Thursday, April 2, 2015

Forum software by XenForo 2010-2014 XenForo Ltd. operated by Lykke Media AS | Spo

Code: <h1 style = "text-align: left;"> Contact Us </ h1> <p style = "text-align: left;"> <span style = "color: # 000000;"> You can contact us on </ span> <span style = "color: # c70000;"> mail @ *****. en * </ span> <span style = "color: # 000000;"> or fill out contact form below *. </ span> </ p> <p style = "text-align: left;"> [contact-form-7 id = "213" title = "Contact Us"] </ p> & nbsp; <H1> </ h1> How do I get this contact form completely right? When we're at it, how do but this entirely on the middle of the page?
Posts: 425
# 5
Had I been you as I had considered buying some "shortcodes". When you get a small stack of småkoder with eg possibility of placing things eg 3/4 of a page (ie that it takes up 3/4 of the width) and then you can eg have the main content of 3 / 4 also can have a contact form on 1/4. I have used this on a page I'm working on now: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Where are all the three categories plus the contact form on each fourth code. I thought at least it is much easier to do it this way and it also works well responsive. Here is an example of such a package with tags: WordPress - Vision - Wordpress Shortcodes Plugin | Code Canyon dmc
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