Sunday, December 29, 2013

I Tumax 386

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The outdoors makes a ciepoi interesting ... time to start a new chapter with photography ... and now my question to the always reliable uytkownikw this forum. Looking for how long the lamps already byskowych (systemic) pieces 2 mg so I take them to the field and pofoci my 40D several portretw or cae silhouetted against the sunset sun or in the forest. Obviously does not have great financial baby photos means, and therefore my goals every style: Nissin, Metz or even what such, pl, 243, wa lam ... + cy20ds. html, pl, 242, wa lam ... + by26al.html Because I still have not flash the system (I know, I know), I have no idea on this topic what to select and what parameters it really draws attention. With wild game for your help.
These lamps are not the best idea when it comes to strobing mostly do not have the flash power control m (manual) look at this forum topic was already processed several times and explains quite in detail greet you edit here pierwszez shore: / questions-about-os ... em-zakupic.htm
odpu these inventions. If we observe Allegro and buy 430ez. Lamp analog adjustment of pen bysku, manual zoom and more importantly baby photos this flash ttla It runs Apart from those with digits. Prices rnie from 160 to 300Z. depends on the state. I recommend because I have a fully playing
Feel free to have a look and leave your comment in my wtku - CLICK Canon 5DMkII, 40D + some electrical and M42 lubniaki and others on invite me on FB . wierzbicki
Becoming a member of Aug 2006
I Di622 - a good, strong light for good the money. but you need to check if a new soft and that will dziaaaz triggers because I have a model Which one does not work and accomplishes baby photos She must socket. except that regulate manual baby photos zoom does not.
Feel free to have a look and leave your comment in my wtku - CLICK Canon 5DMkII, 40D + some electrical and M42 lubniaki and others on invite me on FB . wierzbicki
otatnio reworked the subject and August had read about all the lamps on the side of me came forth ;) and so, after a thorough analysis I took: 2x Metz'a 48 AF-1 and one 58, all on the radio fomex'ach baby photos - works with mio :]
for amounts close to those 1000Z can buy studio Quantuum with power-trowel, aku enough baby photos for the 300 byskw, and what can zaoy softy, as has a power :) not the only minus is the time bysku, speedlite'y come about wieeeele krtszy BYSKE - wic depends on what is the need, if May is to g Assumption scene dynamic sport - but it is probably a better choice s speedlite'y
Mover I give so much to wiato, for a large expense as my pocket now Trutenka NG today have found it (but only ~ 150 images at one excursion) http://www confusing to intensively on Di622 (at least one on rod b .. unless that someone has other suggestions
I spoke with who I am at a stand at the fair in the Q boat in zeszym year and it seems to me that that question bya 300 byskach ... better check in Q can these vary depending on the uytej this power, we can at only 150 full and on less power more
150-300 I have the impression that it's still in the open air for Mao and his way is normal that the producers / distributors of inflating the results to advertising and such an invention? who has / test? Tumax 386AFZ (sounds like the name of an old PC - 386)
otatnio baby photos reworked baby photos the subject and August had read about all the lamps on the side of me came forth ;) and so, after a thorough analysis I took: 2x Metz'a 48 AF-1 and one 58, all on the radio fomex'ach - works with mio :] I'm 58 and trying on up to 48 My question is why fire up on radiwkach? 58 should control 48 - or outdoors it does not work out?
I'm 58 and trying on up to 48 My question is why fire up on radiwkach? 58 should control 48 - or outdoors it does not work out? I'll tell you with nicer to me in August resulted in the use 48 than 58 because of the menu - it is faster :) all the lights I can control myself even with the 7d, you do not have '58 ', but not in this thing. simply the number of games in the house with lights triggered flashes came to the conclusion that there is no out what it fun. need careful August saw teeth flash (flash of), photocell teeth were not obscured, was sufficient flash of teeth, baby photos etc. - basically a lot of combining, adjusting, checking, worrying August or going to work like a waste of time. tymbardziej that I like to hide / hide the lamp for objects (as of August in general do not see). and at the same radio always have the assurance that it should be done in all conditions, on duuuze distance and in every direction baby photos - the convenience and pleasure of taking pictures:] I only wish the need jogging lamps to change the parameters ;)
30-03-2010, 16:16 # 15
I Tumax 386

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