notes in one place, while others can benefit from them (and add them to your favorites). This can of course lead to some short, and little supplementary notes. The portal is aimed at students at university wedding venues / college. wedding venues Faglisten consists preliminary only some of the subjects I have had, but it can very quickly become disordered. How this should be handled I must look a little closer wedding venues when faglisten expanded. Thanks for the suggestions.
Next step on the Roadmap is to build into a discussion forum. The portal has been developed in Laravel 4.2. Is there anyone else here who work in Laravel Framework? I also considering posting the source codes to the service on Github, so keep an eye on https://github.com/Posterum/Studiehjelp.net
As of now the website all too heavy and complex that I could use it. Fancy design, and perhaps another solution. Do a little research on the market of what exists of plugins, themes, etc. Good luck.
Thanks for your feedback. Could you be a little more specific, what becomes too heavy and complex? Home, or the whole page? Welcomes input on improvements to the template. The portal is coded for this purpose, so there is no plugins, but everything can of course be changed. Appreciate feedback
Okay, I can enumerate. Firstly, your logo tells me nothing. It does not represent "study aid" good enough, and is not a logo I'd recognized. Logo is very important. In addition, the very small, and it goes for almost one with the background color on top. Logo is important. The first thing I thought wedding venues when I came on this page was where the hell I was going to "move" me. I can scroll down, but the only thing I see when some small headlines that do not say me a swell shiit. wedding venues So to put it briefly, wedding venues but simple and precise: wedding venues The entire contents below "Upload your notes" are incredibly complex. "Upload and share your notes" - what notes? What good am I again by sharing? Want to pull into a competitor to you right here (study) wedding venues network. Where rewarded one about uploading notes being approved, which one can use to download other notes. Which system do you have? Free4all? wedding venues What happens then is that no one will upload, they will only retrieve notes. "The way to a better grade" is a bit faded, and from my side it's not what you should market. Would rather played more on: "Share your notes, take others' notes" wedding venues elns. "Search through the whole page" should have been rewritten to "Search notes", while also making the text in the input field even larger and clearer. The reason I believe is wrong chosen, you should found another one there. The menu at the top is small and will generate little clicks because of it. One of the menu links your called "TAG". You should also named the category, and sorted into memos by category above tags. Pressing a tag, one does not know which tag you are on. Making it all very little user. "Posted by ..." should be rewritten to "Uploaded by ...." Like nor that it says "month (s)" and "day (s)." You should do something with it and fix it so that it is automatically added on "is" when it is appropriate. ---- It was very quickly written, and there are even more things I poked at which I simply can not bear to write now. As I have already written, so this is not a service I would use - although the concept wedding venues is king. Maybe I'm picky, but I

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thanks for the reply! I tried to FTP folder wp-content / plugins to upload .zip file. Went into wp

Hi! I can usually install plugins. But today I bought a PDF invoice plugin, but I can not install this .. This stands in manual: momento Make sure you have WordPress 3.5+ and WooCommerce 2.0.x installed WooCommerce does not have to be active hum installation but this plugin won 't do anything without WooCommerce being overactive Download the plugin from Code Canyon Unzip the downloaded file and locate a file called woocommerce-pdf-invoice.zip under Plugin Log in to your WordPress admin zone Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Upload file woocommerce-pdf-invoice.zip Activate the plugin uploaded I downloaded a zip file. this I open and it comes up three folders. One called plugin, and here I find two files named woocommerce-pdf invoice and woocommerce-pdf-invoice.zip I try to upload .zip file so I suppose it should be. then get an error message on the screen. "That page can not be found. It looks like nothing was found that this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?" The second folder: woocommerce-pdf invoice that is not a zip file containing well sik I see the content that should be in the zipped version. Language etc etc. Also tried to upload .zip file in FTP, but does not work .. Is there something I'm ignoring ?? Thanking for your input !!
During installation instructions states that you must upload ZIP file is the plugin folder for plugins on Wordpress, as was done in older versions momento of Wordpress. Some plugins do not support automatic installation via Wordpress control panel and must be uploaded by FTP. WooCommerce PDF Invoice Setup and customization | WooThemes Documentation EDIT: Looks like I was quick with this answer and you have tried FTP. You uploaded to the correct folder? Thus the / wp-content / plugins / finished unzippers / wrapped up? So it must be activated during plugins in Wordpress control panel.
Thanks for the reply! I tried to FTP folder wp-content / plugins to upload .zip file. Went into wp but did not find the plugin momento there. Felt the .zip file so different than the other plug is there .. Seemed like there was some error that the file was .zip and not a folder with content that the other ..
Could it by doing the following. Uploading .zip file. Created new folder. Extract the .zip file and add the contents of the new folder. Voila! Is this normal prossedyre? Do not feel it is written so in the guide but ..
Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored by mineoppskrifter.no

Click to expand ... idiotic article, which does not make sense. The point is not to hide that you a

It's discovered a serious vulnerability in a couple of very popular plugins, webo and part theme's that have these pre-installed. It is about Slider Revolution, a slider which is very widely used, and Showbiz Pro. Theme's like Avada, mostly sold thema on Code Canyon, but also several webo others, such UDesign, Jupiter and X Theme comes with Slider Revolution. Security hole was patched already webo in February, but it has failed to disclose the problem so many have not updated, and this security hole exploited now over a low shoes. Those who have purchased the affected products from Code Canyon, ThemeForrest or other such places will get an e-mail during the day. If you use Slider Revolution, it MUST be upgraded to a minimum version 4.2 immediately. If you are using Showbiz Pro MUST be upgraded to version 1.5.3 minimum More info about the problem exists here -> Slider Revolution Plugin Critical Vulnerability Being Exploited | Sucuri Blog It turns out that these plugins'ene opens for downloading any file, it only one needs to do is
Code: http://www.webforumet.no/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php so, one can therefore download any file through Revolution Slider, also kofigurasjonsfiler which contains usernames and passwords etc.

Click to expand ... Thought right on it. So I have removed everything that can display back to what I use
Click to expand ... Almost everything in the bottom of the page shows a picture with link to wp-content folder (reckon that it is a fault of yours only), click CTRL + U and look at the source code. What method do you use to hide that it's WP?
Pong like this.
Click to expand ... Far from it enough, it is easy and check if you use wordpress by looking at the source code (html structure), and must use plugins (possibly. Make changes yourself) to remove traces. As mentioned above, I use this, http://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-no-one-can-know-you-use-wordpress/4177158 (check out "equipment-list" to see what it actually does)
Far from it enough, it is easy and check if you use wordpress by looking at the source code (html structure), and must use plugins (possibly. Make changes yourself) to remove traces. As mentioned above, I use this, http://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-no-one-can-know-you-use-wordpress/4177158 (check out "equipment-list" to see what it actually does)
Having zero experience with these free plugins, so it's better that anyone else here who have experience with any of them links. Or does one Google search, have not had the need for one free option when Hide my WP is superior webo good, and works like it should!
# 13
Click to expand ... idiotic article, which does not make sense. The point is not to hide that you are using Wordpress because using wordpress. The point is to make a potential threat, less. There is no problem webo to block access to such. wp-admin, or, wp-login.php. Have around 30-40 wordpress pages running, and all of these have dramatically less attacks using hide wp example. Obviously, a fine try to shoot information webo through mail to admin, webo sysadmin, wp-admin, etc ... That's why you do not call such sites admin login or similar. You call it either member page, or other funky names. Of course you would put the vulnerable your car in the garage, to key system was fixed. You do not set your car to show, when it is already vulnerable, and anyone who wants, can run from the place without problem. People know you have a car but do not know the model and brand.
Posts: 216
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Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. Webforumet.no operated by Lykke Media AS | Sponsored by mineoppskrifter.no

Monday, March 23, 2015

TV2 at Café de Concert

I've been lucky and gotten much support throughout the study period and after considering the people photokina who have helped me forward. Also considering the prices I have won and been awarded. Now I also want to share a prize every year. Aksel Kolstad award. This year's price of 10,000 NOK plus a concert photokina at Café de Concert. For a musician who excels musically and creatively at the same time. You need to study music, optional instrument. Preliminary round: - upload a 2 min long video presentation on youtube where you * play / sing classical / contemporary music, photokina tell about yourself, photokina what you want to do with your career and what you have in you that you want to convey to the rest of the world a unique and entertaining way - use only one piece throughout the film Last round: - prepare 2-3 pieces totaling 15 minutes of which you will connect verbally with performance, multimedia, theatrical, with other musicians, dancing, etc. (you get the point). This is performed at the Café de Concert live audience. 3 finalists will be selected to the final round at the Café de Concert. The winner will be picked out at the site of the jury consisting of the undersigned and pianist and professor of piano at the Academy Tor Espen Aspaas. - Send youtube link to aksel.kolstad@cafedeconcert.no within May 16 - video must not be dated earlier than 4 February 2012. - finals are held at Café de Concert in Oslo May 30 19:00 * one can also participate photokina as ensemble Index "Dare to be different" luck and kick ass !! Best Regards, Aksel Kolstad Jury Foreman
TV2 at Café de Concert

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Photo reports about his journey Ivan puts on his page on VKontakte Home Organization of Jehovah

Former Jehovah's Witness, and now "Kamyshinsky traveler" - Ivan Shiryaev decided to visit all cities of Russia in 1113. In two years, Ivan has already visited 160 cities and drive 64 thousand. Kilometers. Ivan moved exclusively hitchhiking and finds lodging by the fire. Recently Ivan met one special firefighter ..) "Night in the firehouse. photo books As usual, the men asked about what prompted photo books me to start to travel. And, as usual, I talk, I left the sect, disappointed in its teachings. - Wow you! - animated photo books fire - we also have to guard such an apostate! rare. I was introduced to Michael, who grew up in a family of Jehovah's Witnesses. His parents were deported by Stalin from western Ukraine to Siberia for belonging to this denomination. Already in the conscious age, after the army, Michael was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. And took their side as long as the elders began to interfere with his personal life. - First, they taught that it is better not to have children, not to be distracted from the "spiritual" cases - Michael says, - then, when I gave birth to their first child, the elders said that it would be good to prevent the birth of a second. But what about the commandment to "be fruitful and multiply"? - I asked the elders. "First of all we have to multiply photo books in a spiritual sense" -so they told me. When Michael had some problems in the relationship with his wife, the elders again tried to impose their point of view, although he did not ask the Board. Michael until recently cared for his sick father. When the elders advised him to hand over his father in a nursing home (not to miss meetings and preach more), photo books he decided to permanently break with the religion of their parents. Elders frightened him so that he would not be to greet members of the community, that without them the organization, he will never be able to find happiness photo books and eventually die at Armageddon, as all the wicked. Now Michael has four children, three of them he brings one. And did not regret that left the sect. "
Photo reports about his journey Ivan puts on his page on VKontakte Home Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses - "we're not on the road," People leave OSB Legal Committees "Do not even say hello"
2015 (38) March (8) February (17) January (13) Jehovah's Witnesses "blown away" :) Unfulfilled expectations about the 1951 Predictions about the Russell 1914, Jehovah's Witnesses preaching master via SMS Kamyshinsky traveler Ivan Shiryaev Orwellian Doublethink They willingly sold their homes. Biology professor photo books accused Jehovah's Witnesses in Nep ... JW.ORG outlawed! Fed animals than in paradise? Only Jehovah's Witnesses receive salvation in the future ... the Jehovah's Witnesses were allowed to drink alcohol n ... statement of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses on the date 192 ... 2014 (57) December (6) November (5) October (8) September (7) August (5) July (6) June (1) May (5) April (4) March (2) February (5) January (3) 2013 (64) December (4) November (6) October (5) September (4) August (5) July (6) June (6) May (6) April (14) March (8)
1914 (7) 1919 (1) 1925 (1) 1942 (1) 1951 (1) 607g. BC (4) jw.org (3) Agnosticism (2) Adam (1) Alcohol (1) Antichrist (1) Apocalypse (5) Biblical photo books Astronomy (6) Vaccination (1) inspiration (2) Bethel (1) Vibrate (4) Sunday (1) George photo books Orwell (3) Dinosaurs (1) dogma (2) plagues photo books of Egypt (1) Yearbook (1) animals (1) Jesus (1) Name of God (1) true religion (2) baptism photo books (3) blood ( 10) prophets (3) Loss of communication (4) Lobbyists (1) Masons (1) brain (1) New Year (1) New Testament (1) The Departed (10) organ transplants photo books (1) Perspective (2) ISM (1) Donations (4) Flood (1) Legal Committee (6) Holidays (1) loyalty (2) persecution (2) sign (1) Awake (1) preaching (4) Entertainment (1) Advertising (1) this generation (2) Rutherford (3) freedom of speech (1) the service of God (1) Salvation (1) Soviet Union (1) construction (4) toxic waste (1) flag (1) The Photo-Drama of Creation (1)


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On Tuesday, the deputy chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society Eugene Kovalevsky said that captured last winter in Syria Islamist terrorists traveler from Tomsk Konstantin Zhuravlev alive.
"I have a connection with some Syrian opposition figures who live in Moscow, and they, in turn, have a connection with the Syria, and thus you can find some information through third parties ... They claim that the bones transferred from group "Liwa al-Tawhid" the brigade Al Zink. He is alive and well, located in the Islamic front "- told Sib. fm Kovalevsky. - "I think it's fairly reliable information, it is still spoken by people who are fighting there and live there."
"Previously, Constantine toured the world hitchhiking. Through Syria traveler wanted to travel to Egypt for the "Alone with the desert." Zhuravlev planned to spend 21 days in the Sahara desert blindfolded and ears, using only a liter of water a day to ensure that "in extreme conditions for the body, by himself, to open / play / expand internal capacity" - write about it.
"Extreme conditions" Zhuravlev provided representatives of the radical Islamist group "Liwa al-Tawhid" that took him for a spy and captured. In April, they took Zhuravlev on video and sent the video to the Foreign Ministry, requiring him to put pressure on the Syrian authorities to those released three wives of rebels who are imprisoned because of their husbands. Found a mistake? Select it with mouse and press: Ctrl + Enter
"Russian Railways" has announced a tender for works on engineering surveys for preparation of project documentation for the construction of the railway "Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg".
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Saturday, March 21, 2015


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Already in school years (Yuri Roerich studied at the famous St. Petersburg High School in May) he w

Tatarstan congratulated the Eurasian Union
"In the long term, the Eurasian integration there is no alternative." - Nurusltan Nazarbayev, "Eurasian Economic Union". Astana. 2009
Yuri Roerich stayed in the history of one of the last Eurasians that flashes contax in the sky of our multinational culture. The firstborn in the Roerich family, he was born on 16 (29) in August 1902 in the Novgorod province, near the village of Okulovka. Childhood and adolescence future scientist took place in St. Petersburg in the family atmosphere, where interest in the spiritual culture of the East was very great. Problems of the Great Migration, the puzzle of birth and death of nomadic empires, the mysteries of ancient burial mounds and the Great Eurasian steppes - all this from his youth sank deep into the consciousness of the future orientalist, feeding his imagination.
Already in school years (Yuri Roerich studied at the famous St. Petersburg High School in May) he was interested in ancient cultures of Egypt and Babylonia. Gradually, the range of interests expanded, moving from the Middle East to remote areas of Asia. He begins to learn the Mongolian language and literature with the famous Mongolist AD Rudnev, and since then Central Asia are increasingly attracts his attention. Note that one of the grandmothers YN Roerich was a Mongol, who led the sort of khans of the Golden Horde.
YN Roerich received an excellent education. He studied Persian and Sanskrit on the Indo-Iranian branch of the School of Oriental Languages at the University of London, and then graduated from Harvard University (USA) with a degree in the department of Indian philology. Education Yuri completed at the School of Oriental Languages at the University of Paris - the largest European center for Oriental. Here he was deeply involved in the Tibetan language, led by Professor J. Bako, and continued his studies Sanskrit, Mongolian, Chinese and Iranian languages. Teachers YN Roerich were such outstanding scientists contax as P. Pelliot, S. Levy, A. Meillet, A. Maspero, VF Minorskii. In 1923 YN Roerich was awarded the degree of Master of Indian Philology and in the same year launched a separate contax field studies.
As a research scientist with an unusually broad-minded contax Yuri Roerich was formed during a long-planned contax Central Asian scientific and artistic expedition N. Roerich, contax that the fall of 1923 was finally able to implement. Years of study have been left behind, contax and in the twenty-one year before George Roerich opened vast opportunities to apply the knowledge gained, to start an independent research creative work.
The expedition was difficult route across Central Asia, from Sikkim and Srinagar to the Altai Mountains and from the Altai - through Mongolia, China, Tibet - is back in the Eastern Himalayas, Sikkim. Her research results, the most valuable geographic, ethnographic, archaeological and linguistic observations almost completely unexplored regions of Asia formed the basis for the monograph YN Roerich's "Path to the heart of Asia" 1, which immediately placed the young author in the ranks of prominent researchers Asia, successor of NM Przewalski, VI Roborovsky, GN Potanin, Sven Hedin and PK Kozlov. The exact geographical description of landscapes punctuated book with historical digressions into the past oases of Tarim, the steppes of Mongolia contax and the highlands of Tibet. Many pages in this work is dedicated to the nomads of Northern Tibet, a little-known endangered tribes, and has preserved its cultural traditions of the past Eurasia. contax
In all the trials and tribulations of the journey YN Roerich was an indispensable assistant to his father. In addition to research on it lay almost all the organizational work of the expedition, which, breaking the Tibetan Plateau, Trans-Himalaya and in May 1928 reached India.
Expedition allowed YN Roerich get to know the living Tibetan contax language and its dialects; he was in marching contax nomadic yurts, where they were alive legends about Genghis contax Khan and Geser, the legendary hero of the famous Central Asian epic, in inaccessible contax mountain monasteries of Southern Tibet - the treasures of the ancient Indian, Nepalese and Tibetan shrines. From that time the history of Tibet, especially nomadic, becomes a leitmotif of his scientific career. His discoveries in this area, made during the expedition, YN Roerich summarized in the classic study "Beast Style Among Nomads of North Tibet" 2. Tibetan traditional art and to this day remains a unique guardian of "animal style", typical of the ancient Scythian around the world, from the South to the Russian Central Asian steppes. contax Yuri was working on this topic in one of the most critical moments of the expedition - during the four-month winter standing on a plateau Chantung under Nagchu provoked by Tibetans British authorities. About these months, which could be the last for the expedition, N. Roerich wrote in his diary: "Ended medicines, food ended. On on

Friday, March 20, 2015

The final step in the creation of this wild beast was setting sports seats with five-point safety b

Home Articles The famous traveler and photographer Vlad Minin passed in the studio on a charged Devolro Toyota Tundra pickup route rally marathon Dakar directly in the footsteps of the pilots.
It is with this motto I was going to conquer the mountains nikon and deserts in South America nikon in the pursuit of the extreme rally - Dakar 2015. Once in Africa, I alone made the journey in the footsteps of Dakar Rally 2006 on a motorcycle. What a crazy journey through the desert still remembers every cell of my body. Now I decided to try a completely nikon new sensation: a continent and a specially prepared for this car from the studio Devolro. Scorching sun, high passes, dust, dirt, sand, rocks, fords, canyons, lack of civilization, complete isolation from the familiar comfort and continuous drive hundreds of desperate nikon drivers - that more needs to be happy ?!
From the start and until the finish craziest riders in the world are putting themselves and their vehicles tested for endurance in difficult climatic conditions. I'm going to go after them to get into the spirit of the legendary marathon and understand why they need all this. Naturally, to pursue racing cars on a standard SUV or pickup truck would be insane, so I set out to build a project specially prepared nikon car. Help with this I had my old friends from the studio Devolro, in Miami, Florida. Tundra from Devolro has repeatedly advocated by my partners in my previous travels through Russia and Central Asia and established itself as a reliable tool for the conquest of off-road.
As always, I started gathering on the eve of Travel: construction machinery began just two months before the start of the marathon. As for me, and for the studio Devolro building a machine that was supposed to go the distance rally raid almost in combat mode, has become a real challenge. So we decided to build, nikon focusing nikon on the well-known motorsport solutions and my experience extreme travel. To employees studio were three main objectives: the machine must be powerful, not to choke on the five thousandth passes of the Andes; Chassis must have maximum strength and maneuverability, and the machine itself - have the greatest possible autonomy.
The basis for the construction of the machine was the time-tested and not me beloved Toyota Tundra 4x4 with petrol engine V8 5.7 and Cab Double Cab. High consumption of the V8 did not disturb me for one reason - I had a private gas station in the back. As the saying goes, just in case. And the sound mnogolitrovoy Eight makes even the most difficult journey more enjoyable. Despite nikon the fact that the standard engine on the Tundra iForce produces a solid 381 hp, power still had to be significantly increased, as in the Andes from the herd of horses under the hood remains the strength of 20%. The first thing that was done - is the installation of a mechanical supercharger, which increased engine power by 50%, which immediately put the car with a capacity of more than 600 hp on a par with a sports car.
But on the roads one powerful motor will not do - it is necessary to shake up the entire chassis. Was complete replacement of levers and rods, springs and shock absorbers, and the place of conventional wheels taken off-road. Was established to protect the engine and transmission, as well as snorkel, will overcome deep water obstacles nikon in the mountains, nikon and also gave the engine to breathe nikon less dusty air in the desert. To my monster Devolro not fall into the abyss on the descent from the next Andean mountain range, brake discs replaced on ventilated and Pads - more durable.
The final step in the creation of this wild beast was setting sports seats with five-point safety belts, additional tank of 200 liters, the original arc security, four spare wheels in its own frame (wheel is never too much), durable bumpers, powerful generator and LED "chandelier", which I called "Jesus" as the appearance of my Devolro night in the mountains or the desert with the lights can be compared only with the advent of the Divine. Once again, I was convinced that light, as well as wheels, in extreme travel is never too much - I have repeatedly said the company Devolro and myself thank you for this light when in the mountains at night lights, illuminating the path within a kilometer, more than once saved me from falling into a black abyss.
The work was completed in just a week before the start, nikon so the car had to be sent to Buenos Aires cargo aircraft. It seems to do everything wrong, like normal people - this is my "gold standard". All other "normal" people who want to take part in a group called crazy rally marathon Dakar, sent their cars to Argentina for a few more months the sea. However, as Napoleon said: the main thing - to get involved in this fight. And in the battle called Dakar had time to get involved. The car was produced in the cargo terminology

Thursday, March 19, 2015

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If you do not get the first 5 minutes to recognize the type of client who came to the agency to buy tour ugostite tourist fragrant tea or coffee and ask him a few simple questions of our test. Maybe it will clear up quickly and you will be able to make the perfect proposal fractal to pass the test ...
03/19/2015 Tunisia after the attack at the Museum: experts about the prospects for the summer season
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According fractal to international experts, the needs of tourists in the last 5-7 years have seriously changed. Portrait of consumer rapidly transformed, and today his main "features": maximum fractal comfort and save time, beat for maintenance, the desire to be a member of a privileged club and the best quality / price ratio. The American chain of luxury hotels AMResorts not only keeps up with the times, but rather ahead of them ... All articles
According to preliminary estimates, in 2015, interest in domestic destinations among Russians increase - by 30-50%. And, of course, led to the adoption of the guests will be the Krasnodar Territory. On the eve of the summer season portal TRN initiated an interview with I Deputy resorts and tourism of the region Oleg Shutov. It's about how the Kuban resorts are ready for an influx of tourists fractal and how to change industry fractal standards with regard to new market fractal requirements. All interviews
Tourism sector was among the first affected by the crisis, which is observed the last six months. In a joint project specifically for the portal HeadHunter TRN Research Service analyzed and identified the main trends of the labor market in the tourism sector for 2014 and the beginning of 2015. Total handled more than 157,000 jobs in the Russian sphere of "Tourism, hotels and restaurants." REAL JOBS! All Analytics
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

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53 + At least two people were killed and eight wounded in a shootout Thursday night in a restaurant in the second largest city of Sweden - Gothenburg. 34 + US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela amazing pictures Merkel agreed not to weaken amazing pictures sanctions against Russia. This was reported on the White House website. 00 + Member States UN Security Council on the initiative of Lithuania will hold on Thursday, amazing pictures March 19 informal meeting in the Crimea. Start event is scheduled for 22:00 Moscow time. 00 + US President amazing pictures Barack Obama has decided to conduct training for the soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine in the near future. This was stated by Vice-President of the United States Joseph Biden during a conversation with Ukrainian President Peter Poroshenko.
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"From amazing pictures Korea to Karelia" - so named his project explorer. Ivan goal - to visit all the cities of our country in 1113. Shiryaev has two characteristics: it only moves hitchhiking, and shelter for the rest looking usually by the fire.
Not bypassed Ivan Shiryaev and Ingushetia. While in our country, the traveler came to the fire department of the city of Malgobek number 2, where we stopped for the night, amazing pictures courtesy of hospitable hosts. Ivan met here in the best traditions of hospitality of the Ingush, as the dearest guest.
In interviews with firefighters guest told about himself, amazing pictures shared his impressions of walks in the Malgobek and in general from visiting places where he had a chance to visit. As told Ivan Shiryaev, the local fire department was the 122 th in the list of parts, where he spent the night on the road.
- I am grateful for the firefighters from Ingushetia kindness and hospitality. I like it here very comfortable. Fire Chief Garrison Malgobeskogo district amazing pictures Ahmet Barakhoev not only intelligent leader, but a wonderful person. Under him and become part of the staff. Thanks to them is large in the desire to explore the country came to me as a child - says Ivan. - My mother worked as a teacher of geography, and over my crib was a large map of the world. Has not yet learned to speak, I could show the finger part of the world, which I called. And then, when I grew up, often spent time at the atlas, mentally traveling to Russia. In school, amazing pictures I was even given the nickname Globe ... ".
And even such a poetic name of the project "From Korea to Karelia" has its own semantic and geographic rationale: for this purpose Ivan Shiryaev amazing pictures specially visited the junction of three state borders between North Korea, China and Russia.
For breaking the rules should be warned or banned (depending on damage). When you publish comments, try as far as possible, follow amazing pictures the rules of the Vainakh etiquette. Try not to insult other users. Always remember that each person is responsible for his words before God and the law of Russia!
Such travelers an excellent indicator of public opinion. In private conversations, determined by the state of society. And then a report on the approved form for a long time. Therefore, when such "figures" do not pour out the soul, but rather to admire the existing regime and express patriotic spirit. Long live Putin, thank Evkurovu, down with Obama, will help Nicaragua, etc.
For today: DPS officers arrested the driver, who was wanted on a personal mobile phone of the Head of Ingushetia daily receives hundreds of SMS messages from the citizens of the republic Why Obama is not black? (VIDEO) A resident of SP Yandar went missing Thefts Russian Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling among adults LETTER TO THE EDITOR WITH GRATITUDE! Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology im.N.N.Mikluho Maclay RAS together with Inga has published a monograph "The people and culture. Ingush "In celebration of the 245th anniversary of the unification of Ingushetia with Russia in SP Dalakova entered school with 540 seats in the State Duma kindergarten propose to introduce criminal liability for the relatives of terrorists
All time: SMS witness! Forum 99 names of Allah and their meanings amazing pictures Voting for the "top 10 wonders of the country" continues [photo] Ingush server cs 1.6, cs 1.6 server Vainakh Ingush amazing pictures girl tells about his dream (in Ingush) Magas Ingushetia Superstition and shirk Online broadcasting amazing pictures STRC Ingushetia
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New, very addictive puzzle flash game in which you will be able to learn English in a fun way. You will write the job at the bottom of the screen - to find the right thing, and paint it in a certain color. Once you have mastered one task, immediately following appears. Gradually they will become more complicated, and will add new words and objects.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Science and Technology

Warm up Vіdeo "New Channel" Teleprograma News "New Channel" News "reporter" Spіlnota Ukraine Got Talent Everybody dance. Return of the Hero Bachelor X Factor Star Ring Battle nikon p520 of psychics Fakti Efіr Vіdeo Teleprograma Castings myICTV POPKONVEЄR Afіsha Musica News prog Zіrki Igronavty Wrestling Anime Cartoons Listings See Ukraine News World News Business News Financial News Education and Career Lifestyle Politics & Economy Finance Companies and Markets Practice Lifestyle Blogs News Magazine MMR MMR MMR Catalog Projects Persons MMR MMR MMP Seminars Diet Recipes Menu Restaurants Expert Advice Health nikon p520 Protection nikon p520 Osvita Culture is the sport that Ekologіya tvarini Yak in the home ... Our Misto
Our tireless and irrepressible compatriot - a native nikon p520 of the Zaporozhye region - 64-year-old world famous traveler Fyodor nikon p520 Konyukhov is preparing for another expedition unique and stunning new record. This summer, he intends to go round the world non-stop flight nikon p520 on a huge balloon. As usual - alone, because I do not want to subject anyone else to danger nikon p520 in their projects. But the summer is only in our Northern Hemisphere and the Southern winter comes, therefore, there is no risk to get into tropical storms or cyclones.
About this idea Fedor Konyukhov said more in the past year, as soon as completed very difficult transition across the Pacific nikon p520 Ocean in a rowboat. Start and finish the flight will take place in Australia, 33,000 kilometers to be overcome in approximately two weeks. nikon p520 The route will run from west to east: Australia - Tasman Sea - New Zealand - Pacific Ocean - South America (Chile - Argentina) - Falkland Islands - Atlantic Ocean - Africa (South Africa, Cape of Good Hope) - Indian Ocean - Australia. As the official site of Fedor Konyukhov, the flight will take place at different heights, nikon p520 up to 17,000 meters. Ball circumnavigation volume of 15,000 cubic meters with a carboxylic gondola built in London.
"It will be a special ball, which will consist of two sections, both will be filled with helium, only the bottom will still be heated by hot air." So far, the only person who managed to make such a journey in 2002, is an American yachtsman nikon p520 and balloonist Steve Fossett. It took him 13 days 8:00 33 minutes.
Fossett slept only 4 hours a day, snatches of 45 minutes. He regularly had to go beyond the cook-pit and inspect and clean the ice torch and switch cylinders. All these works he carried out at an altitude of 6-8 thousand meters, at a speed of 200-300 km per hour and an air temperature - 40 degrees. Over 12 years of technology and materials have become more perfect, allowing Fedor Konyukhov hope circumnavigate the globe faster than the American counterparts.
Currently Fedor Philippovich passes in the Italian region Piedmont refresher course on management of hot air balloons. Fresh pictures with training published on page Konyukhova nikon p520 in to Facebook.
Perhaps this circumstance prevented "eternal wanderer" to get into the New Year holidays in the village Atmanay Akimov district of Zaporozhye region to attend the funeral of his father. Philip M. Grooms died on 2 January 99 th year of life. Stock Fedor Konyukhov page in Facebook.
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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Related News 2 days ago Cartoon about the siege of Smolensk, the Poles will be held in cinemas this

"Your project is important for the military-patriotic education of the younger generation, and recalls that the duty of each of us - the glorious heroic traditions of our people and fatherland - to preserve and multiply! Deem it a great honor for themselves canon cameras to join you on a section of the route of the bike ride! "- Said Fyodor Konyukhov in a letter to the organizing committee of the action.
Within 41 days of the action participants will pass through the city: Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Kerch, Starominskaya, Gukovo, Rossosh, Belgorod, canon cameras Kursk, canon cameras Bryansk, Gomel, Mozyr, Pinsk, Brest, Minsk, canon cameras Smolensk, Nevel, Pskov, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Vishny Volochek, Tver, Moscow, canon cameras Ryazan, Tula, Voronezh, Borisoglebsk, Volgograd, Belaya Kalitva and finish at the starting point, Taganrog, May 9.
Related News 2 days ago Cartoon about the siege of Smolensk, the Poles will be held in cinemas this year studio "Mill" will release on the big screen animated film "Fortress", dedicated to the siege of Smolensk Polish canon cameras army. The premiere is scheduled for Oct. 29. As conceived by the creators of the cartoon show is to begin on the eve of the Day ... 2 weeks ago at the Smolensk region ablaze eternal flame in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory After Smolensk and other cities-heroes, canon cameras city of military glory and regional centers will pass the baton Eternal Flame. Relay starts in Moscow. From the Alexander Garden flames from the tomb of the Unknown Soldier proceed across Russia in the ... 06/21/2014 Smolensk large family-fire victims who lost in the fire survivor needs help Smolensk diocese announced a fundraiser to help the mother of many children (five children). Department canon cameras of Smolensk diocese for Church Charity and Social Service and Community Volunteer "Mercy Heart" asks Smolyan help raise funds for ... 08/05/2014 in Smolensk will be held a charity event "White Flower" Smolyan waiting for May 11 in the city park Blon from 12.30 to 20.00 . According to the website "Visit-Smolensk", will take part in the action of the city schools, church and secular children, youth and adults creative teams, spiritual ... 13/04/2013 Ralph Fiennes was invited to play in the Smolensk region in the film adaptation of the play by Turgenev Perhaps this summer in Russia come-known British actor Ralph Fiennes. He was offered a starring role in the film "Two Women" ("The Two Women") on the play by Turgenev's "A Month in the Country". Planned ...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

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Vova - adventurer, free wanderer and a true adventurer. With a minimal amount of money and baggage behind in the 25 years he has traveled to 50 countries and is not going to stop there. There is still a whole world! Vova talks about his view on the trip, with the maximum budget travel, hitchhiking, "night and day" from local residents and other secrets independent wanderings.
I since the childhood made extraordinary things, I enjoyed not be like others and demonstrate by their behavior that you can select jvc everio a different life, different from the standard model, and it will be just as good. With 15 years began to slowly get out to the neighboring cities, first in the Moscow region, then in 17 years umotal hitchhiking in Astrakhan with 50 rubles in his pocket. jvc everio I just had nothing to do and wanted adventure. Came back two weeks later and I realized that in order to see the world does not necessarily have a lot of money. The first time I hit on the idea to travel well. The really active and I started to ride syuperbyudzhetno since 2010. Then I hitchhiked a ride first in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, and then a dull winter evening jvc everio I found a cheap flight to Singapore and three days later was already completely in a foreign country on the other side of the world. For a month I drove in 7 Asian countries with a very limited budget and a terrible knowledge of English and Vietnamese spring flew to Moscow. I really liked it! It was then that I realized that the journey - this is mine. And I'm not going to stop there.
At the moment, I am traveling to India. For this trip I prepared thoroughly studied a lot of information, so it was ready for all sorts of surprises. Nevertheless, here quickly dispelled the stereotype that all tourists and always want to cheat - it is not so! Every day I meet a lot of happy and kind people who are genuinely trying to help, are invited to visit, bringing up me and did not ask for money for their help. Well, what about the terrible unsanitary too often exaggerated.
In each country, there was something very interesting and cool. But most impressed me points on the world map, I would call Copenhagen, Jaipur, jvc everio Sofia, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Nizhny Novgorod, Singapore, mountainous railway in the Swiss Alps, Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region, the road Vladikavkaz - Tbilisi pass through Upper Lars , the abandoned city of Bagan in Myanmar, the castle of Berat in Albania. In fact, the list is very long, this world is full of amazing places!
I love Russia and traveled on it. Interestingly, when I say the man was going to visit his hometown, in 95% of cases, the answer jvc everio should be that much in it a little town just nothing remarkable. In fact, it is not. I always find something new and interesting, original study details, meet people and try local food. Maybe someone does seem strange or surprising, but Russia is very different. There are mixed mass of different cultures, languages and customs, and travel home country no less exciting than a stranger. If we compare Dagestan and the Pskov region, Kalmykia and Karelia, Chechnya and Mordovia, I was surprised to discover that, for example, between Belgium and France is less difference than in these regions! jvc everio
As soon as there is free time I open the map and see where to round up this time. In each case, take into account the estimated budget, travel time and climatic conditions; On this basis, I make the route. Of course, almost always in the way of small changes and deviations from the set plan, but it is only in favor. Budget travel in my opinion allow a better feel for the atmosphere of a new place and experience the true culture jvc everio of a foreign country. I do not think that a person who moves in business class and only stops at hotels, knows the country as well, than a person who goes hitchhiking and spends the night with the locals. Cultural exchange in such a trip is much deeper. And, according to my observation, what it cost, the more interaction.
Strange, but for some reason on the financial side trips I am asked most often. I do not have rich parents, and no one is sponsoring my trip, with the exception of training in Poland from the uni and multiple trips to work. On their trips in advance, I paid myself. And the only

MIA: District Prosecutor in Odessa committed suicide Chapter LC notes the low rate of implementatio

Russian traveler-rider: protects me a guardian angel | RIA Novosti
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Russian traveler Oleg Kharitonov performing circumnavigation motorobeg already traveled more than 12,000 kilometers through Russia and Mongolia, and all he has to overcome about 150 thousand kilometers on five continents.
MOSCOW, December 2 - RIA Novosti. Russian traveler Oleg Kharitonov, performing the longest circumnavigation in motocross history, began his career completely unbeliever, but after four months cxc of traveling believes that it saves a guardian angel. "The difficulties cxc were many, but they are all surmountable ... Everywhere all ends well, some guardian angel protects me, and people who meet me on the way, a helping hand," - said the Kharitonov. cxc
Initially it was assumed that during the trip the rider will travel around 150,000 kilometers on five continents over 800 days. However, the traveler noted that, most likely, to overcome the route will be delayed. "I realized cxc that no need to hurry: if you follow the plan, it is possible to miss something that appears suddenly, what leads you to some guardian angel. If you hurry, you turn your back on him, you just do not see. So my principle has changed - with the opportunity to see something, I will stay to watch out for this, "- said Kharitonov.
After starting the July 30 traveler cxc traveled more than 12,000 kilometers through Russia and Mongolia. Not without difficulties: LeAnn leads to a fall, and because of the snow sometimes had to walk beside the bike. In Chelyabinsk, Kharitonov was in the hospital, and in Ulan-Ude strongly poisoned. However, all is well finished and the traveler can continue his circumnavigation motocross.
"I went completely unbeliever, but I had a dream to believe, because to live by faith is much easier, more correct and more interesting ... I still can not say that he became a believer, but along the way I understand that circumstances can not, so well folding on my way, occur without the hand of God. Something in me going, I can feel it, "- said the traveler.
Then his path lies in the countries of Southeast Asia - Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Total Kharitonov intends to pass 65 countries, cxc with more than 50% of the way planned cxc on unpaved roads or off-road. In circumnavigation motocross several purposes, the first of which is exploratory in nature - the traveler intends to visit memorable places and objects of the Russian cultural and historical heritage abroad. Travel is supported by the Russian military-historical society, as well as Federal Agency for Tourism. cxc
17:42 12/02/2014 Russian traveler Oleg Kharitonov performing circumnavigation motorobeg already traveled more than 12,000 kilometers through Russia and Mongolia, and all he has to overcome about 150 thousand kilometers across five continents.
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Friday, March 13, 2015

Al Pacino on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the first time decided to get married

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Vadim also dabbled in acting niche and worked as a DJ. He also avid traveler (have been in the US, Europe, Asia) and is interested in cooking 14 years. Love of good food he instilled grandmother and mother.
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Al Pacino on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the first time decided to get married
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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Russian traveler

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Russian traveler
Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (until 1906 - Sёmenov 2 (14) January 1827 - February 26 (March 11), 1914) - Russian geographer, botanist, statistician and public figure. Vice chairman and head of the Russian Geographical Society (since 1873) and the Russian dof Entomological Society (1889). Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1873). Member of the State Council (1897). Member of the Russian Mining Society (1900). In 1856-1857 years studied the Tien Shan. Initiated a series of expeditions to Central dof Asia. In 1859-60 participated as a member of an expert in the work of the Drafting Committee for the preparation of the peasant dof reform of 1861. The organizer of the first census of the population of Russia in 1897.
It is known that without the great names of creators and educators, would not our city and our university that they are. Often there are pangs of conscience, reminding us of our guilt before teachers. Resurrect worthy names predecessors, the creators of science (whether or laboratory academician) - an important and responsible task.
Celebrated 170 years since his birth. The life and work of Peter Petrovich there is a large literature, but, as is known, eliminates dof memory. Do not let it languish roots - our sacred duty to future generations.
Pyotr Petrovich was scientists worldwide. It's hard to say that dominated in his multifaceted activities. Even a short list of his professions and positions is surprising. He was a geographer and geologist, botanist and entomologist, statistician, economist and traveler, organizer and historian of science. LS Berg believes that the most important of his "true calling" was geography, and "that his specialty he invariably served in all its various walks of life." PAKropotkin, who considered himself a disciple and follower of Peter Petrovich, called him "the father of modern geography in Russia."
Since 1873, Peter - an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. dof Since 1874 - Honorary Member dof of the Academy of Arts. In addition, it is an honorary member of many foreign geographical and other scientific societies.
He was also an avid collector. His excellent entomological collection is stored in the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. His collection of Dutch and Flemish paintings (719 copies) has been recognized by the fullness dof of the second in Europe. Currently, she is the property of the Hermitage and at the conclusion of experts, fills the Hermitage collection. At the end of 1997 is supposed to show this collection. Extensive work of Peter Petrovich "Studies in the History of Dutch painting" and now used by specialists.
"Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire." 5 volumes. 1863-1885 gg. "There is nothing equal to the value of this work is not created until now. "Statistics of landed property and localities of European Russia" 1880-1884 gg. "The history of half a century dof of activity of the Russian Geographical Society." 3 monumental volume in 1896, where he was with the utmost thoroughness described the activities of the Russian Geographical Society, from the details of its creation (1845) to the results of most small expeditions. "Journey to the Tien Shan in 1856-1857 dof gg.," 11 ed., Published in Geografgiz 1948 ed. N.G.Fradkina.
Peter was a consummate organizer and publications. Under his editorship and with direct participation were published such classic multi-volume works as "Russian. Full geographic description of our fatherland ", 1899-1914," Picturesque Russia "in 12 volumes, and much, much more.
During the life of Peter is a frequent speaker and lectures at academic councils and student audiences. It was at the urging of Peter Petrovich in the Charter of the University in 1884 was made a regular item on the teaching of geography that before if he had, it occasionally as an auxiliary science.
Communication with the University of Pyotr Petrovich was carried out as a constant concern for the elderly and disadvantaged students scientists. He regularly sought pensions and scholarships. In case of need, he personally visited the family of the poor and often provide generous assistance to the needy from personal funds.
Humanism Petr Petrovich was boundless. Its democracy, internationalism and generosity create an image only charming, capable, by definition, LS Berg, "to attract the heart."
Despite the high-ranking officials dof and a very busy academic and administrative work, Peter, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, dof was a man of public, kind, sympathetic to someone else